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The American Chamber of Commerce in Poland . „RESOURCE EFFICIENCY and THE 2050 ROADMAP for the P&P ” Janusz Turski managing director Association of Polish Papermakers (SPP).
The American Chamber of Commercein Poland „RESOURCE EFFICIENCY and THE 2050 ROADMAP for theP&P” Janusz Turski managingdirector Association of PolishPapermakers (SPP)
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) Janusz Turski /biographical note, May 2013/ • Managing Director, Association of Polish Papermakers (SPP), appointed since 2005. • Member of the National Association Directors’ Group (ADG) in the CEPI (Confederation of European Paper Industries) in Brussels, since 2005. • Member of the National Association Directors‘ Group (NAD) in the FEFCO (European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers) in Brussels, since 2005. • Co-founder of the Industry Alliance Platform (IAP), an umbrella of 12-th industrial energy-intensive sectors in PL /established in 2005/; V-ce Chairman of the FORUMCO2 thematic group within IAP, since 2006. • Expert, Chamber for Industrial Energy & Gas Consumers (IEPiOE). Represents IEPiOE in the IFIEC Europe (International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers) in Brussels, member of the WP for Climate&Efficiency, since 2009. • Member of the Council in NationalChamber of Commerce (KIG), since 2005. Expert in Climate&Energy Policies Com established by KIG in 2011. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) SPP – Association of PolishPapermakers • It is an organization of scientific, technical and managerial qualitieswith Individual and CorporateMembers whose activities are connected with the paper and paper converting industries. SPP is a non-profit-making organisation. • Themembershipisopen to both, Polish and Foreign Citizens, as well as to domestic and foreign Operators – legal entities. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) SPP – Association of Polish Papermakers • It is a full member of the CEPI at EU level , anchored in Brussels. (Confederation of the European Paper Industries) CEPI is a non-profit-making organisation. Through its 18 member countries (17 European Union members plus Norway), CEPI represents 200pulp, paper and board producing companies across Europe, ranging from small and medium-sized companies to multi-nationals, and some 1000 pulp and paper mills. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) CEPI – Confederation of European Paper Industries CEPI is managed by a 32-person Board, and is composed of representatives of 18 National Associations and Chief Executive Officers (CEOs). The Board is currently chaired by Jussi Pesonen - CEPI Chairman and CEO of UPM and it approves CEPI's policies, strategies and objectives as well as its business plan and budget as proposed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is composed of 14 members of the Board, and is a formal link between committees and the Board, driving policy areas. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) CEPI – Confederation of European Paper Industries • It represents the European Pulp and Paper associations towards the European institutions . • It monitors, analyses and acts upon EU legislation and initiatives relevant to the industry, communicating on the industry’s achievements and the benefits of its products. • It is member of the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA). American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) ADG (Association Directors Group) - CEPI The Association Directors' Group (ADG) is the senior advisory group to the CEPI Director General. It is composed of Director Generals of National Associations and its chairperson is invited to Executive Committee and Board meetings. • The ADG ensures that the industry speaks with one voice throughout Europe and coordinates implementation of CEPI strategies on national level. • The ADG proposes areas for common action and identifies experts in the industry to support CEPI. • It also contributes with national perspectives to European positions. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP)J. Turski The Forward Strategy led by the CEPI: Confederation of European Paper Industries American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) European P&P Industries - Key facts: • It is a globalplayer. But the world is changing fast !. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) European P&P Industries - Key facts: • The forest-based wood products and pulpand paper sectors in Europe consist of 200,000 companies,employing 1.9 million people, and providing around 75 billioneuro in added value to the EU economy. • The sector is for themost part based on raw materials from Europe. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) European P&P Industries - Key facts: • Our sector is very interconnected. • It has a clear joint futureand uses a common raw material. • For this reason, we havetaken a broad view of the industry, which we call the forestfibre industry, combining pulp and paper and wood-based(future) products. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) European P&P Industries - Key facts: • Through its 18 member countries CEPI represents 500 pulp, paper and board producing companies across Europe, ranging from small and medium sized companies to multi-nationals, and 1,000 paper mills. • Together they represent 25% of world production. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) European P&P Industries - Key facts: • Producing 100 million tonnes of paper and board and 40 million tonnes of pulp annually. • It provides directly 230,000 jobs and indirectly 2,950,000 jobs along the forest and paper chain. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) European P&P Industries - Key facts: • It is the largest industrial producer and consumer of energy from renewable sources (RES). • Its share of biomass-based energy exceeds 52.5% of its total primary annual energy consumption of 1.295.000 TJ. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) EuropeanP&P Industries - Keyfacts: • Recovered paper and board are a major source of the paper industry’s raw material, which is why the industry pushes for new heights for the European recycling rate. • The recycling rate reached 63.4% in 2006, and reached 66.6% in 2010 which is a great success as a voluntary target of 66% was set by the industries along the paper value chain (ERPC). American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) EuropeanP&P Industries - Keyfacts: • In 1991-2011, paper productionrosein CEPI countries by ab. 60%. By contrast, virginmaterialcontentrose by some 18% and indicatestheincreasingfraction of recycledfibreinthe mix. • In 1991, a tonne of woodproduced ab. 2 tonnes of paper whilein 2011 – a tonne of woodproduced ab. 3 tonnes of paper. • A sustainable development of paper hassuccessfulydecoupledeconomic growth and environmentalimpact. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) Most vital areasto challenge • Process and product innovation and the tools to implement these. • Increasing industrial production value added(through an enhanced value chain, supply of intangible assets, the business model transformation of the European industry,seekingpotential market opportunities for new products and services in Europe and beyond). American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) Most vital areas to challenge • Enabling and activating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), skills towards industry needs in future. • Access to finance for investments and de-risking venture capital and debt. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) Most vital areasof ourcommitments • TheEuropeanP&P Industries (PPI) areactivelyparticpatinginthelow-carbon industrial policydialogues. • PPI in Europe, isseriouslyengaedin framing the EU climate policy in the context of innovation, industrial and other economic policies with a view to enhancing long-term competitiveness. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) ResourceEfficiency • Sectorcan play its part as long as itremainsprofitable and attractive for investors, keepsaccess to fibre and other Raw Materials, receivesenoughsupport to bring „breakthroughtechnologies” inreach. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) ResourceEfficiency • Thepolicypackageshouldinclude a technology focus, be synchronizedwith Industry investment cycles and Global action and include a Raw Material and Productperspective. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) ResourceEfficiency • In ouropinion, improvementsin Raw Materialuseefficiency will depend on a combination of technology push and productinnovation. • To succeed, theP&Psectorseenecessity for shiftintobio-economy system solutions, ratherthan a meredecarbonisationpolicywithin EU. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) ResourceEfficiency • P&Psector, will promotethe“”CascadeUse””of Materials use, producingthe most value-addedfrom a forest – fibre, optimising recycling and re-use as a rawmaterial, beforeatfinalstage materials areused for energy, needs to be cornerstone of business and profit making. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) ResourceEfficiency • The “Recycling Loop”, will create a new levels and dimensions of recycling in european industry. • However, the recycling loop can not function without input of quality virgin-fibre. • With future consumption forecasts, the input to the recycling loop is a concern that needs to be addressed and secured, to allow the system to function. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) ResourceEfficiency • Our sector, will need to invest in European Forests to produce the biomass. This trend is going to be conditioned by legal adjustments introduced meanwhile into the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), sought in next years. • The production of the ”ïn - house” electricity and heat in cogeneration might be further developed to prevent impact of market price hikes for energy . American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) 2050 Road-map • In March 2011, the European Commission publisheda „Roadmap for moving to a competitive low-carboneconomy in 2050” - a discussion document to explorethe future of climate change policy. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) 2050 Road-map • The „2050 low-carbon Roadmap for theP&P”, has been developed by representatives of all parts of the Pulp and Paper and Wood productsectors. • Itis not an action-plan, itis a start of a debatewithin and outside of thesector. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) 2050 Road-map • The 2050 RadmapconcerningtheeuropeanP&P industries is based on the EuropeanCommission’s global action scenario withavailabletechnologies. • Itdepends on theconditions of that scenario being met,including the expected decarbonisation ofelectricity, carbon neutrality of biomass,availability of carbon capture and storage,and realisation of energy efficiency targets. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) 2050 Road-map • Both companies and national associations (NA) have been involved. • The starting points are the 2050 societyand the 2050 consumer and how the sector will have to change to meet their future demands. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) 2050 Road-map • Faced withexternal constraints on carbon and resources, we unfold the path to 2050 for technology, raw materials andfinance, and consider the framework conditions and policies that need be in place to allow for the transition. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) 2050 Road-map • TheP&Psector, hastheambition to be attheheart of 2050 Bio-economy, an essential platform for a range of bio-based products and the recycling society. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) 2050 Road-map • We expectourSector, inthebroaddefinition, to continue to growinlinewith EU GDP, by ab.1,5% a year for thenext 40 yrs. • We areprettysure, theP&P industry has a potential to succeed. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) 2050 Road-map • New business models, products and services will complementthefutureuse of printing & writingpapers and thegrowingneed for packaging and hygienesolutions. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) 2050 Road-map • Carbonreductiioncanonly be achievedwith a technology push. • To achieveindicative CO2targets, however, it will need „breakthroughtechnologies”. • Thesehave to be developed and madeavailable by 2030. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) 2050 Road-map • Although, the 2050 futureseems be far away and today’seconomychanges on an almostday-to-daybasis, the time left to actisrathershort. • For theP&Psector, 40 yrsaheadcompriseonly 2 investmentscycles (a capital intensive industry). • Anotherwords, „2050 istwo paper machinesawayonly”. Just aroundthecorner … American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) 2050 Road-map • Our 2050 Road-map, attempts to lay out thefuture of theForestFibre industries: - Pulp, Paper & Board, Wood-basedproductsectorscombined. • Italsoattempts to meetfuture consumer demands, staycompetitve and deliverin general climate and energy policytargets, ifappropriatemeausures will be adoptedatthe EU and national level. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) 2050 Road-map • Whilethinkingforward, debatingseriously on strategies on howadapt to climatechange, we appeal to top policy & decisionmakersatalllevelin order to signalthat a newapproachisrequired as regards industrial growth. • To achievethetargets set for GHG reduction, whileavoidingcarbon-leakage, EU policiesmust be harmonisedwith global developments and industry investmentscycles. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) CONCLUSSIONS • The forest fibre industry has the knowledge, logistics and systems in place to develop the 2050 economy model. • The model is called : BRIDGE and it stands for: - Bio-based and Renewable Industries for Development and Growth in Europe. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) CONCLUSSIONS • Together with other industry sectors, e.g the waste management sector, we have core expertise in paper recycling, we have in-depth knowledge on forestry, fibre processing and wood chemistry. • Moving large volumes of biomass around is part our daily operations. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) CONCLUSSIONS • The P&P, a future fibre based sector will have to optimise raw material and energy flows in the integrated complexes as a single system. • Therefore, it is is going to be based on 3 pillars, such as the following: - Wood-based bio-refinary complexes - Recycled fibre bio-refinary complexes - Non-integrated mills American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) CONCLUSSIONS • The ”breakthrough technologies “ will need to be deployed, aimedatimproving: - Resourceefficiencyand energy efficiency. - Conversionefficiency - processing of biomass into products usingmechanical, thermochemical, biological/biochemical and extractionmeasures. - Productefficiency. - New products – for example nanocellulose, viscose (old and new), bio-based chemicals. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) CONCLUSSIONS • Our experience gathered so far, indicates there are no ready-made and easy solutions. • In order to meet the challenges of 2050, achieving targets and keeping a competitive sector in global world, we have to move the debate to the next level. • Achieving the transition from toady towards 2050, in a way that secures the Sector’s future, is the largest challenge to overcome for All, i.e. policy-makers and industry alike !. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) CONCLUSSIONS • Since Nov. 2012, the P&P sector is currently implementing the first stage of its 2050 Roadmap (launched at the European Paper Week in Brussel). • This first stage started with the Two-Team Project, established by the CEPI in cooperation with the industry’s experts and also partners from research and innovations sectors. American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw
„TheResourceEfficiency and 2050 LowCarbon Road-Map for theEuropeanP&P Industries ” (Janusz Turski, SPP) THANK YOU ! Contact details: Email: biuro@spp.pl www.spp.pl Mobile: (0048) 668 12 80 39 Office: Jerozolimskie Str. 44, room: 1127 Warsaw, PL American Chamber of Commerce in PL, Meeting 10 June 2013, Warsaw