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Selected results: Gauteng Seretloane Mabitsela. Background. The South Africa Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS) 2016 is a national sample survey designed to produce information on health and nutrition of the population of South Africa.
Selected results: Gauteng Seretloane Mabitsela
Background The South Africa Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS) 2016 is a national sample survey designed to produce information on health and nutrition of the population of South Africa Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) implemented the survey in collaboration with the National Department of Health (NDoH) and the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) The SADHS 2016 is the third DHS to be conducted in South Africa ThefirstSADHS was conducted in 1998 and the second one in 2003
Objectives of the survey • To provide information on family planning, maternal and child health, child survival, HIV/AIDS, reproductive health, nutrition, and adult health in South Africa. • Information collected will assist health policy makers to plan and prioritise health programmes for all people living in South Africa
Information Collected in SADHS 2016 Demographic indicators Reproductive health & contraception HIV prevalence of adults Under-5 mortality rate, infant mortality rate, neonatal mortality rate, maternal mortality ratio, fertility rates Number of sexual partners, STIs, circumcision, use of contraceptives, unmet family planning Context for all other programme information Maternal, new-born & child health programme indicators Management of NCDs & risk factors Women’s status Uncontrolled hypertension, high HBA1c, chronic respiratory disease, overweight and obesity, smoking, alcohol, eating fruit and vegetables, drinking sugar sweetened beverage and intention to change salt intake Ante-natal care, HIV testing, births in facilities, post natal care, exclusive breast feeding, infant feeding, underweight, stunting, anaemia, diarrhoea and respiratory infection Women’s role in household decision making, domestic violence
Types of testing Anthropometry Anaemia Testing Height and weight measurements recorded for children age 0-59 months and for women and men age 15 and older Blood specimens for anaemia testing were collected from women and men age 15 and older and from children age 6-59 months Diabetes and HIV testing Blood Pressure Measurement Biomarkers collected finger-prick blood specimens for laboratory Diabetes (HbA1c) and HIV testing from women and men age 15 and older who consented Three blood pressure measurements were taken from consenting women and men age 15 and older using Omron 1300 digital blood pressure monitors
Fertility In 2016 the Total Fertility Rate stood at for Urban Women for Non-Urban Women 2,4 3,1
Fertility by 19 years of age 16% of girls have begun childbearing Hospital School Girls with lower levels of education are more likely to fall pregnant.
Percentage distribution of teenagers who began childbearing by age As expected teenage pregnancy increases with age. Fewer 19 year olds have begun childbearing in 2016
Percentage distribution of teenagers who began childbearing: Gauteng The Northern Cape and North West have the highest percentages of teenagers who began childbearing, Gauteng is just below the country average of 15,6%
Fertility preferences 61%of Married Mothers who already have 2 children have no desire for more children or sterilised 88% of Married Mothers who already have 4children have no desire for more children or sterilised 88% 61%
Contraception 58% of all women 15-49 not only use contraception but use modern methods of contraception
Contraception Contraceptive use among women currently married or living with someone as married
Contraception: Gauteng Contraceptive use among women currently married or living with someone as married
Contraception Selected contraceptive use amongst sexually active women • Unmarried - use of injectables declined from 44% to 26%
Contraception Selected contraceptive use amongst sexually active women • Unmarried: condom use increased from 3% to 24%
Contraception preferences: Gauteng Selected contraceptive use amongst sexually active women in GP Injectables the most preferred method, unmarried= is male condom, married= injectables
Summary: contraceptive use • Overall, first commonly used = Depo (3 months), followed by male condom • Drop in selected methods of contraceptives except for male condom among both unmarried and married women • Among currently married woman 15% of family planning need is unmet
Infant and child mortality rates are basic indicators of a country’s socioeconomic progress as well as quality of life
Comparison of childhood mortality, 1998 and 2016 Deaths per 1,000 live births in the 5 years before the survey
Immunisation coverage 24-35 months Only 42% of 24-35 month old children have received all age appropriate vaccinations.
Immunisation coverage 24-35 months: Gauteng Low levels all vaccinations Only half received measles 2
Nutritional Status of Children by Age Pattern Stunting is low height for age Stunting clearly remains a national concern.
Breastfeeding Status of Babies 0-5 Months 32% of children less than 6 months are exclusively breast fed which is less than the recommended 50% of exclusively breastfeeding as per WHO recommendation
Multiple Sexual Partners (2+) in past 12 months 5% Among the men who had two or more partners in the past 12 months, 65% of them reported using a condom during their last sexual intercourse. Multiple Sexual Partners (2+) in past 12 months Among the women who had two or more partners in the past 12 months, 58% reported using a condom during their last sexual intercourse Multiple Sexual Partners (2+) in past 12 months
62% Condom Use Multiple Sexual Partners (2+) in past 12 months in Gauteng Multiple Sexual Partners (2+) in past 12 months Female 4% 62% Condom Use Among the men who had two or more partners in the past 12 months, 68% of them reported using a condom during their last sexual intercourse. Among the women who had two or more partners in the past 12 months, 62% reported using a condom during their last sexual intercourse Male 17% 68% Condom Use Multiple Sexual Partners (2+) in past 12 months
Intercourse in the past 12 months with a person who was neither their spouse nor lived with Among the men who had intercourse with a person who was neither their spouse nor lived with them, 69% used a condom at last sexual intercourse Among the women who had intercourse with a person who was neither their spouse nor lived with them, 60% used a condom at last sexual intercourse
Intercourse in the past 12 months with a person who was neither their spouse nor lived with them in Gauteng Among the men who had intercourse with a person who was neither their spouse nor lived with them, 67% used a condom at last sexual intercourse Female 43% 66% Condom Use Among the women who had intercourse with a person who was neither their spouse nor lived with them, 66% used a condom at last sexual intercourse. Male 67% Condom Use 55%
Sexual partners The average number of lifetime sexual partners among all men age 15-49 is 15 Gauteng=24 The average number of lifetime sexual partners among all women age 15-49 is 4 Gauteng=5
Knowledge and History of HIV Testing Women have higher levels of knowledge regarding testing than men Women 15-49 Men 15-49 Know where to test 92% 93% 82% Ever Tested 69% 59% Tested in the past 12 Months and received the last results 45% In the age group 15-24, 31% of women and 42% of men have never tested for HIV and AIDS
Knowledge and History of HIV Testing: Gauteng Knowledge of where to test NC EC LP MP KZN FS South Africa GP WC NW Women Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Women Women Women Women Women Women Women Women Women 97% 88% 94% 93% 96% 96% 96% 86% 94% 93% 96% 91% 97% 91% 93% 97% 93% 91% 98% 93%
Ever tested and received results: Gauteng Women have higher levels of testing than men EC KZN LP NC WC FS South Africa MP GP NW Women Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Men Women Women Women Women Women Women Women Women Women 74% 72% 55% 73% 74% 69% 62% 74% 70% 63% 84% 80% 78% 81% 82% 82% 84% 86% 81% 86%
Tested in the 12 months and received results: Gauteng Womenhave higher levels of testing than men
Nutritional Status Based on BMI score, two-thirds (68%) of women in South Africa are overweight or obese Just under one third of men (31%) are overweight or obese.
Prevalence of hypertension (blood pressure >140/80 mm/Hg and/or medication) by Sex and Age Group Hypertension increases with Age. After age 45, women have higher percentage of those who are hypertensive than men
Prevalence of hypertension (blood pressure >140/80 mm/Hg and/or medication) by Sex: Gauteng Gauteng ranking third lowest for both men and women
Prevalence of Anaemia in Adults by Age • 31% of adult women and 17% of adult men are anaemic
Prevalence of Anaemia in adult women: Gauteng • 32% of adult women in Gauteng anaemic, ranked third
Prevalence of Anaemia in adult men: Gauteng • 17% of adult men anaemic in Gauteng, same as the National
Break/Section Slide Achohol and Tobbaco • Smoking and alcohol
Prevalence of Tobacco use by Population Group and Sex Overall males smoke daily more than women Male Female Coloured and white women have much higher prevalence of cigarette smoking (38% and 15% respectively) than Black/African and Indian women (3% each). Cigarette smoking between the different population groups more similar in males as opposed to females
Prevalence of Smoking Cigarettes by women: Gauteng Onein 20 women smoke
Prevalence of Smoking Cigarettes by Men: Gauteng One in four men smoke
Report having drunk alcohol in the past 7 days by Population Group and Sex Alcohol consumption is more common among men than women
Report having drunk alcohol in the past 7 days by Sex: Gauteng Men has the highest rate
Experience of violence