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Presentation of rebranding Berdyansk Plant of Handling Equipment into a sea port terminal, including implementation of high technologies for efficient grain handling and increased profitability.
heTTTnhehTtt The presentation of retyping PJS «BPHE»into sea port terminal Berdyansk 2016
The list of information materials as for reasoning of retyping The lower ground of Public Joint Stock company «Berdyansk Plant of Handling Equipment» Into the sea port terminal. 1. The explanatory letter. 2. The visual plan of the territory BPHE as the development of the territory «Berdyansk Sea Trading Port». 3. The outline of railway and highway routes of the port both on their own territory. 4. The outline of possible development of inner railway routes of the port after the territory will be included in the border of the port. 5. The outline of the type of implementation of effective technology of accumulation, storage and overloading of grains and bread products.
6. The outline of planning of the port terminal BPHE in the grain complex with once-only accumulation of 36 000 tons of grains and 14 000 tons of grain products. 7. The account of growth of load processing of BPHE. 8. The outline and section lining of high conveyer gallery on the port' s territory without the appearance of blocks for port's active overloading technologies. 9. The outline of placement of dry-cargo ship on the second wharf. 10. The prognosis of additional profits of local and state budgets, social funding. 11.The prognosis of additional profits of the branch enterprise «ASPM». 12. Conclusion.
Berdyansk sea port is situated in Berdyansk bay of the Azov Sea in Zaporizhya region - the fourth region according to volume of production in Ukraine.The investments in high technologies that would provide a high intensity of ship's processing when the ships were downloaded, the accumulation of ship's goods without natural loses when they were stored, theprevention of inner port's transportation by autotransport, were not done for a long time.The existing grain terminal with the volume of once-only accumulation of 18 000 tons that is situated on the wharf with the depth of 5,5 metres achieves the daily intensivity onlyto3000 tons.The biggest technological problem of overloading on all wharfs is not good enough railway net of the port. It influences not only on the intensity of processing the ships but the period of staying carriages in the port.
The main means of overfreight of bulk cargoes is grab.The volumes of cargoes of industry in Zaporizhya region without grains and bread products don’ t make even 10% of annual goods’ circulation. On contrary, grains and bread products shows the constant growth for these two years and the prognosis of researches as for growing productivity of Ukrainian agriculture proves the tendency of growth during 10 years.Besides, as for 2016 the comparison of costs on transport logistic in transporting grains to Berdyansk Sea port in the distance to 450 km, the automobile transport prevails over railway. In comparing with the distance to other Ukrainian ports and including the river grain terminals on the Dnieper, Berdyansk Sea port is the most attractive according to the transport logistics as for export of grains by ships from 5 000 tons till 18 000 tons.
For this time there is no balance among acumulated grains with its need in downloading the ship and it doesn’t allow to increase intensity to the level of other Ukrainian ports. So, half of it is stored in the warehouses that are far from the port and is coming when the ships are processed 24 hours a day, that makes negative emotions with people when the noise influences at night time or traffic jams on the roads because of necessity doing all works in agreeable time and avoiding penalties with the Ukrainian cargo’s owner. The additional expences to the ship owner are compensated by the agricultural producer when there is an agreement as for price with the grains traider.
Taking into consideration the fact that the part of the territory of BPHE2,9 hectares is joined to the territory of Berdyansk Sea Port, the retyping of thisterritory into sea downloading terminal increase the storage volumes more than 15 percent and gives the opportunity to use the port’s infrastructure more effectively of Berdyansk branch of state enterprise “Administrations of Sea ports of Ukraine” without any additional state investing money. The implementation of high technologies as for accumulation of grains and a dry cargo ship on the wharf number 2 allows to reach the day’s intensity of downloading ships to 15 000 tons, to stop traffic at night time and transmit it to the day time.
The construction of the terminal of grains and bread products on the territory of BPHE with the opportunity to store the cargo till 50 000 tons decreases the quantity of overloading on the way from agricultiral unit to the uploading to the importerthat, of course, gives additional money to the agricultural people and preserve the initial quality of the goods. Attraction of the part of the territory of BPHE for the development of railway net of the port also gives an opportunity for the implementation of the Project of possibilities of the development of Berdyansk Sea Port that was approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine . It is worth saying that for the last two years the annual growth of cargoes processing is more than 2 million tons. The branch enterprise “Berdyansk Sea Port” achieved for the coasting logistics delivery of iron ore to the metallurgical enterprises of Mariupol.If to increase in 2016 the admission possibility of the railway towards Mariupol via Kamysh-Zarya-Volnovaha, this transport logistics will not be efficient.
The previous attempts of making the cargoes galleries on the port’s territory allows to come to the conclusion that their construction will not prevent the existing technological processes as for overloading, will not make any blocks for crossing of the automobile and railway traffic. The length of the gallery from the territory of BPHE to the border of the wharf is 105 metres.
The plan of the territory BPHE directly lying to the territory of the enterprise «Berdyansk Sea Trading Port»
The outline of The outline of active railway and automobile ways of the port on their own territory and on the lands of BPHE
The variant of perspective developmentof inner port railway net consideringusing thepart of the territoryof BPHE
Plan of installationof conveyor gallery on the territory of the port
The project outlineof implementingthe effective technologies of accumulation, storage and overloadingof grain and bread products Ship with intensity 600 tons per year Admissionof grain and bread products Once-timeaccumulation of 50 thousand tons In 36 thousand tons of grain and 14 thousand tons of bread products of five items or quantity indexes Gallery-conveyer communicationof closed storagesto the place of loading on the ship Auto transport Railway transport Intensity of* unloading from280 tons/per year * Note: The intensity 280 tons/per year can be on each kind of transport separately or one moment processing of auto transport and carriages withpreservance of intensity280 tons/ per year
Calculation of increasing payments to the state and local budgets, social funds BB «АSPM»
Indexesof additionalprofitsof Berdyansk Branch of «ASPM», mln. hrvn.
The existing storageterritory «Berdyansk Sea Port» isfor 2016 110,8 square km,: • openstorages – 97,7 thousandsquare m; • closedstorages – 13,1 thousand square m. • Closed storagesof the port provide at the same timethe storage and accumulation of the grainsand bread productstill15 thousand tonswith circulation tillindex 1,5, that providesmonth freight turnovertill 22 thousand tonsand intensityof downloaded works on the shiptill 3 thousand tons per day. • Includingoverloading of the grainswith the terminal «The NewKhortitsa» and the directvariant of usingflat, the annual freight turnover of grains is 770 thousand tons, that is 18% of annualfreight turnoverincluding overloading of iron ore (hematite) or 30% in the case of lack the necessity of coastingtransportationof hematite. • With annual increasing of freight turnoverof Berdyansk port, with the help of createdcapacities of the seaterminal BPHE, the annual freight processingwill increase to 5406 thousand tons, that makesgrowth for 26% including hematiteor 80% not includinghematiteand preserves the reached freight processing in2015. Calculationof the growthof the freight processingof Berdyansk STPafterimplementation of theproject of construction ofthe sea terminal of BPHEwith commissioning till 2018.
CONCLUSION The project of retyping the new ground of PJSC “BPHE” into sea terminal has positive influence on the development of Berdyansk Sea Port and corresponds the General Plan of perspective development of the port approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure. i.e. the territory of the port is increasing for 2,9 hect., the financial investing source of the development of the port is private fund without taking budget money, this investing project provides using modern technologies of overloading that increase the intensity of processing ships in 5 times . Berdyansk department of branch enterprise without any additional funding will get additional profits in port fees, increasing channel fees will get closer the balance of profits with necessary payment for making works in making depth in the bottom, state and local budgets will be with additional source of money .