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CS 271 Neural Networks Cluster Introduction. http://www.mind.ilstu.edu/research/complete_inactive/larry/larry.php. Walt Whitman “ I Sing the Body Electric ” (1900). I SING the Body electric; The armies of those I love engirth me, and I engirth them;
CS 271 Neural Networks ClusterIntroduction • http://www.mind.ilstu.edu/research/complete_inactive/larry/larry.php
Walt Whitman “I Sing the Body Electric” (1900) I SING the Body electric; The armies of those I love engirth me, and I engirth them; They will not let me off till I go with them, respond to them, And discorrupt them, and charge them full with the charge of the Soul. Was it doubted that those who corrupt their own bodies conceal themselves; And if those who defile the living are as bad as they who defile the dead? And if the body does not do as much as the Soul? And if the body were not the Soul, what is the Soul?
Brain • Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think. • Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914), The Devil's Dictionary • If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't. • Lyall Watson • People who don't Think probably don't have Brains; rather, they have grey fluff that's blown into their heads by mistake. • Pooh's Little Instruction Book, inspired by A. A. Milne Neural Networks
Human-Computer Interaction • From interacting with ATMs to playing video games to neural implants… • What makes humans differ than computers? • Human (1533): a bipedal primate mammal (Homo sapiens) • Computer (1646) - one that computes; specifically : a programmable usually electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data • How do we interact with computers?
Advantages : Enormous size. Uses parallel processing & biological preprocessing. Uses memory instead of processing power. Efficient when performing small # of useful operations. Good at : pattern recognition, motor control, perception, flexible inference, intuition & guessing. Disadvantages : Slow. Imprecise, make erroneous generalizations, Prejudiced. Often incapable of explaining their actions. Human Brains Neural Networks
Questions for this course • How can we model human brains in order to better understand them? • How can we create machines that can do the same things humans (or dogs or cats) do? • In the same way humans do these tasks • In any way • How can we build machines that aid humans? • When does computer-aided cross the line into no longer human?
Materials • Human brains – Dr. Gittis + some intro readings assigned by Dr. Lenox (e.g., Brain Facts) • Neural networks – readings assigned by Dr. Lenox • Neural networks software • Membrain http://www.membrain-nn.de/english/details_en.htm • Tlearn • ftp://ftp.crl.ucsd.edu/pub/ neuralnets/tlearn • Andy Clark – Natural Born Cyborg • Cory Doctorow – Down & Out in the Magic Kingdom • http://craphound.com/down/?page_id=1625
Some Terms:Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cyborg • Artificial intelligence (1956): a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers; the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior (onelook.com) • Cyborg (cybernetic organism) -- “A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction.” Donna Haraway (1991). • E.g., Kevin Warwick & Steve Mann vs. Terminator, Borg
Some Cyborgs Andy Clark Steve Mann
Kevin Warwick Borg
Andy Clark: Natural Born Cyborgs : Introduction My body is an electronic virgin. I incorporate no silicon chips, no retinal or cochlear implants, no pacemaker. I don't even wear glasses (though I do wear clothes). But I am slowly becoming more and more a Cyborg. So are you. Pretty soon, and still without the need for wires, surgery or bodily alterations, we shall be kin to the Terminator, to Eve 8, to Cable...just fill in your favorite fictional Cyborg. Perhaps we already are. For we shall be Cyborgs not in the merely superficial sense of combining flesh and wires, but in the more profound sense of being human-technology symbionts: thinking and reasoning systems whose minds and selves are spread across biological brain and nonbiological circuitry. This book is the story of that transition and of its roots in some of the most basic and characteristics facts about human nature. For human beings, I want to convince you, are natural-born cyborgs.
Terminator, Eve VIII, Cable, Santa Claus Meets the Martians?
Introduce Ourselves • Are you a cyborg? • Assignment #1
Von Neumann’s Definition of Computer Computer: Electronic device operating under control of instructions stored in its own memory that accepts input, processes data according to specified rules, stores data, & produces output. Input: Info or data put into computer system. Process: systematic series of actions that computer uses to manipulate data. Processing is done by Central Processing Unit (CPU). Storage: Area where data can be left on a permanent basis while it is not needed for processing (auxiliary storage, peripheral storage). Output: Results produced by computer. CS 103. Ch. 1
Components Inside System Unit • Motherboard – circuit board that integrates processor, memory, modems & network cards. • Processor – interprets & carries out basic instructions that operate a computer. • Memory – holds data waiting to be processed & instructions waiting to be executed. • Adapter cards (sound, video) – circuit boards that provide connections & functions not built into the motherboard. CS103 Ch 4
Components Inside System Unit • Ports – means of connecting devices outside of the system unit to components inside the computer. E.g., keyboard, mouse, microphone, monitor, printer, scanner, digital camera, video camera & speakers. • Drive bays – holds 1+ disk drives. • Power supply – allows electricity to travel through a power cord from wall outlet into computer. CS103 Ch 4
Motherboard (System Board) • RAM chips. • ROM chips. • Microprocessor chips. • Ports. • Bus. • Expansion slot for adapter cards. • Chip – small piece of semi-conducting material usually silicon, on which integrated circuits are etched. CS103 Ch 4
Integrated Circuits – Microchip, Chip • Integrated circuit (IC)-- thin slice of silicon crystal packed with microscopic circuit elements (wires, transistors, capacitors & resistors). • Semi-conducting materials – silicon & germanium used to conduct electricity when enhanced. CS103 Ch 4
Central Processing Unit (CPU) or Processor • CPU interprets & carries out basic instructions that operate a computer. • Manages most of computer’s operations. • On PC, processor functions are on one chip (microproessor). CS103 Ch 4
Machine Cycle • For every instruction, processor repeats set of 4 basic operations called machine cycle. • Fetching • Decoding • Executing • Storing CS103 Ch 4
Microprocessor Gets Instructions From Programs Via Instruction Set • Computer accomplishes complex task by performing series of very simple steps (instructions). • Tells computer to perform a specific arithmetic, logical or control operation. • Op code (operation code) -- command word for operation such as add, compare, jump. • Operands -- specify data or address of data for operation. JMP M1 OP CODE OPERAND CS103 Ch 4
Digital Vs. Analog Data • Analog device-- works with continuous varying data. • E.g., Dimmer switch. • Digital device -- works with discrete (discontinuous) numbers or digits. • E.g., Traditional light switch. • Most computers are digital & need 2 states (on/off). CS103 Ch 4
Data Representation • Most computers are digital. • Recognize only 2 discrete states (on & off). • Use 1 & 0 to represent states. • Binary system– number system with just 2 unique digits (0, 1). • Bit (binary digit)– smallest unit of data that computer can process. • Byte– 7 or 8 bits that form a character. • Number, letters, punctuation, spaces, etc. CS103 Ch 4
Storing Bits and BytesMagnetic or Optical Technologies • bit (binary digit)-- a 1 or 0. 0 = 0 3 = 11 6 = 110 9 = 1001 1 = 1 4 = 100 7 = 111 10 = 1010 2 = 10 5 = 101 8 = 1000 • byte (character)- represents a character with 7 or 8 bits. • using coding schemes such as EBCDIC or ASCII. A = 1000001 a = 1100001 Z = 1011010 z = 1111010 1 = 0110001 2 = 0110010 ASCII CS103 Ch 4
Data Representation Codes Binary Number System (Base 2) CS103 Ch 4
Coding Schemes (ASCII & EBCDIC) • Character data (letters, symbols, numerals) & numbers are represented by: • ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange) – 7 bits. • Extended ASCII – 8 bits. • EBCDIC(Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code). • Unicode–16 bits; represents 65,000 characters • Computer digitizes other types of data (e.g., sounds, pictures, video). • File header indicates code used to represent data contained in it. CS103 Ch 4
Binary Number Exercises • Convert the following decimal numbers into binary numbers. • 100 • 1,000 • 256 • 27 • 48 • 112 • 96 • 1,024 CS103 Ch 4
When computer works with series of 1s & 0s, how does it know which code to use? • Most computer files contain file header • A file header contains info on code that was used to represent file data. • It is read by computer but never appears on screen. CS103 Ch 4
Quantifying Bits & Bytes • KILOBYTE (K, KB): 210 bytes... 1024 bytes • MEGABYTE (MB): 210 KB... “million” bytes • GIGABYTE (G, GB): 210 MB... “billion” bytes • TERABYTE (TB): 210 GB... “trillion” bytes CS103 Ch 4
Memory • Memory holds data & program instructions. • Memory is circuitry with direct link to processor. • Storage is media that are outside processor (disk). Types of memory: (1) Random access memory (RAM). (2) Read only memory (ROM). CS103 Ch 4
Random Access Memory (RAM) • RAM -- temporarily holds data before & after it is processed. • Volatile. CS103 Ch 4
RAM Uses Capacitors • Capacitors hold electronic signals. • Charged capacitor “on.” • Discharged capacity “off.” • Figure 2-10. • Each bank of capacitors holds 8 bits (1 byte). • RAM address on each bank helps computer locate data contained in that bank. • Similar to chalkboard - write, erase, write again. CS103 Ch 4
RAM Function, Capacity, Speed & Configuration • RAM is “waiting room” for computer’s processor. • Holds raw data, program instructions & processed data before stored permanently. • Holds operating system instructions. • Storage capacity is measured in megabytes. • 64 to 256 MB of RAM is common in PCs. • Amount you need depends on the software you use. • Can increase amount of RAM to some limit (set by manufacturer). • Speed of RAM is important. • 75 MHz +. CS103 Ch 4
# PER COMPARED NAME LENGTH SECOND TO 1 SECOND Millisecond .001 second thousand15min 40 sec Microsecond .001 millisecond million 11.6 days Nanosecond .001microsecond billion31.7 years Picosecond .001 nanosecond trillion31,700 years Memory Access Times CS103 Ch 4
Computer Types: Classical vs. Non-classical • http://www.mind.ilstu.edu/curriculum/nature_of_computers/computer_types.php?modGUI=196&compGUI=1747&itemGUI=3016 CS 103. Ch. 1
Boolean Logic Mathematician George Boole (1815-1864) Expression – statement that is true or false. AND, OR, NOT
(strawberry or vanilla) not chocolate NOT Creates negation of expression NOT P ¬ If P is true, NOT P is false If P is false, NOT P is true
TRUTH TABLES WITH 3 EXPRESSIONS (P, Q, R) • How do you evaluate P ^ Q ^ R ? • Combine P & Q & then R? • Combine Q & R & then P? • Three requirements for President of USA: • At least 35 years old (P) • Natural-born U.S. citizen and (Q) • Must have lived in US for at least 14 years (R)
2 different interpretations? • (P ^ Q) ^ R : must be at least 35 years old & natural born US citizen & also must have lived in US for at least 14 years • P ^ (Q ^ R) : must be at least 35 years old & also natural born US citizen & who has lived in US for at least 14 years • Same meaning – order of operations doesn’t matter for all ANDs & all Ors (associative property)
Combination of AND & OR Problems with Ambiguity • P ^ Q V R • (P ^ Q) V R : at least 35 years old & natural born US citizen or must have lived in US for at least 14 years • P ^ (Q V R) : must be at least 35 years old & be a natural-born US citizen or have lived in the US at least 14 years Arnold Schwarzenegger