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Types II and III: Antibody-Mediated and Antigen-Antibody Complex-Mediated Immediate Hypersensitivity. Folder Title: AgAbHype. Updated: November 16, 2011. Hyp23Ttl. Four Types of Hypersensitive (Allergic) Responses.
Types II and III: Antibody-Mediated and Antigen-Antibody Complex-MediatedImmediate Hypersensitivity Folder Title: AgAbHype Updated: November 16, 2011 Hyp23Ttl
Type II Immediate Hypersensitivity:Antibody-Mediated Cytotoxic Attackon Host Cells Complement-Mediated or ADCC* - Mediated *ADCC = Antibody-dependent Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity
Baby with Hemolytic Disease of the New-Born (HDNB) RhBaby
Auto-antibody to Acetyl Choline Receptor: Blockage of Acetyl-Choline Signalling in Myasthenia Gravis From Roitt, 4th Ed. Fig. 23.16 Myasthen
Complement-dependent attack on Ig-Fc labelled acetyl choline receptors and progressive damage to muscle cell end-plate and loss of acetyl-choline receptors.
In Myasthenia Gravis, communication between the neurons and muscle fibers is being disrupted by • A bacterial toxin that inhibits acetyl choline binding • A monoclonal antibody to acetyl choline receptor that is being used therapeutically. • A genetic abnormality that leads to the production of abnormal acetyl choline receptors. • An autoantibody that leads to autoimmune attack on acetyl choline receptors • An autoantibody that ties up acetyl choline. • An enzyme that removes the acetyl group from acetyl choline (acetyl cholinesterase) 0 of 94
(Fill in the blank Question)In Erythroblastosis Fetalis , why does the auto-immune reaction happen to the Rh+ fetus only in Rh- Mothers? Response Grid 0 of 94
"Frustrated Phagocytosis" as a Damage Mechanism in Types II and III Hypersensitivity From Roitt, 4th Ed., Fig. 23.4 Frustrat
Type III Immediate Hypersensitivity:Antigen-Antibody Complex MediatedAttack on Host Tissues Localized: Arthritis, Nephritis Systemic: Serum Sickness Complement-Mediated: • Complement Activation - General Response to AgAb Deposition • Complement Deficiency - Failure to Clear Autoimmune AgAb Complexes e.g. Systemic Lupus Erythrematosis (SLE) HypSen3
Features of AgAb-Complex Disposition Contributing to Type III Immediate Hypersensitivity: Normal Removal of AgAb Complexes • By macrophages (Ab binds to Fc receptor) • By RBC binding of C3b Opsin to CR1 (C3b-receptor); • Transport to Spleen for removal. Site of Accumulation of AgAb Complexes • At local sites (e.g. joints, kidneys, lungs) • Systemically - "Serum Sickness" Persistence of Triggering Antigen Role of Complement • Keeps AgAb from precipitating in tissues • Marks AgAb for Removal by Reticuloendothelial System • Complement Deficiency leads to AgAb Accumulation AgAbDump
Antigen-generation and Persistence in Type III Immediate Hypersensitivity Persistent Infection • Leprosy • Malaria • Viral hepatitis • Dengue hemorrhagic fever • Staphylococcal Endocarditis • Streptococcal glomerulonephritis • Mononucleosis Autoimmunity • Rheumatoid arthritis • Systemic Lupus Erythrematosis Persistent Exogenous Acquisition (Inhalation of Ag) • Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis (e.g. Fungal antigens) AgRemain
A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia. Goodpasture syndrome Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody disease; Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with pulmonary hemorrhage; Pulmonary renal syndrome; Glomerulonephritis - pulmonary hemorrhage. Last reviewed: August 13, 2009. Goodpasture syndrome is a rare disease that can involve rapidly progressive kidney failurealong with lung disease. However, some forms of the disease involve just the lung or kidney, not both. Causes, incidence, and risk factors Goodpasture syndrome is an autoimmune disorder, a condition that occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. Persons with this syndrome develop substances that attack a protein called collagen in the tiny air sacs in the lungs and the filtering units (glomureli) of the kidney. These substances are called anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies. Glomerular basement membrane is a part of the kidneys that helps filter waste and extra fluid from the blood. Anti-glomerular basement membrane are antibodies against this membrane. They can lead to kidney damage. Sometimes the disorder is triggered by a viral respiratory infection or by breathing in hydrocarbon solvents. In such cases, the immune system may attack organs or tissues because it mistakes them for these viruses or foreign chemicals. The immune system's faulty response causes bleeding in the air sacs and inflammation in the kidney's filtering units. Men are eight times more likely to be affected than women. The disease most commonly occurs in early adulthood.
Features of Rheumatoid Arthritis Auto-IgM-antibody attack (“Rheumatoid Factor” ) on the Fc region of IgG antibodies. Chronic antigen-antibody deposition in joint. Activation of complement and inducation of Type III hypersensitivity with chronic inflammation of joints. Effects also on cardiovascular, respiratory, and hematological systems. Elevated occurrence in women ages 40 to 60.
Which of the following can lead to Type-III Hypersensitivity: Immune-complex Disease? (Enter all correct responses. Set them up as a string of numbers (e.g. 123678) then press enter when you have all of the correct numbers in the string • Failure to resolve an inflammatory disease. • Failure of an antibody to recognize and antigen • Auto-immune response to a self-antigen. • Severe chronic immunodeficiency. • High dose persistent exposure to an immunogen. • Defect in complement response. • Systemic treatment with a therapeutic immunogen. • Over-production of IgE antibody 0 of 103
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