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HIAST. Seventh Framework Programme FP7. Dr. Iyad SEYD DARWISH Syrian Information Point Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology. FP7 at a Glance. EU’s main funding tool for supporting research and technological development Period: 2007-2013 Total budget of over € 50 Billion
HIAST Seventh Framework Programme FP7 Dr. Iyad SEYD DARWISH Syrian Information Point Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology
FP7 at a Glance • EU’s main funding tool for supporting research and technological development • Period: 2007-2013 • Total budget of over € 50 Billion • Supports research in selected priority areas • An important element in realising the Lisbon Agenda for growth and competitiveness
FP7 Structure 1. Cooperation – Collaborative research 2. Ideas – Frontier Research 3. People – Marie Curie Actions 4. Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC non-nuclear research Euratom direct actions–JRC nuclear research Euratom indirect actions – nuclear fusion and fission research
1. Cooperation programme European priority-driven and top-down research, implemented through 10 thematic areas Feature: International Cooperation integrated at thematic level
Collaborative Research Projects Support to research projects carried out by consortia with participants from different countries, aiming at developing new knowledge, new technology, products or common resources for research The size, scope and internal organisation of projects can vary from field to field and from topic to topic. Projects can range from small or medium-scale focused research actions to larger integrating projects which mobilise a significant volume of resources for achieving a defined objective.
Cooperation – Collaborative Research Budget (M €) Health……………......................................................... 6 100 Food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology.. 1 935 Information and communication technologies……… 9 050 Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materialsand new production technologies…………………….. 3 475 Energy……………………………………………………… 2 350 Environment (including climate change)……………. 1 890 Transport (including aeronautics)……………………. 4 160 Socio-economic sciences and the humanities……... 623 Space ……………………………………………………… 1 430 Security…………………………………………………...... 1 400 TOTAL 32 413 Euratom for nuclear research and training activities. 2 751 Ten themes
Cooperation – collaborative research Work programmes implemented on annual basis by: Call for proposals Commission-specified topics Commission-specified project types Evaluation procedure could differ (one or two-step) Could also specify estimated budget, size and composition of consortium (types and locations of partners)
International Cooperation in the Specific Programme ‘Cooperation’ (i) All themes open to third countries Minimum 3 different EU Member State (MS) or Associated countries (AC) Beyond this minimum, all 3rd countries can participate International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) would generally be funded Industrialised countries funded only if indispensable for the project Targeted calls possible
International Cooperation in the Specific Programme ‘Cooperation’ (ii) In addition: Specific International Cooperation Actions linked to the 10 themes Calls for proposals dedicated to ICPC in each Theme (see relevant work programme) Minimum 4 participants from different countries: 2 ICPC + 2 MS or AC ICPC participants would always be funded
Funding schemes of FP7 Collaborative Research Project (large-scale integrating projects) Collaborative Research Project (small or medium-scale focused project) Network of Excellence (NoE) Coordination and Support Action
2. Ideas programme Activities and Principles • Support for individual teams • Host organisation to be located in the European Union(or Associated State) • All fields of science and scholarship are eligible • Investigator-driven, bottom-up • Excellence is the only criterion • Principal investigator/team + research project • Investment in research talent • Flexible grants, under the control of the Principal Investigator
3. Capacities Programme (i) Objectives • Enhance research and innovation capacities in Europe • Research infrastructures, SMEs • Promote the development of regional research-driven clusters • Unlock and develop the research potential in the EU’s ‘convergence regions’ and outermost regions In essence: the Capacities Programme will not promote actual collaborative research activities but will complement the Cooperation Programme
Capacities : Areas and budget (ii) Research Infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of Knowledge Research Potential for Convergence Regions Science in Society Coherent development of research policies Activities of International Cooperation 1 715 M€ 1 336 M€ 126 M€ 340 M€ 330 M€ 70 M€ 180 M€ Total 4097 M€
4. People Programme Overall scope Human resource development in R&D in Europe Numerous, well-trained, motivated researchers Attract students to research careers Attract researchers to Europe Skills and sustainable career development Continuity of previous Framework programme, Appropriate gender balance
People Programme – Marie Curie Actions . Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Networks Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships Co-financing of regional / national / international programmes Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Industry-Academia Knowledge-sharing Scheme International dimension Outgoing & Incoming* International Fellowships; International Cooperation Scheme; Reintegration grants; Support to researcher ‘diasporas’ Specific actions Mobility and career enhancement actions;Excellence awards
Procedure Work Programme: Implementation of the Specific Programme, Priorities, Objectives, Policies. Call for Proposal: Specific programme, Topics, Projects, Funding Schemes, Budget, Deadline. Preparation: Idea, Partner search, Consortium formation, Proposal writing Submission: EPSS, Deadline. Evaluation: Eligible, Success, Reject. Contract
Further information For more information on the key programmes of FP7 see the homepage of the CORDIS information site for FP7 at: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/
National Contact Point (NCP) • National structure implemented in: • Member States • Associated States • Third Countries • Main provider of advice and individual assistance concerning the participation in FP7 activities • Appointed for each of the areas of FP7
Information Point or MED-NCP • Structures similar to the NCP created in some Mediterranean countries • Established by the European projects: EuroMEDANet and EuroMEDANet-2 in order to: • Provide information on the opportunities and modalities for participation in the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes FP6 & FP7 • Assists potential participants and contractors on ongoing projects
Contact Syrian InP Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology • Dr. Iyad Seyd Darwish • Telefax: 5123819 • E-mail: info@inp.org.sy • Website: www.inp.org.sy
Identifying a suitable call for proposal: Searching for a partner: Choosing the appropriate instrument. Writing a proposal. Submitting the proposal (Electronic (EPSS) or paper form) If the project is accepted : Assisting on signing the contract Following up the execution of the project Assisting in case of problems or difficulties If the project is refused : Analysing the evaluation report to make better proposals in the future How can InP assist you? 22