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Clustering Methods. Professor: Dr. Mansouri Presented by : Muhammad Abouei &Mohsen Ghahremani Manesh. Clustering Methods. Density-Based Clustering Methods DBSCAN ( D ensity B ased S patial C lustering of A pplications with N oise)
Clustering Methods Professor: Dr. Mansouri Presented by : Muhammad Abouei &Mohsen Ghahremani Manesh
Clustering Methods • Density-Based Clustering Methods • DBSCAN (Density Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) • OPTICS (Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure) • DENCLUE(DENsity-based CLUstEring) • Grid-based Clustering
DBSCAN Concepts • ε -neighborhood: Points within ε distance (radius) of a point. • MinPts: minimum number of points in cluster (ε-neighborhoodof that point). ε-neighborhood of q ε-neighborhood ofp MinPts = 5 where ε and MinPts are a user-defined function.
DBSCAN Concepts • Density : number of points within a specified radius (ε) Density(p)=5
DBSCAN Concepts • Core point: A point is a core point if it has more than a specified number of points (MinPts) within ε • These are points that are at the interior of a cluster ε-neighborhood of q ε-neighborhood ofp pis a core point (MinPts = 5) q is not a core point.
DBSCAN Concepts • Directly density-reachable :point p is directly density-reachable from a point q w.r.t. ε , MinPts if • p belongs to ε -neighborhood of q, • qis a core point, MinPts= 4 p is DDR from q. q is not DDR from p! DDR is an asymmetric relation.
DBSCAN Concepts • Density-reachable:A point p is density-reachable from a point q w.r.t. ε , MinPts if there is a chain of points P1, …, Pn, P1=q, Pn=psuch that Pi+1is directly density-reachable from Pi . Or, point p is density-reachable form q, if there is a path (chain of points) from p to q consisting of only core points. MinPts = 4 p is DR from q. q is not DR from p! p is not core. DR is an asymmetric relation.
DBSCAN Concepts • Density-connectivity: point p is density-connected to point q w.r.t. ε , MinPts if there is a point r such that both, p and q are density-reachable from r w.r.t. ε and MinPts. MinPts = 4 p and q are density-connected. DC is an symmetric relation.
DBSCAN Concepts • Border point : A border point has fewer than MinPts within ε, but is in the neighborhood of a core point MinPts =5 ε= circle radius
DBSCAN Concepts • Noise (outlier) point : is any point that is not a core point nor a border point. MinPts =5 ε= circle radius
DBSCAN Concepts • DBSCAN relies on a density-based notion of cluster. • Cluster : a cluster C is a non-empty set of density-connectedpoints that is maximal w.r.t. density-reachability. • Maximality: For all p, q; if q∈ C and if pis density-reachable from qw.r.t. ε and MinPts, then also p∈ C. MinPts = 3 ε = circle radius
DBSCAN Algorithm • Arbitrary select a point p • Retrieve all points density-reachable from p w.r.t. ε and MinPts. • If p is a core point, a cluster is formed. • If p is a borderpoint, no points are density-reachable from p and DBSCANvisits the next point of the database. • Continue the process until all of the points have been processed.
DBSCAN MinPts = 4
DBSCAN DBSCAN is Sensitive to Parameters. MinPts= 4
DBSCAN Core, Border and Noise Points: MinPts= 4,ε = 10 Original Points Point types: core, border and noise
DBSCAN When DBSCAN works well: • Resistant to Noise • Can handle clusters of different shapes and sizes Original Points Clusters
DBSCAN When DBSCAN does not work well: • Varying densities • High-dimensional data
DBSCAN Complexity If a spatial index (ex, kd-tree, R*-tree) is used, the computational complexity of DBSCAN is O(n.logn), where n is the number of database objects. Otherwise, it is O(n2).
OPTICS • Core distance: smallest ε that makes it a core object. If p is not core, it is undefined. Core Distance of p or ε′ : distance between p and its 4-thNN. MinPts= 5 ε = 3 cm
OPTICS • Reachability distance: of r w.r.t. p is the greater value of the core distance of p and the Euclidean distance between p & r. If p is not a core object, distance reachability between p & q is undefined. reachability-distance ε, MinPts(p, r) = ε′ reachability-distance ε, MinPts(p, r′) = d(p, r′ ) MinPts = 5 ε = 3 cm
OPTICS • Color image segmentation using density-Based clustering
DENCLUE • DENCLUE (DENsity-based CLUstEring) • Major features • Solid mathematical foundation • Good for data sets with large amounts of noise • Allows a compact mathematical description of arbitrarily shaped clusters in high-dimensional data sets • Significant faster than existing algorithm (faster than DBSCAN by a factor of up to 45) • But needs a large number of parameters
DENCLUE • Technical Essence • Uses grid cells but only keeps information about grid cells that do actually contain data points and manages these cells in a tree- based access structure.
DENCLUE • Technical Essence • DENCLUE is based on the following concepts: • Influence function • Density function • Density attractors.
DENCLUE • Influence function: The influence function f y(x) for a point (data space) at point x is a positive function that decays to zero as x “moves away” from . • Typical examples are: and where σ is a user-defined function.
DENCLUE • Density function :The density function at x based on a data space of N points; i.e. D = {x1,…, xN}; is defined as the sum of the influence function of all data points at x : • The goal of the definition: • Identify all “significant” local maxima, xj*, j=1,…,m of f D(x) • Create a cluster Cjfor each xj*and assign to Cjall points of D that lie within the “region of attraction” of xj*.
DENCLUE • Example: Density Computation D={x1,x2,x3,x4} f DGaussian(x) = influence(x1)+influence(x2)+influence(x3)+influence(x4) =0.04+0.06+0.08+0.6=0.78 Remark: the density value of y would be larger than the one for x.
DENCLUE • Density attractors :Density attractors are local maxima of the overall density function f D(x). • Clusters can then be determined mathematically by identifying density attractors. • A hill-climbing algorithm guided by the gradient can be used to determine the density attractor of a set of data points.
DENCLUE • Density-attracted : A point x is density-attracted to a density attractorx*, if there exists a set of points x0,x1, …,xksuch that x0= x ,xk= x* and the gradient of xi-1is in the direction of xifor 0<i<k.
DENCLUE • Center-Defined Cluster :A center-defined cluster (w.r.t. to σ, ε) for a density attractor x* is a subset C D, with x C being density-attracted by x* and f D(x) ε. • Outlier: Point x D is called outlier if it is density-attracted by a local maximum xo*with f D(xo*) < ε.
DENCLUE • Multicenter defined clusters : Multicenter defined clusters are a set of center-defined clusters linked by a path of significance.
DENCLUE • An arbitrary-shape cluster : An arbitrary-shape cluster (w.r.t. to σ, ) for a set of density attractors X is a subset C D, where , x is density-attracted to , and a path P from to with
DENCLUE • Note : that the number of clusters found by DENCLUE varies depending on σ, .
DENCLUE • DENCLUE is able to detect arbitrarily shaped clusters. • The algorithm deals with noise very satisfactory. • The worst-case time complexity of DENCLUE is O(N.log2N). • Experimental results indicate that the average time complexity is O(log2N). • It works efficiently with high-dimensional data. • DENCLUE needs at least 3 parameters to be determined, i.e. σ, .
Grid-based • Using multi-resolution grid data structure • Clustering complexity depends on the number of populated grid cells and not on the number of objects in the dataset • Several interesting methods: • CS Tree (Clustering Statistical Tree) • STING • WaveCluster
Grid-based • Basic Grid-based Algorithm • Define a set of grid-cells. • Assign objects to the appropriate grid cell and compute the density of each cell. • Eliminate cells, whose density is below a certain threshold τ. • Form clusters from contiguous (adjacent) groups of dense cells (usually minimizing a given objective function).
Grid-based • Fast: • No distance computations, • Clustering is performed on summaries and not individual objects; complexity is usually O(no_of_populated_grid_cells) and not O(no_of_objects), • Easy to determine which clusters are neighboring.
References • A. K. Jain and R. C. Dubes. Algorithms for Clustering Data. Prentice Hall, 1988. • A.K. Jain and M. N. Murty and P.J. Flynn, Data Clustering: A Review, ACM Computing Surveys, vol 31. No 3,pp 264-323, 1999. • A. L. N. Fred, J. M. N. Leitão, A New Cluster Isolation Criterion Based on Dissimilarity Increments, IEEE • “Optimal grid-clustering: Toward breaking the curse of dimensionality in high-dimensional clustering,”in Proc. 25th VLDB Conf.,1999, pp. 506–517.