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Epidemiological Update on Public Health Emergencies WHO Country Office, Liberia 9 March 2018

This update provides information on Lassa Fever in Nigeria, Rift Valley Fever in South Sudan, Meningitis in the AFRO region, and Cholera in Malawi. It includes case numbers, laboratory results, public health actions, and response coordination.

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Epidemiological Update on Public Health Emergencies WHO Country Office, Liberia 9 March 2018

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  1. Epidemiological Update onPublic Health EmergenciesWHO Country Office, Liberia9 March 2018

  2. Content 1 Lassa Fever: Nigeria • Rift Valley Fever: South Sudan 2 3 • Meningitis: AFRO Region Cholera: Malawi 4

  3. Public Health Emergencies (AFRO) 1 Protracted Grade 2 event 2 Protracted Grade 3 events 9 Grade 1 events 9 Humanitarian Crises 2 Grade 3 events 39 Outbreaks 29 Ungraded events 5 Grade 2 events Source: WHO Health Emergencies AFRO week 9bulletin on outbreaks and public health emergencies

  4. Lassa Fever: Nigeria • Week 8: 54 new confirmed cases, including ten deaths (CFR – 18.5%) were reported from eight states • Between 1 January and 18 February 2018, a total of 1,081 suspected cases and 90 deaths (CFR – 8.3%) have been reported from 18 states • Male to female ratio: 2:1 among confirmed cases • Main Age Group: between 21 and 40years • Laboratory:325 cases tested - 317were positive while 8 cases were classified as probable. CFR (confirmed and probable) -23% (72/277). • 69% of confirmed cases are from Edo and Ondo States • A total of 2 845contacts have been identified and 1 897 (66.7%) are still under follow up. • Public Health Response • National Lassa fever EOC continues to coordinate response • A national RRT deployed • Dedicated Lassa fever treatment units established and ribavirin is available for treatment • Cross-border collaboration and information sharing between Nigeria and neighbouring Benin.

  5. Rift Valley fever: South Sudan • Week 8: one new suspected case was reported • 17 year-old male who presented to hospital on 19 February 2018 and died on 21 February 2018. • He reportedly vomited coffee grounds and frank blood, passed melaena stools, and lost consciousness before death. • The deaths of goats and a cow have been reported in the neighbourhood of the case. • As of 24 February 2018: a total of 32 cases and four deaths reported from Yirol East County. • Five confirmed, 3 probable cases, 12 suspected, 12 non-cases • Excluding non-cases, the majority of suspected cases are women (60%; 12/20), and age group 20-39 years (60%) • PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIONS • Coordination of response by a multi-sectoral task force at the national and sub-national (Yirol East) levels. • Surveillance for suspected human and animal cases by community workers • Social mobilization and awareness • Development of multisectoralRVF preparedness and response framework

  6. Meningitis: AFRO Region • Week 7: 854 new cases with 36 deaths reported from 16 countries • From week 1 to 7, a cumulative total of 3,813suspected meningitis cases with 263deaths have been reported by countries of the belt under enhanced surveillance (CFR 7%). • A total of 1,406 samples have been tested out of 3,813cumulative suspected cases. (36.9%). • Spn remains the dominant germ with 101/177 (57%) of positive results. • At week 7, one district in Ghana reached the epidemic threshold and elevenothers the alert threshold in two countries: Ghana (8) and Nigeria (3) • Ghana: o 1districts in the Upper West reached the epidemic threshold: Jirapa with an AR of 10.7 and NadowliKaleo with an AR of 11.1. Map of Meningitis main pathogens reported weeks 01 – 07, 2018 Source: WHO IST West Africa Week 7 Meningitis Bulletin

  7. Cholera: Malawi • Week 8: a total of 101 new suspected cholera cases including four deaths were reported from five districts, • From 24 November 2017 to 25 February 2018: a total of 642 cases including 13 deaths (case fatality rate 2.0%) were reported. • Thirteen out of 29 (45%) districts in the country have been affected • Of 435 cases with known ages and gender, 70% (305) were aged 15 years and above and 51% (221) were females. • A total of 84 stool samples have been collected and 78 (93%) tested positive for Vibrio cholerae O1 by culture. • PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIONS • WASH clusters meet every two weeks to review and coordinate activities and mobilize resources • First round of OCV campaign conducted from 19-23 February 2018 in Karonga • Active surveillance including household visits ongoing in the affected areas. • A total of 2 305 health workers have been trained in cholera case management • WHO has donated 1 200 cholera rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for diagnostics


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