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Taste Preferences and Genetic Determinants in Ice Cream Selection Process

Explore the factors influencing your preferred type of ice cream, including inherited and acquired traits. Discover how genetics play a role in taste preferences and why some individuals are tasters or non-tasters of PTC. Join a journey of discovery into the genetic and environmental factors shaping taste choices.

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Taste Preferences and Genetic Determinants in Ice Cream Selection Process

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  1. What determines the type of ice cream that you prefer; do you like what your friends and family like, or were you just born that way?

  2. acquired trait: develops during the lifetime of the organism but is not in the organism’s DNA and is not inherited by its offspring Acquired traits are often learned. Inherited vs Acquired Traits inherited trait: a genetically determined characteristic or quality that distinguishes someone or something Inherited traits are passed in DNA from parents to their offspring.

  3. Lambs Eat What Mom Eats www.youtube.com/.webloc

  4. PTC (phenylthiocarbamide)The ability to taste PTC (or not) is conveyed by a single gene that codes for a taste receptor on the tongue. The PTC gene, TAS2R38, was discovered in 2003. Studies suggest a correlation between the ability to taste PTC and preferences for certain types of food (“PTC: Genes,” n.d.)

  5. Are you a taster or a non-taster? The PTC gene has about 85% of the total influence over whether someone is a taster or a non-taster (“PTC: Gene,”n.d). Environmental factors can influence PTC tasting.

  6. Domestic Farm Animals

  7. Journey of Discovery • Why haven’t most animal species been farmed? • What type of animals are best suited for farming? • Why aren’t elephants farmed in Asia to accomplish work? • Why is temperament important to a domesticated animal? • What inherited traits and acquired traits make an animal suitable for domestication?

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