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Astronomy 130, Lecture 6. Interstellar Medium. Outline. Atoms and Light Radiative processes in the active ISM Star formation. Spectra. Light from telescope. Atoms. Nucleus + electron cloud. Manhattan Island. Ping pong ball. The Nucleus.
Astronomy 130, Lecture 6 Interstellar Medium
Outline • Atoms and Light • Radiative processes in the active ISM • Star formation
Spectra Light from telescope
Atoms • Nucleus + electron cloud ManhattanIsland Ping pong ball
The Nucleus • Atomic Number, Z, is the number of protons in the nucleus • Isotope Number, or rough atomic mass, A, is the total number of nucleons • Nucleus ALWAYS positively charged Z=1, A=1 Z=1, A=2 Z=6, A=13 Z=6, A=12 +
The Electron Cloud • Electrons are negatively charged • Attracted to the positively charged nucleus by Coulomb force • Like gravity: inverse square law, mutual force according to both charges • orbits?
Classical Orbits Fail • Charges radiate when they are accelerated. • An electron is a classical circular orbit would continuously radiate. • For instance, electrons can circle in magnetic fields. When they do, they radiate by cyclotron • The orbital energy would be radiated away, and the orbit would decay rapidly. • Electron orbits simply cannot be classical. Power radiated Acceleration
Cyclotron Radiation http://www.gemini.edu/files/docman/press_releases/pr2004-6/Cyclotron_radiationMR.jpg
Synchrotron (relativistic cycolotron) http://lifeng.lamost.org/courses/astrotoday/CHAISSON/AT325/IMAGES/BG16FG11.JPG http://www.plasma-universe.com/images/3/39/M87_jet.jpg http://www.daviddarling.info/images/synchrotron_radiation.jpg
Electron Orbits • Classically, expect orbits according to Kepler’s laws • Quantum Physics tells a different story • “quantized” orbits at only specific energy levels (Bohr atom) Z=5 Z=1 Z=2 “permitted orbits”
Really spatial probability distributions, not orbits, per se. http://guildofscientifictroubadours.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Hydrogen_Density_Plots.png
Excitation • Electrons can be “excited” from on orbit to another move from orbit to orbit • Collisions with other atoms • Incoming radiation • Energy change must be exactly right
Excitation by Collision • Similar to excitation by light, but collision is with another atom, rather than a photon • In a hot gas (thousands of K) most atoms have collisionally excited electrons
Excitation by Light • Allowed energy transitions Allowed energy changes in Hydrogen
Absorption and Emission of Light • If energy is just right, atom absorbs photon, and stores energy in electron energy state • Quickly, the atom re-radiates, however • Absorption and emission only at specific energies
Spectral Lines Absorption Lines: Light at particular energies is absorbed by atoms in the gas. The atoms become excited. Later they radiate the energy away in a random direction. This leaves a net deficit in those wavelengths.
Spectrographs Light from telescope
Absorption Lines as Thermometers Hydrogen’s Energy Levels • Consider Hydrogen • If very cold, atoms in ground state: no Balmer (all Lyman) • If very hot, all atoms in highly excited state: no Balmer • Strong Balmer ONLY when temperature is about 10,000 K (atoms in low excited state) Fraction of transitions to different levels tells temperature!
Thermometers of Other Elements • Multiple elements work in different ranges
Stellar Types and Temperature Stellar Type is defined uniquely by temperature
Active Regions of the ISM • Typical 8” view of Orion Nebula • Prettier view of Horsehead region Pretty, but what’s going on?
The Ionization Region • Young OB stars in the Trapezium blast nearby gas with radiation • Several processes produce the light we see Brilliant O,B Stars Photo-Ionized Gas
Absorption and Re-emission This process generates the light most visible to our eyes. Important species include Hydrogen transitions to the 2nd electron state (blue-green and red), and ionized Oxygen transitions (green). • O star emits a blue photon (Hb=0.486mm) 2. Photon strikes neutral atom in gas, exciting an electron to a higher energy level 3. Atom remains excited only about 10-8 sec. 4. Atom re-emits photon in a random direction and returns to its un-excited state
Absorption and Re-emission • A little like fog, but only in specific wavelengths Gas absorbs starlight then radiates it in a random direction Fog scatters light from streetlight in a “random” direction
Absorption and Re-emission absorption re-emission excitation Spectrum seen on Line-of-sight to star Spectrum seen off Line-of-sight to star
Spectral Lines • Absorption strength depends on amount of material in the way Strong Absorption Weak Absorption
Column Density • In any sq. cm., I see some fraction of the star. • In that sq. cm., I see same fraction of total absorbers. • Fraction of light blocked is proportional to the number of absorbers per sq. cm. Extreme zoom in on my view of the star
Column Density • Amount of absorbing material is proportional to the density of the gas, and the length of the path through the gas N = “column” density of atoms per cm2 n(x) = density of atoms percm3 x
Column Density and Spectral Lines Curve of Growth • Low column density: line is narrow, may not block any wavelength completely • Moderate column density: line is broader, blocks some wavelengths completely Relative flux • Very high column density: line is very broad, with wings; blocks a range of wavelengths completely wavelength
Ionization and Recombination Hydrogen’s Energy Levels • Ionizing radiation has energies sufficient to eject the electron completely • 13.6eV (l = 0.0912mm) from ground state to “free” levels • More energetic photons also work, but less likely as energy increases • X-rays don’t work very well
Ionization and Recombination This process is so efficient that we can’t even see the star in the UV at these ionizing wavelengths 1. O star emits a UV photon (l < 0.0912mm, E > 13.6eV) 2. UV photon strikes neutral atom in gas, ionizing it 3. Ion now very interactive with electrons + 4. Ion Recombines with electron, and emits a photon in a random direction 4 (alt). Ion Recombines with electron into a different orbits and emits a photon at a different energy in a random direction… still excited
Ionization and Recombination • Similar to absorption and re-emission • Photons are effectively sprayed in random directions • Differences • Occurs over a wide range of wavelengths (above the ionization energy), not just a specific wavelength • Likelihood of interaction decreases as photon energies become very large (X-rays don’t ionize much) • Ionization can leave gas nearly completely ionized, which means little neutral absorption and re-emission is possible • Ionized gas remains very hot (around 10,000 K)
HII Regions • II (Roman 2) means once ionized • Highly Ionized regions • Usually about 10 atoms/cc • Usually about 5-10,000 K (at this temperature, balance of neutral gas and collisionallyionized gas) • Luminescence from recombinations HII HII
HII Regions • These regions tend to stay less than about 10,000K, because at this temperature region, hydrogen emission is very efficient at radiating energy away. • This is the temperature at which there is a balance of neutral and ionized gas. • Neutral gas is mainly transparent, allowing radiation to escape, which permits cooling. • Exchange of ionization and emission is very efficient. • See the Saha Equation
Molecular Clouds • Frequently, active regions also have molecular clouds • Regions where gas is denser and cooler: < 10,000 molecules / cc, T > 10-100K • Abundant molecular transitions “self-shield” cloud • Rapid absorption of incoming radiation • Rapid radiational cooling • Principal species are H2, CO, some hydrocarbons, NH3, etc. • Dust… Molecular Cloud
Interstellar Dust • Dust • About 1-5m in size (similar to fine room dust) • Larger than wavelength of visible photon • Grain looks like a boulder to photon • Primarily carbon • Extremely efficient absorber
Dust Grains • Dust grains absorb light, heat up and radiate thermally 1-5 mm Grain absorbs Photon, causing it to heat up Visible/UV photon strikes grain Grain radiates heat thermally, and cools
Visible light image Dust • Dust clouds can extinguish light by up to 50 magnitudes (a factor of 1010) • Infrared light penetrates dust… much larger wavelength (dust not a boulder) Infrared image
Dust Column Density • Dust does not generate absorption lines, rather VERY broad absorption regions of the spectrum • Column Density translates to exponential decrease in light Half of light absorbed Half of light absorbed n(x) = density of grains percm3 (Same math)
Extinction Law • Optical Depth, t • Proportional to column density, flux decreases exponentially in t • Linear change in magnitude AV is extinction
Extinction and Color • Red light is generally less extinguished than blue light • What looks like a boulder to blue light isn’t so big to red (or infrared) light Blue light, scattered or absorbed (Rayleigh Scattering) Red light just passed through
Visible light image Dust • So we can see through the dust with infrared light • Also, can estimate total amount of dust by comparing extinction in different colors Infrared image
Another Dust Pic scattered blue light reddening
More Scattered Blue Light • Dust remaining from star formation process …
Outline • Atoms and Light • Radiative processes in the active ISM • Star formation
Active Star Forming Regions Hot, ionized gas M16: The Eagle Nebula Young OB stars Dense Molecular gas, dust
Bright OB star Fully Ionized Gas Absorption and Re-emission Partially Ionized Gas Ionization and Recombination “Evaporating” molecular gas Grain absorption, heating and re-radiation Ionization Front Dusty Molecular Gas Molecular Cooling (thermally excited molecule radiates)