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Wisconsin Private Sector Jobs. thisisaboutus.com. You might want to use your pause button. The slides are set for a few seconds each. Links for all sources are at the end of this presentation. All Wisconsin Job Numbers come from the Department of Workforce Development dwd.wisconsin.gov.
Wisconsin Private Sector Jobs thisisaboutus.com
You might want to use your pause button. The slides are set for a few seconds each. Links for all sources are at the end of this presentation. All Wisconsin Job Numbers come from the Department of Workforce Development dwd.wisconsin.gov
“Two Years ago Republicans promised to focus first on jobs and help getting WI moving in the right direction. I’m proud we kept that promise.” Scott Fitzgerald R – JuneauWatertown Daily Times March 17th 2012
Please check my sources and my math I contacted dwd.wisconsin.gov I asked for job creation numbers for the last six months of the Doyle administration. The third time I asked I was sent a link to nine spread sheets going from 1990 to 2011 (between the 9 charts). The link is source number two. On two different days I went to the charts and did the math. I would welcome anyone to let me know if there is an error in any number This is what if found
Governor Walker Said He Would Create 250,000 Jobs In Four Years, This is 62,500 in 1 Year. (The Blue Line)
Each Month You’re Told A Preliminary Job Number. (1) This Is What You Were Told Was Happening Each Month (Pink Line)
Job Numbers From Employer Quarterly Reports (2) Actual 2011 Job Numbers (Yellow Line)
Governor Walker claimed he would create 250,000 jobs in four years This would be 62,500 jobs in one year.At the end of 2011 you were told (preliminary) Governor Walker created 13,500 jobs.From employer quarterly reports under Governor Walker leadership in 2011 Wisconsin lost 9,700 private sector jobs
“Preliminary” By June you were told 41,200 jobs had been created and the actual number turned out to be 12,000
National Job Number Divided by 50 for the “Average States” Job Creation. (3) If Wisconsin was Average 42,120 Jobs Would Have Been Created
If Wisconsin had the “Average State” Job Growth, 51,820 More Jobs Would Have Been Created In Wisconsin Then Were Created By Governor Walker.
In 2010 Governor Doyle Created 28,200 Private Sector jobs. (2) In 2011 Governor Walker Lost (9,700) Private Sector Jobs (2)
In 2010 Wisconsin positive job growth started in February, one month before the nation started it’s positive job growth. The average job growth in the first six months per month was1,480 jobs a month. The average job growth in the second six months per month was 3,550 jobs a month. For the year 28,200 private sector jobs were created If Wisconsin created its proportional share of jobs (1/50th of the national job creation number) we would have created 24,960 jobs. Wisconsin GDP is slightly above average.
In 201112,000 jobs were created in the first three months of the year (up to when the budget was signed) Job gains for the year 12,800. Job losses for the year (22,500) Job losses since budget passed (April - December) (21,200)Job losses since budget went into effect (July - December) (21,700) 94% job growth occurred before the budget was signed. Average job growth per month since budget went into effect is a loss of (3,100) jobs month Average number of private sector jobs in the first 6 months was 2,333,633 Average number of private sector jobs in the second 6 months was 2,319,366
Questions to ask yourself before voting For the record I have never been a government employee or a member of a union.
Since Governor Walker was going to create 250,000 in four years, is he now going to create 259,700 jobs in three years?
According to the Legislative Fiscal Bureau the next state budget 2013-14 Wisconsin has a $3 billion dollar deficit. In the current state budget they estimate we have a $143 million dollar deficit. When you include the $65 million emergency fund which the state is required to keep on hand by law this is over a $200 million dollars deficit in the current budget. What should we cut this year to balance the budget and what should we cut for the next budget?http://legis.wisconsin.gov/lfb/publications/Revenue-Estimates/Documents/2012_02_09_Darling_Vos_Revenue%20estimates.pdf
If the people who want a recall are responsible for the job losses, why did job creation become stagnate in April and in rapidly decline in July, even though the recall didn’t start until November?
Money has a multiplier effect in our economy. Job creation crashed when we took thousand of dollars out of the hands of hundreds of thousand of people. Government workers had to change their spending habits. Isn’t this the real reason for the jobs loss? If any business needs help, are you telling me there not going to hire someone until they know if Governor Walker is going to keep his job? Why are there job gains (preliminary) in January when this is at the end of the recall action, if the recall is the reason for the job losses?
In 2011 Wisconsin lost 20,000 jobs, 9,700 private sector and 10,000+ government employees. A lower unemployment rate means people have stopped looking for work. Is a lower unemployment rate always a good thing?
Quotes From Reginald NewsonSecretary of the Department of Workforce Development “The year 2011 as a whole averaged 18,800 more private-sector jobs in Wisconsin than in 2010 as a whole.” Media Release 3/16/2012 “Number of Wisconsinites employed grew by over 11,600 last year” Media Release 3/16/2012“As difficult as this may be for critics of the Walker Administration to admit, Wisconsin’s economy is undeniably headed in the right direction. It moved in the right direction in 2011, and it will keep moving in the right direction in 2012.” Media Release 3/16/2012https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dwd/newsreleases/2012/120316_bls_national.pdf
Department of Workforce Development Secretary Reginald Newson claims if you take the average number of people working in 2010 and the average number of people working in 2011, the difference is 18,800 and this proves Governor Walkers policies are working. From the average number of jobs in 2010 to the end of the year, 14,800 jobs had been created which have been included in Governor Walker’s numbers. When I do the math the difference between the years is 17,600 so he’s maybe adding in the January preliminary number, which are subject to change. So to prove Governor Walker’s policies are working you need to take credit for jobs created the year before coming into office and credit for jobs where the number is subject to change. Is losing 9,700 private sector jobs moving the economy in the right direction when the “average state” should have created over 40,000+ jobs?
Non Farm (Total jobs) Dec 2011 2,719,800 December 2011 2,719,800 Dec 2010 2,740,800 January 2011 2,744,800 (21,000) (25,000) GovernmentDec 2011 405,900 December 2011 405,900Dec 2010 417,200 January 2011 416,100 (11,300) (10,200) PrivateDec 2011 2,313,900 December 2011 2,313,900Dec 2010 2,323,600 January 2011 2,328,700 (9,700) (14,800)
The difference of 1,100 government employees between Dec 2010 and Jan 2011, I did the year from Dec to Dec. to show the difference between the years If you start in January you don’t get the January number in the final number because the January number comes from December. Whether it’s non-farm, government or private sector, regardless of how you do it, whether it’s December or January how can you claim. “Number of Wisconsinites employed grew by over 11,600 last year.” Go to the links and do the math, I come up with 17,600 as the average between 2010 and 2011, not 18,800.The numbers he’s using just don’t add up.
20,000 fewer people are earning a paycheck, paying income taxes, spending money in our economy. How can 20,000 more people competing for jobs while collecting unemployment compensation show Wisconsin’s economy is undeniably headed in the right direction?
Numerous studies have shown Collective Bargaining makes a work place more efficient when employees have a say in their job. Is putting all of the power in the hand of a few people the best way to create an efficient work place?
We’ve replaced seniority (if someone is going to be laid off) with a system where a few people get to pick and choose who they want to let go. Does this sound like a system which could be riddled with abuse? What safe guards have been put in place?
When employees lost Collective Bargaining, they lost job security. Is who has Packer tickets the best way to determine who keeps their job?
Starting in July Government workers started paying more for their benefits. Would it affect your spending losing 10% of your pay if you’re the one having thousand of dollars taken out of your paycheck?
If Wisconsin was so anti business in 2010, why did we gain 28,200 jobs and lose (9,700) in 2011 when we supposedly became a pro business state under Governor Walker?
If Governor Doyle had 15 Felony indictments between his staffs/associates for using an illegal secret computer network, collecting campaign funds on the taxpayer’s time and other illegal activities. Would you believe Governor Doyle knew nothing about it?
Can you explain how you can cut $800 million dollars a year out of education while claiming you’re putting more money into the class room?
From when Governor Walker took office in Jan. 2011 to Jan. 2012 Wisconsin lost 13,400 government employees. (1) Is claiming you prevented major layoffs being honest? I think there are 11,300 less government workers in 2011 700 Fed 1,400 State 9,200 Local Depending upon which number you use. The difference in line 25 “government” says (10,000) between January to December. The charts which break it down by Federal, State, local add up to (10,200), but when you do it from December 2010 to December 2011 it’s (11,300)
Governor Walker has government workers paying more for their benefits and eliminates Collective Bargaining because people in the private sector are hurting. Instead of helping the people who are hurting by creating living wage jobs, is the solution to our problem to drag other people down?
With 130,000+ fewer Wisconsin residents working than in 2007, could this be one of the reasons to explain the budget deficit Governor Walker inherited?
Under Governor Walker there have been major cuts made to programs such as the Homestead Tax Credit, Earned Income Tax Credit and Badger Care, programs which help lower income people. How many people need to die so we can give tax breaks to corporations?
One of Governor Walker’s core principles articulated in his State of the State Speech is that Government doesn’t create jobs, people create jobs. So why did Governor Walker give away over $100 million taxpayer dollars to a private corporation to create 650 jobs in Superior Wisconsin building airplanes?
The first bill passed upon coming into office was a tax break for corporations for job creation which cost taxpayers $115+ million dollars, even though it would appear it didn’t create any jobs. Is this what you’d call a waste of taxpayer money?
Why did Senator Fitzgerald claim it was Governor Doyle’s fault that WI taxpayers now have to pay $84 million dollars to repair the track and train station in Milwaukee that was originally going to be paid for with the Federal dollars? Wasn’t it Governor Walker who turned the Federal money down and said he thought he could get the Feds to reallocate the money for the Milwaukee train station?
Wisconsin taxpayers paid $70+ million dollar for train cars to be used between Milwaukee and Chicago. Did we really put these cars into storage to avoid having to pay the maintenance cost of these cars?
Under Governor Walker it was estimated 60,000 people will be taken off of Badger Care. If the average visit to the emergency room is $1,000, is adding more people to the ranks of the uninsured really the best way to save money in health care?
Can you name one business school which teaches the best way to motive someone to work hard and do a good job is to let them know it doesn’t matter how hard you work, or how good of a job you do, the longer you work here the less you get paid? Could this begin to explain why our government is dysfunctional?
As Governor Walker goes after Collective Bargaining Aren’t we really getting rid of our best employees?
You can see by the jobs numbers the impact on our economy by having government workers pay more for their benefits while taking away their job security. Considering our current budget deficit and the deficit in the next budget, if you have a choice, are you better off having you or your neighbor loses their job, your house loses another $10k in value, should government workers take another 10% pay cut, a tax increase or what would you cut? What other explanation is there for the job loss in July?
We won’t know until the Spring of 2013 how accurate the preliminary job numbers are for 2012, considering by June of 2011 they claimed Wisconsin had created over 41,000 jobs when the real number turned out to be 12,000. Should we believe the number we hear each month?
Is creating uncertainly in people’s lives, the best way to get them to spend their money which is going to help create jobs?
Should Governor Walker have skimmed $25 million dollars from Wisconsin’s share of the national bank settlement intended for home owners who were defrauded by the banks?
We lifted the income requirements for sending kids to charter schools. They estimate over 1,000 more WI students this year and 2,000 students next year will use the program. Governor Walker said we can’t afford $2 million a year for a train which would have created thousands of jobs, but we can afford over $7 million dollars a year to send kids to private schools?