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Shrideep Pallickara and Geoffrey Fox

NaradaBrokering: A Middleware Framework and Architecture for Enabling P2P Grids Middleware 2003 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 16-20 June 2003. Shrideep Pallickara and Geoffrey Fox spallick, gcf@indiana.edu Community Grid Computing Laboratory, Pervasive Technology Labs Indiana University.

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Shrideep Pallickara and Geoffrey Fox

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  1. NaradaBrokering: A Middleware Framework and Architecture for Enabling P2P GridsMiddleware 2003Rio de Janeiro, Brazil16-20 June 2003 Shrideep Pallickara and Geoffrey Fox spallick, gcf@indiana.eduCommunity Grid Computing Laboratory,Pervasive Technology LabsIndiana University. http://www.naradabrokering.org http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  2. Talk Outline • P2P Grids • Messaging Infrastructure requirements • NaradaBrokering Overview • P2P support • Extensible transport framework • Security and Monitoring Infrastructure • Conclusions • Future Work http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  3. P2P Grids • Grids - Typified by infrastructure for seamless access to high-end computing resources. • Job submissions, data management services. • P2P systems – Sophisticated resource sharing environments. • Search, discovery & sharing of resources (CPU/files). • P2P Grid comprises services of both Grids and P2P systems. • Integrates ideas of computational grids, web services, P2P systems and message-oriented-middleware. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  4. Messaging Infrastructure for P2P Grids • Scaling – Support large number of devices/users. • Efficient disseminations of interactions • Guaranteed Delivery Mechanisms • Location Independence • Support for P2P interactions – JXTA, Gnutella • Interoperate with Messaging clients • Performance Monitoring and Security services. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  5. NaradaBrokering: Features • Based on a network of cooperating broker nodes • Cluster based architecture allows system to scale to arbitrary size • Originally to provide uniform software multicast to support real-time collaboration linked to publish-subscribe for asynchronous systems. • Now has four major core functions • Message transport (based on performance) in multi-link fashion • General publish-subscribe including JMS, JXTA and Gnutella (started) • Support for RTP-based audio/video conferencing. • Federationof multiple instances (just starting) of Grid services http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  6. NB: Engineering Issues Addressed • Tunnel through firewalls/proxies • Microsoft’s ISA, Checkpoint, Apache • Support for multiple network protocols such as TCP, UDP, Multicast, SSL, RTP and HTTP. • Support for both blocking and non-blocking IO. • Scaling of software multicast • Efficient calculation of destinations and routes.. • Supports local broker accesses • Transparently replace single server JMS systems with a distributed solution. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  7. NaradaBrokering: Organization http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  8. Organization of Profiles and Routing • Client subscriptions are stored hierarchically within the system. • A broker maintains client subscriptions, cluster-controller maintains broker subscriptions and so on. • When an event is received, the event is matched against stored profiles and destinations are computed • A cluster-controller computes broker destinations. A broker computes client destinations. • Every broker node, when supplied with a set of destinations, computes the best broker-hops to take to reach these destinations. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  9. NaradaBrokering: Distributed Results Every broker – SPARC Ultra-5 (128 MB, 333 MHz) 105 Clients – SPARC-Ultra-60 (512MB, 360 MHz) JRE-1.2.1, 100 Mbps Network http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  10. NaradaBrokering: Matching Engines • Matching engines are responsible for matching events against stored profiles. • NaradaBrokering supports a variety of matching engines supporting • “/” separated String based topics • Equality based <tag,value> topics • Integer based topic • SQL (from JMS) • XPath based queries http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  11. Matching Engine Performance Stand alone process Pentium-3 1 GHZ 256MB RAM JRE 1.4 http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  12. Why Support P2P? • Core features – Resource Sharing & Discovery • CPU cycles: SETI@home, Folding@HOME • File Sharing: Napster, Gnutella • Deployments user driven – No dedicated management • Management of resources • Expose resources & specify security strategy • Replicate resources based on demand • Dynamic peer groups, fluid group memberships • Sophisticated search mechanisms • Peers respond to queries based on their interpretations • Responses do not conform to traditional templates. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  13. P2P Systems: The Downsides • Routing not very sophisticated • Inefficient network utilization • Usually relying on simple forwarding of interactions • Peer Traces (to eliminate echoing) • Attenuations (to suppress propagation) • TTL’s associated with interactions. • Interactions are attenuated • Resulting in localized interactions and a fragmented world of multiple P2P subsystems http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  14. NaradaBrokering & JXTA Interaction Model • Based on proxy model • Acts as both Rendezvous peer (JXTA routers) and NaradaBrokering client. • No changes to JXTA core or straitjacketing of interactions • Change made to Rendezvous layer • Peers are not aware that they interact with a Narada-JXTA proxy or Rendezvous peer. • Narada-JXTA provides JXTA guaranteed long distance delivery http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  15. NaradaBrokering-JXTA Proxy • Glean relevant information from JXTA interactions. • Peer group advertisements (XML Doc describing resource) • Requests/Responses to be part of peer group. • Messages sent to a peer group. • Queries and responses to these queries. • Subscribe to relevant topics to ensure delivery • Construct corresponding Narada-JXTA event from interactions. • These events lend themselves to efficient routing. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  16. NaradaBrokering-JXTA Apps and Setups • Applications • Integrated NaradaBrokering-JXTA environment tested under JXTA shell and myJxta (InstantP2P) • Plan to integrate myJxta into Anabas (distance education software) with NaradaBrokering managing P2P and middle-tier (JMS) style interactions. • Experimental Setup • Sender/receiver - (Pentium-3, 1 GHz, 256 MB RAM). • Every node (broker/router) hosted on a different machine (Pentium-3, 1 GHz, 256 MB RAM). • Machines reside on a 100 Mbps LAN • Run-time environment for all the processes is JDK-1.3 build Blackdown-1.3.1, Red Hat Linux 7.3 http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  17. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  18. NaradaBrokering Communications • Applications interface to NaradaBrokering through UserChannels. • UserChannels have publish/subscribe semantics • Links implement a single conventional “data” protocol. • Different links can have different underlying transport implementations • Addition of new transport protocols within the Framework is easy to achieve. • Administrative channel negotiates the best available communication protocol • Link implementations can incorporate their own handshaking protocols to facilitate communications and data exchange. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  19. NaradaBrokering Communications - II http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  20. Performance Monitoring • Every broker incorporates a Monitoring service that monitors links originating from the node. • Every link measures and exposes a set of metrics • Average delays, jitters, loss rates, throughput. • Individual links can disable measurements for individual or the entire set of metrics. • Measurement intervals can also be varied • Monitoring Service, returns measured metrics to Performance Aggregator. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  21. Performance Aggregation • Aggregated information will be used to • Circumvent bottlenecks • Aid routing algorithms • Facilitate Dynamic Load-balancing http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  22. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  23. NaradaBrokering: Security Framework • Based on Message Level Security • Authentication – Confirm whether a user is really who he says he is. • Authorization – Identify if the user is authorized to receive certain events • Key distribution – Based on authentication & authorization distribute keys, which ensure that only the valid clients are able to decrypt encrypted data. • Digital Signing – Have the ability to verify the source of the event and whether the source is authorized to publish events conforming to the specified template. • Communication Protocol Independent • Detection and Response to Security Compromise • Clients required to respond to queries (stored during initializations) issued at random intervals. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  24. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  25. Security Results • Experiments performed on a Pentium-3, 1.5GHz, 512 MB RAM. • JRE 1.4.1, Cryptographic provider is IAIK • Points in the graphs represent the average value of the operation being performed 1000 times. • Results indicate that the security scheme does not introduce unacceptable delays. • Since messages are encrypted only once, costs are amortized during traversal over multiple broker hops. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  26. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  27. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  28. Conclusions • NaradaBrokering is a messaging infrastructure that is appropriate for P2P Grids. • Results demonstrate that it can be used for synchronous and asynchronous applications. • Availability of multiple matching engines provides for sophisticated interactions between entities within the system. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

  29. Future Work • Federation of P2P systems and accompanying search/query/response mechanisms. • Ongoing work with Limewire (Gnutella) • Distributed A/V conferencing management. • Dynamic Resource Management • Management of lightweight XML databases • Ongoing investigations with Apache Xindice and Source Forge eXist. http://www.naradabrokering.org spallick,gcf@indiana.edu

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