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Why Religious Education is (still) important

Why Religious Education is (still) important. RE in MK. Overview. Why is RE Important ? Legal Responsibilities What is SACRE? (Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education) How we can help your school. What are the potential benefits of an effective RE Curriculum?.

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Why Religious Education is (still) important

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  1. Why Religious Education is (still) important RE in MK

  2. Overview • Why is RE Important ? • Legal Responsibilities • What is SACRE? (Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education) • How we can help your school.

  3. What are the potential benefits of an effective RE Curriculum? • Can be used as an integral part of effective SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural development) provision • Can be used to develop higher order thinking skills • Can lead to success in GCSE and A level RE exams and a broader curriculum offer

  4. Legal Responsibilities Religious Education required in all schools! “every maintained school in England must provide for all registered pupils a basic curriculum of which religious education must be a part except for those pupils whose parents have exercised their right to withdraw their children from all or any part of religious education lessons”. - Schedule 19 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998

  5. What about my school ? • Community and voluntary controlled Church of England schools are required by law to follow the RE syllabus provided by Milton Keynes for use in all the Local Authority’s schools. • In voluntary aided faith schools, the nature of RE is the responsibility of the Governing Body. These schools should seek guidance from the relevant diocese to support governors in their decision making.

  6. What about my school ? • All academies are required to teach RE. In February 2011 the DfE provided the following statement: “Academies must provide religious education in accordance with their Funding Agreements. The policy intention is for the model Funding Agreements to broadly reflect the provisions that apply to local authorities and schools in the maintained sector. The Funding Agreement requires that Academies with a religious designation provide religious education in accordance with the tenets of their faith and Academies that do not have a religious designation must arrange for religious education to be given to all pupils in accordance with the requirements for Agreed Syllabuses.

  7. SACRE: (Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education) Supports teaching of RE in MK, providing advice and training for teachers including -Teaching materials -Development of a local Curriculum -Providing connections for RE visits -Developing materials (subject booklets, lesson plans, web-based access)

  8. Challenges facing the development of RE • Reduced profile in schools • RE not included in the EBacc • Fewer specialist teachers and a reduction in the number of teaching grants available

  9. Questions to consider • Is your school aware of the support available from SACRE? • Do you have an RE link governor? • Do you know if there is an RE co-ordinator on your staff? • How is RE being used as part of your schools SMSC offer? • What could SACRE do better to support the development of RE in your schools?

  10. Contacts The Clerk: Janet Gleghorn: janet.gleghorn@Milton-keynes.gov.ukChairRev Paul Smith: Paul.a.smith.mk@btinternet.com01908 606689Vice Chair: virdeebasra@hotmail.co.ukTina Virdee-Basra01908 526936Adviser: Jo Fageant: jo.fageant@oxford.anglican.org(07885 697447)SACRE Web: on MK Council schools pages

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