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La casa de la Troya 8.2 Vocab.

La casa de la Troya 8.2 Vocab. . Clue: La iglesia Spanish: La Catedral English: The Cathedral . Clue: Luminoso , Preciso , Transparente Spanish: Claro English: Clear, light in color, of course . Clue: Prender fuego , lo contrario de apagar las luces Spanish: Encender

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La casa de la Troya 8.2 Vocab.

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  1. La casa de la Troya8.2 Vocab.

  2. Clue: La iglesia Spanish: La Catedral English: The Cathedral

  3. Clue: Luminoso, Preciso, Transparente Spanish: Claro English: Clear, light in color, of course

  4. Clue: Prenderfuego, lo contrario de apagarlasluces Spanish: Encender English: To light, to turn on a light

  5. Clue: La demora Spanish: El retraso English: The delay

  6. Clue: La comida Spanish: La cena English: The dinner

  7. Clue: Empezando con Spanish: A partir de English: From, starting on

  8. Clue: Precauciòn , prudencia, preocupaciòn Spanish: El cuidado English: The care

  9. Clue: Sin luces Spanish: A oscuros English: In the dark

  10. Clue: En la mitad de Spanish: Entre English: Between, among

  11. Clue: Poner en contracto, hacer sonar un instrumento Spanish: Tocar English: To touch, to play an instrument

  12. Clue: Lo conrario de equivacarse Spanish: Tenerrazòn English: To be right

  13. Clue: El equipaje, lasbolsas Spanish: Las maletas English: The bags, the suitcases

  14. Clue: despacio Spanish: lento English: Slow

  15. Clue: El padre, el sacerdote Spanish: La cura English: The priest

  16. Clue: Lìquidograso, lubricante Spanish: El aceite English: The oil

  17. Clue: Marcharse Spanish: irse English: To go away

  18. Clue: Haceralgootravez Spanish: Volver + a + inf. English: To do something again

  19. Clue: Poner, meter Spanish: Colocar English: To put, to place

  20. Clue: Amar, querer Spanish: Estarenamorado de English: To be in love with

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