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iSeries GUI Debugger

iSeries GUI Debugger. Chris Adair Information Systems Director - National Envelope cadair@natenv.com Treasurer – Metro Midrange Systems Association treasurer@metromidrange.org. Supported Releases. V5R3 – SI18710 (Latest Server PTF) V5R2 PTF’s Server PTF SI09834, SI08512

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iSeries GUI Debugger

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  1. iSeries GUI Debugger Chris Adair Information Systems Director - National Envelope cadair@natenv.com Treasurer – Metro Midrange Systems Association treasurer@metromidrange.org

  2. Supported Releases • V5R3 – SI18710 (Latest Server PTF) • V5R2 PTF’s • Server PTF SI09834, SI08512 • Client PTF SI09844 • V5R1 PTF’s • Server PTF SI09825 • Client PTF SI06031

  3. Supported Languages • ILE C/C++ • ILE RPG • ILE COBOL • ILE CL • JAVA • OPM RPG • OPM COBOL • OPM CL

  4. Supported Debug Scenarios • Submit and Debug Program in Batch Job • Job name is same name as program • Job owner is current User • Submitted to QUSRWRK subsystem • Debug existing job on system • Browse option for locating job • Cut and paste job information • STRDBG command from emulation session • Debug manager must be active and ready • Must be same user as registered in Debug Manager • Emulation session must be running on same ip address as Debug Manager • If criteria is not satisfied; traditional green screen debugger is launched

  5. Advantages • Run to Cursor • Monitor/Watch several fields at a time • Multiple Breakpoint Groups in 1 program • Automatically Saves Previous Debug Session • Save the current session to local drive

  6. QTESDBGHUB • Starting the Debug Hub • V5R1 Call QSYS/QTESSTRSVR • V5R2 STRTCPSVR *DBG • Runs in QSYSWRK subsystem • Single point of contact for user interface • Registered in TCP/IP service table (port 4026) • User interface uses port mapper to locate server • Submits Debug Server jobs (QTESDBGSVR) • Registration facility for iSeries Debug Manager • STRDBG command from an emulator will perform graphical debug instead of traditional green screen debug

  7. QTESDBGSVR • Submitted by QTESDBGHUB • Runs in QUSRWRK subsystem • Make sure QUSRWRK subsystem is started • Make sure QUSRNOMAX job queue is not held • Issues STRSRVJOB and STRDBG against job to be debugged • One QTESSBGSVR job per user interface window

  8. Client Setup • Install Java 1.3 run-time environment (JRE) • Copy JavaHelp (http://java.sun.com/products/javahelp) • Jhall.jar contains java classes necessary to display help • Copy jt400.jar to client • /QIBM/PRODDATA/HTTP/public/jt400/lib/jt400.jar • Copy iSeries System Debugger tes.jar to client • /QIBM/PRODDATA/HTTP/public/jt400/lib/tes.jar • Modify Classpath • Right click “My Computer” • select “Properties” • Select “ADVANCED” tab • Select “ENVIORNMENT VARIABLES” • Highlight “CLASSPATH” and select EDIT • i.e. CLASSPATH=C:\debugger\tes.jar;C:\debugger\jt400.jar;C:\debugger\jhall.jar

  9. Start the Debug Manager

  10. Add System to Manager

  11. Submit and Debug in Batch

  12. AlternativeSubmit and Debug Batch Job

  13. Debug Interactive Jobon System

  14. Start Debug from Emulation

  15. Debug Batch JobWith a “MSGW”

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