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NEW ESTATE BAPTIST CHURCH, SURULERE EQUIPPING THE SAINTS/DISCIPLESHIP CONFERENCE THAT HELD ON JULY 15-20, 2012 Theme : “WALKING IN HIS STEPS” Topic “With Eternity in View” Text: 1 Peter 2:21; 1 John 2:6 July 20, 2012. 1. Introduction Recap:
1. Introduction Recap: So far, we have seen that “Walking in His Steps - With Eternity in View” demands a choice(s), commitment and conversion; and we should follow a track that is characterized by spotlessness, sacrificial suffering and saintly attitudes (or the mind of Christ). We emphasized that an unmistakable sign of following the steps of Jesus is sound stewardship of our resources or possessions where wealth is not our master, but messenger to accomplish kingdom purposes.
We highlighted certain factors that can derail us from the track to heaven; primarily sexual immorality, strife and strange or false doctrines. Others include false religious groups and cults, fame, miracles, movies/entertainment, and internet which promote immorality, pornography and other vices. To stay on the track to heaven is possible when we: remain sober/self-controlled; rest on His grace; keeping the right company/network; committed to spiritual disciplines; and make the Holy Spirit our prime partner in the journey to heaven
Today, we conclude this series of teachings by sharing on discovering and fulfilling our God-given and life-long pursuit (or vocation or ministry) as an essential for “Walking in His Steps - With Eternity in View. As we look forward to seeing God face to face in heaven, we should also expect rewards for faithfulservice. The saints that can look forward to receiving maxim rewards (or ‘returns’) are those who have discovered and fulfilled or are fulfilling their general and specific assignments or pursuit here on earth.
2. A Tale of Two Ex-convicts • Charles W. Colson & ‘Baba Eko/Lagos.’ • 3. Apostle Paul’s Life-Long Pursuit (2 Timothy 4:6-8) • At the time of writing this Epistle, Apostle Paul was awaiting execution. In v. 7, he made three profound statements: • Fought the good fight (also contest, conflict and contention) - Christianity and making it to heaven is a warfare (Ephesians 6:12-18; 1 Timothy 6:12).
Finished the race (my course or career or pursuit) (Romans 11:13; 15:16; Galatians 2:7, 8; 2 Timothy 4:13 – his scrolls/books and Jewish parchments). • Kept the Faith – Christians who benefit from subsidy schemes (or SCAMS); help themselves from the Church building or mission funds cannot like say “I have kept the faith. They have already derailed from the track to heaven. God is calling some to REPENTANCE. Please keep your heavenly home in view (Hebrews 12:1-3). • Those who discover and fulfill their God-given and life-long pursuit qualify for rewards (Your homework/“Fill in the Blank Spaces)
TextType of RewardPrerequisite/Qualifications i. 2 Timothy 4:8 Crown of Righteous Faithful Service & Rapture Ready ii. James 1:12 iii. 1 Peter 1:3, 4 iv. 1 Peter 5:1-4 v. Revelation 2:8-11 (A word for NEBC) vi. Others ()
4. Discovering and Fulfilling Your Life-Long Pursuit Matthew 5:13-16 - salt and light stand for impact and influence. We are destined for good works that will bring glory to the Father. However, each individual is ordained for specific assignments - Moses as Deliverer; David as King, Jeremiah as a Prophet and Jesus as Saviour of mankind. Similarly, families and churches are destined for specific assignments. What have discovered as your specific assignment(s) and of your Church?
How then can you discover these specific assignments? • Birth & Newbirth - biological (talents and skills); vocation and office/leadership; spiritual gifts and callings employed in the ministries in the Body. • Prophetic - Jacob and Esau, David and his brother; Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles • Sustained Passion - delighted, fruitful, will do it for nothing, it is your life (1 Corinthians 9:16; RSV). For others it will be woe to me if I do notusher, or give, or intercede. Those you can boldly say so have discovered the specific assignments related to their pursuit or destinies. • Crisis - Colson entered through imprisonment; a lady into ministry to children with Down syndrome; and others into ministries to the abused and addicts.
Fulfilling Your Life-long Pursuit • Acceptance- Failure to accept your pursuit will lead to frustration, rebellion and underachievement. Be focused on heavenly rewards; the material ones are secondary. • Preparation- mentoring, tutelage, apprenticeship, discipleship etc. Moses and Joshua; Paul and Timothy. • Purity- there are many contaminants you must beware of. • Pursuit- there is great determination to fulfill your destiny. (Philippians 3:10, 11.)
Colson stayed on track and succeeded; but ‘Baba Eko’ is not walking with eternity in view. You will walk with eternity in view and receive maximum rewards in Jesus’ Name, Amen.