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Witnessing Transformations: The Gospel in Action

Delve into the narratives of the thief, soldier, and centurion as they encounter Jesus' truth. Explore Peter's faith journey and Judas' betrayal, all while reflecting on Pilate's role in Christ's crucifixion. Discover profound lessons of faith, denial, and power through these impactful biblical characters.

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Witnessing Transformations: The Gospel in Action

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  1. 1 – E V A N G E LIST E VA N G E LIZ E S AT CR O SS[R E F: - L U K E : 23:35-47, J O H N : 19:33-37] In these portions we see three persons being evangelized and two persons becoming citizens of hea v en and sons of God. who are they? The first one being evangelized is a thief The second one is a soldier The third one is the centurion

  2. (1) THE THIEF NEAR THE KINGDO M : • How one of the thieves could recognize the fear of God? • How Did he realize that he was undergoing thru the punishment which he deserved? • How this thief finds out that Jesus is truly different (in his attitude)? • How could he give witness that Jesus was innocent? • How he gets convinced of the truth that Jesus is lord and the king? • Your notes:

  3. (2) THE SOLDIER NEAR THE CROSS: • Why the soldiers used to break the bones of criminals after death sentence is fulfilled? • Why the soldiers didn’t break the bones of Jesus? • Why the soldier stabbed Jesus at his side? (prophecy-psalms:34:20) • How he came to know that Jesus was the true one by just stabbing at him? (the most last words of surrender and very soon lifeless body) • Y our notes:

  4. (3) THE CENTURION CONFESSES: • What is the work of centurion in this portion? • What things he would have seen and had known about Jesus? • How Jesus died at the cross? • What made the centurion to get convinced and to witness that Jesus was the son of God? • What did he confess? • Y our notes:

  5. (2) J ESUS - UNIQUE M ULTIPERSONALITY • [REF: LUKE: 22:55-62 MATT: 26:33-75 MARK: 14:29-51, 66-72 JOHN: 18:3-27] • It signifies Jesus’ concern for his disciples, mother while praying, UN despising attitude or authoritative act. It also signifies our true condition in faith. • Portion- 2.1 • S I M ON P E T E R : • W hat did Peter say to Jesus in Luke 2 2 - 33, 3 4 and what did Jesus reply (highlighting comment)? • How peter reacts when Jesus was arrested. (Jealous) why? How did Jesus reply to his action? • How does peter deny Jesus three times (circumstances)? • W hat made him reconcile ? • D id Peter and T homas belie v e the resurrection of Christ at first? • W hat did Jesus say about faith to T homas? • W hat does it pro v e? • W hat can we understand from our similar circumstances? • W hy peter wasn’t able to stand in difficult circumstances? • Peter was afraid of his life that if Jesus was killed he too may have to face death. So he denies Jesus. • It signifies that he want to fit Jesus to his plan/comforts. W hat about you? • W hether his plans for you are great or you are great in wisdom? • Y our notes:

  6. (2) J U D AS ISCARI O T: JOHN: 1 2 :3--8 • W ho was Judas Iscariot? W hat was his mission commissioned by Jesus? • W hy Jesus didn’t sack him from his discipleship? • W hat were Martha’s action and Judas’ feelings? • W hat all did Jesussay with regard to Judas and what was his attitude to him? • W hen did S atanpossess him? • W hat did Jesus say to Judas before he was possessed by S atan? • W hether Jesus condemns Judas for his e v ildeeds both during last supper and when he betrays? • W hat did Judas say along with other disciples? W hat does it prove? • T hroughhis entire character sketch for which he sought the mosteven than Jesus that he lusted after? • F or what he betrays Jesus ,what he would have thought of Jesus as he saw his biographical sketch and did he feel sorry was it true repentance how he ends up as a compromiser?

  7. What can we understand f o r our similar circumstances? • Judas was basically a treasurer in Jesus’ ministry and he little by little started stealing money. He also had known the times when he escaped from the people who tried to catch him and kill him away. So when he had the offer of 30 silver coins, because of the lust for money he made a plot to betray Jesus in an idea that Christ will escape • Your notes:

  8. (3) PILAT E TH E GOVERNOR: (G.P) • Who was Pilate? What is said about all of his powers and his deeds? • (i) How did Jesus show himself before Pilate? • (ii) As whom he considered himself when he was tried by G.P? • (iii) What Pilate said unto Jesus? • What would have astonished him of Jesus? (from people’s criticism & Jesus’ conduct before Pilate & centurion’s report of Jesus’ death & his wife’s witness) • Why Pilate had to punish Jesus though he was willing (a willing mind & a sincere heart) to free Jesus? • Even after he assured Jesus as innocent though he was exclaimed of Jesus’ claim about himself to be a heaven’s manifestation why he cast Jesus to death? • Whom he (G.P) sets free and whom he condemns to death? What does it show of him? • Was he truly eager to know the truth as he asks Jesus for that & did he obey the truth truly? What hindered him to believe in Jesus? • How his life ended as a compromiser that history tells of him? • WHAT SIMILARITY D O W E F I N D B E TW E E N PILATE & J U D AS? • FOR WHO M THE PENALTY / JUDGE M ENT IS HEAVIER ? • EXAMINE YOUR CIRCU M STANCES & YOUR ACTS • HOW s o n o f G o d CONDUCTS HI M S ELVES • Before Pilate, Judas, peter and his three disciples

  9. J E S U S PRA YS F O R HIS D ISCIPL E S: john:17 • Why Jesus didn’t refer to his death as he starts praying and why should he say “glorify your son, the hour has come” of his resurrection? • Does it resemble with a woman foreseeing her child’s birth, who never thinks of pain that she is passing through? • What should we do when we face persecution, opposition for our Christian faith? (spiritually, physically) • Which is / are ways the eternal life? • Why authority over everyone was required for Jesus? • What does the verses 4, 5 brings to us? (I I’ll honor those who honor me)

  10. MY PART DONE! PLEASE DO YOUR PART! • J E S U S- Glorify thy son that the son may glorify thee,-defines one another’s part. • [Vs-4] I glorified thee on earth, having accomplished the work which thou hast given me to do. • [Vs-5] and now glorify thou me together with thyself father with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. • What did Jesus manifest to his disciples [Vs-6]? • What can we see of the spirit of Jesus as he prays for his disciples [on behalf]? • To what Jesus refers as he prays for the disciples and not for the world why? ( v s. 9, 1 1 - 1 6) • Why should Jesus say that he have completed his part without reaching ends of the earth?

  11. Steps to b e of God’s own: • Receive from God • Accept it as it is • Have assurance of it/ Believe • Become a disciple of Jesus • D o not be a worldly citizen

  12. D o not be a worldly citizen [should know what are all world’s desire/riches] • What gives Jesus fullness of joy in vs. 14? • T he world hated Jesus • T he world hated his disciples • T he world hated ancient Christians • D oesit hate you? • W hat is the world’s passion that each and everyone seeks for /enjoys? • W hat was the style of life of Jesus & apostles before men? (Not ashamed of gospel) • T he world seeks dignity,

  13. J esushumbled himself above all? • –Christians should follow Christ. • W ho is the truth? W hichis the truth? • W ho leads into truth? • T he truth sets us free • T he truth makes us holy

  14. F E L L O W S HIP/UNI T Y : • J esus& father had oneness • J esusdid nothing else that the father had not commissioned to him • If you have seen me you’ll have seen my father too • He wants us to excel us in fellowship/ one mindedness • He wants us to be with him where ever he is. • J esushas love of God and if we have him we will have the love of God • W ho could have Jesus? T he one who is a new creature /not of world • Holy Christ wants to purifies himself so that we (the sinners) will be holy • T his is the unique leader’s nature

  15. @ T HE G A R D E N • [ Ref: john- 1 8, Luke- 2 2 ] • W here did Jesus go with his disciples and how Judas knew that place? • That garden had been a place where Jesus and his disciples had their night devotion or prayer time. So only Judas could find that time to seize Jesus. • W hat happens to our daily devotion time in times of pains and sufferings? • A s Jesus followed his prayer time even in times pain he was strengthened by the angel of God

  16. SPIRIT IS WILLING-FLESH IS WEAK • W hat does Jesus pray in mat- 2 6:39? W hat that cup refers? • W hat time was it when Jesus asked disciples to pray? • W hat does he ask his disciples and what does he say of himself? • W hy he is in a struggle of his own will and God’s will? • How he came to a conclusion on God’s will? W hy? • W hat do you realize as you see Jesus crying to his father that his flesh is arrogant to surrender to god’s will but wants to do its own will i.e. to reject god given vessel but he wants to do the father’s will? • W hy his disciples did not pray for themselves, what was important for them? • W hat is essential for you God’s work or serving your flesh? • W hat happens to all your holds at times of disaster/ bomb blast? • W hat Jesus refers in v s .5 6?

  17. -W e find Jesus himself being in anxiety and agony because of the weakness of the flesh which is a coward to fulfill the will of god and prefers comforts and pleasures of the world and self. • - In order to overcome the flesh he cries out to God for strength and reveals what was his true desire and how weak he was (take away this cup). Is this the son of God? • - W hen he was in flesh he prayed with loud cry and tears to the one who rescues him from death. D idn’t he die? W hat does that death refers to? It refers to the reign of our own desires ( R omans: 8: 6,Hebrews: 5 : 7 ) • -T hroughthese references it is clear that Jesus wanted himself not to be a hindrance to God’s plan. He wanted to fulfill God’s complete plan through him. • - He sought God’s will first and not at all his desire of flesh • - A s Jews came to arrest Jesus, the disciples tend to defend themselves .But he said, these things will hinder the plan what God has planned to take place. No S oonerdid Jesus say these things, they fled to protect themselves. T hey wanted to sidestep from God’s plan/. W hat about you? D o you think God is not sensitive and you yourself proceed? • - The disciples slept out of flesh’s comfort that they found necessary than even Jesus. Sometimes we also forget to fulfill/give preference to him exactly like them. But when we are filled with Holy Spirit we are led into all the truth and we’ll know how God is tremendously essential than all other things and we’ll be set free.

  18. Two extreme servants: • Vs.4 of john 1 8 says that he knew what is going to happen (a prophetic spirit) • Vs 1 4 says that Caiaphas the high priest was the one who told that, Better for a man to die for all. T hat is because of the inner guidance spirit. Is it true? • From this we can know that even false servants could do prophesy or do miracles. For this is the reason in Jesus saying that he will say unto such false worldly servants that he never knew them and they are fraudulent awful workers, even to those who have did wonders

  19. J esuswas ever prepared: • When Jesus came to know that his time has come to die, He did not hide or flee. For he had known that ,that was the time allotted by God. But in many other placeshe escaped from conspiracy of men to kill him for it was not the time meant by God for Jesus. • What does it show of Jesus? • J esusdidn’t want to upset God’s plan over his life. He didn’t want to end his life before or beyond God’s call. He surrendered his complete desire to God. • The J ewscame with mysterious plot to seize Jesus. But Jesus came voluntarily and asked them though he knew whom they are searching for. This act of Jesus made them stunned and even that they fell back.

  20. Malchus the high priest’s servant • Peter in a desire to defend Jesus cut off an ear of high priest’s servant. Even though Jesus was at his death moments without any selfishness he healed his enemy. • What does Jesus say to peter? • -Shall I not drin k the cup the father has given me? (A mind of willingness) • The healing act of Jesus besides his worthlessness and his complete surrender should have changed Malchus.

  21. Humble & daring john: • Inthis passage john hides himself because of humility. • How do we publish our names for fame? • John was not frightened of what could happen to him but went daringly into the high priest’s palace. H e knew the priest. H e was not worried of priest’s thoughts or acts on him. H e didn’t change his mind for them he loved Jesus very dearly & nearly. John loved Jesus much says the bible that even when other disciples hesitated to ask that who was going to betray Jesus and peter gives sign to John to ask about it to Jesus.

  22. KINGDOM OF JESUS • My kingdom is not of the world. If my kingdom is of the world my servants would have fought so that I should not be delivered to the Jews. But now my kingdom is not from here. For this cause, I have come into this world that I should bear witness to truth.

  23. How different is the type of kingdom of Jesus than of this world? • His Kingdom is full of the tastes of the spirit as mentioned in gal:5 : 2 2 • S incehis kingdom is full of R ighteousness, peace, joy in the Holy Ghost. • How different was the king of kings Jesus from all other kings and his servants from others though he was the mightiest? why? • W ho can enter his kingdom? • those who have got little bit of his Kingdom inside them • T he only thing is the Humility out of fullness of Lo v e • In his kingdom there will be no unbelief on God and no pride we will serve others to persuade them.

  24. God is love . It means he is the source of all love. M an needs to be loved and so he is selfish to be loved and if someone is not caring him he tends take revenge on them. If we search in wrong place we can’t be filled with love. But if we come to the stream (source) he not only fills us with his love he makes love to overflow through us to others.

  25. JESUS AND BARABAS Jesus was truly son of God. He was sinless son of God. Yet the Jews did not believe him. They arrested him out of jealousy. They did not want to repent from their own ways and Jesus taught holiness and the righteous ways of God. And so they hated Jesus who brought all covetousness into light. But they could find no mistake in him with the ten supreme commandments which’s foundation is love of God for he loved him so much day and night. But Barabas was notorious criminal he caused rebellion and was a thief. The Jews wanted such a criminal to be released from prison who is supposed to be put to death penalty. But they wanted Jesus the sinless one to be put to death.

  26. The world hates truth, honesty, righteousness of God. What about you in all your affairs, do you deny Jesus? THE UNSHAKEN FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST IN TRIALS Pilate tried to frighten Jesus of his power to crucify and release him But Jesus of his faith said, “You could have no power over me at all, unless it is given from above” When Jesus was arrested the men who held Jesus having blindfolded him they struck on the face and asked him to prophesy the name of the one who had struck him. • What do you believe in your case of someone of superior authority harassing youor difficult circumstances? • I f not you are in unbelief of God almighty, you think that he is inefficient or insignificant! • Was Jesus ungifted to prophesy? • Why he was silent then?

  27. King Herod seeing Jesus was exceedingly happy for he had desired a long time to see him because he heard many things about him and he hoped to see some miracles done by him. • Didn’t Jesus like to manifest his power? • He says, my time has not yet come and soon he does a miracle. • He was humble he did not want to be like a master ordering everyone to serve him alone, for he washes the foot of his disciples like a servant. • F or he said to the priests that if he tells them they will by no M EANS believe for he healed M alchus and he rose from the dead and he manifested himself • He was only interested in needy ones that he said only a patient needs a doctor. He didn’t fear that God would become inefficient to them.

  28. F INN E Y H W I L S ON for more info:passionsoulsind@gmail.com • Other similar studies • Grateful woman Mary • W alk to E mmaus is a walk into life • T he difference making power coming soon in Tamil UNN A T H A A Z A IPUM VINN A V A R S A A Y A L UM ( the heavenly calling & the image of the heavenly man) along with a workbook guide for a Christian

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