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以色列农业技术 Israel Agrotechnology “ 增长尽在掌握” “ Growth it’s all in your hands”. 以色列 Israel. 黎巴嫩 Lebanon. 叙利亚 Syria. N. 地中海 Mediterranean Sea. 22,000 Km². 山地 Mountain Range. 约旦山谷 Jordan Valley. 特拉维夫 Tel Aviv. 耶路撒冷 Jerusalem. 死海 Dead Sea. 约旦 Jordan. 135 km. 90 min. 内盖 Negev.
以色列农业技术 Israel Agrotechnology “增长尽在掌握” “ Growth it’s all in your hands”
以色列 Israel 黎巴嫩Lebanon 叙利亚Syria N 地中海Mediterranean Sea 22,000 Km² 山地 Mountain Range 约旦山谷Jordan Valley 特拉维夫Tel Aviv 耶路撒冷Jerusalem 死海 Dead Sea 约旦Jordan 135 km. 90 min. 内盖Negev 470 km. 9 hrs. 埃及Egypt
降雨量Rainfall 年均降雨量Annual Average (mm) 北部地区 North: 720 山区 Mountain: 550 南部地区 South: 30 1,000 800 700 500-600 200-400 100-200 <100
地理环境Geography 国土面积 Surface: 22,000 Km2 纵深 Length: 470 Km 宽度 Width: 20-135 Km
农业特点Agricultural Characteristics • 自然资源,特别是水资源和可耕地面积,匮乏Scarce natural resources, particularly water and arable land • 全国一半以上的地区为沙漠Over half the country’s area is desert • 农业领域:研究人员、扩展人员、农民及与农业相关产业密切合作,以开发各农业领域新方法。 Agriculture Sector = researchers, extensionists, farmers and agriculture-related industries working closely to develop new methods in all branches. • 密集型农业生产体系催生了现代农业Intensive system of production yields modern agriculture
农业领域中的密切合作 Close Cooperation in the Agriculture Sector 扩展服务Extension Service 种植者 Grower 产业Industry 研发 R & D
以色列农业技术输出Israeli Agrotech Exports • 温室 Greenhouses • 乳品行业 Dairy Farming • 家禽饲养 Poultry Farming • 水产养殖 Aquaculture • 灌溉用水管理 Water Management Irrigation • 育种 Seeds • 农业机械化 Mechanization • 肥料和杀虫剂 Fertilizers and Pesticides • 整套承包工程、咨询和技术指导 Turnkey Projects, Consulting and Know-How
温室Greenhouses • 土地、水资源和气候等自然条件的限制促使以色列开发出生产高附加值农作物的温室技术。Natural restrictions of soil, water and climate led to Israeli-developed greenhouse technologies for high added value crops. • 温室系统, 包括特殊塑料薄膜、供暖系统、通风系统和房屋结构,使得以色列农民的农业生产能够取得出色的成果:Greenhouse systems, including specialized plastic films, and heating, ventilation and structure systems, enable Israeli farmers to achieve superior results: • 每一生产季,每公顷出产3,000,000多朵玫瑰 • Grow more than 3,000,000 roses per hectare per season, and an • 每一生产季,每公顷土地平均出产300吨西红柿,产量是户外土地产量的四倍 • Average of 300 tons of tomatoes per hectare per season, four times the yields of open fields
奶牛养殖 Dairy Farming • 以色列开发的先进农业技术已经为整个行业带来了革命性变革 Israeli-developed advanced technologies that have revolutionized the industry. 3.以色列乳品行业的出口,包括冷冻精液、移植用胚胎、小母牛、先进挤奶设备和计算机化饲养系统、技术咨询,以及国际联合项目开发。 Israel’s dairy exports include frozen semen, embryos for transplant, heifers, advanced milking and computerized feeding systems, consulting, and joint international project development. 2.自1950年代以来,平均牛奶产量增长了2.5倍,每头奶牛的年产奶量,从3,900升上升到接近11,000升 Average milk production has increased two and a half times since the 1950s – from 3,900 liters annually to an average of nearly 11,000 liters per dairy cow.
家禽饲养Poultry Farming 以色列开发的创新方法提高了家禽饲养的产量和家禽饲养户的 工作效率。Israeli-developed innovations improve production and make poultry farmers’ work more efficient • 繁殖–由以色列原创技术繁殖出的家禽,抗病能力强,能适应极端气候条件和酷热天气,特别是成长速度快,产蛋量高,肉质脂肪含量低。 • Breeding - Breeds developed in Israel highly disease-resistant, adaptable to extremes of climate and heat, and characterized by rapid growth rate, high egg production and low-fat meat. • 设备–自动收蛋器,自动家禽饮水系统和耐用的塑料板条地板,这些都保证了禽舍的卫生环境良好。 • Equipment - automatic egg collector, poultry drinking systems anddurable plastic slat flooring that contribute to hygienic conditions in the henhouse. • 控制系统–先进的控制系统一天24小时控制各类指标,如:湿度、温度、光照、喂食次数、通风和冷却的理想水平。Control Systems - Sophisticated control systems maintain desired levels of humidity, heat, lighting, feed, ventilation and cooling 24 hours a day.
水产养殖 Aquaculture 以色列采用集约化水产养殖方式 Israel employs an intensive form of aquaculture • 鱼类养殖主要是在开阔海域使用浮笼、人造水库和池塘进行。Fishfarming is carried out in the open sea in floating cages, and in man-made reservoirs and ponds. • 由于淡水资源匮乏,渔业养殖户使用封闭水系统进行集约化养殖。有些养殖项目也使用水库水源进行灌溉。Due to the lack of fresh water, fish farmers use closed water systems for intensive farming. Some projects also use reservoir water for irrigation. • 大量繁殖观赏鱼和海洋植物,包括冷水鱼类、热带鱼类和睡莲。这些动植物用于出口海外,特别是销往欧洲地区。Wide range of ornamental fish and marine plants are bred, including coldwater fish, tropical fish and water lilies. Exported overseas, especially to Europe.
拥有全球最先进的农业灌溉技术– 农用土地面积的一半得到了灌溉。 World’s most advanced user of agricultural irrigation – half of all agricultural land under irrigation. 开发创新性灌溉技术和配件的先锋:滴流灌溉、自动阀门和控制开关、媒介和自动过滤技术、低排放量的喷雾器和迷你喷水设备、补偿式滴头和喷水设备。 Pioneer in developing innovative technologies and accessories: drip irrigation, automatic valves and controllers, media and automatic filtration, low discharge sprayers and mini- sprinklers, compensated drippers and sprinklers. 电脑控制滴流灌溉技术,节省大量水资源,实现滴灌施肥。 Computer-controlled drip irrigation = huge water savings and enables fertigation. 享誉全球 — 80%以上的产品输出至海外。 Global Reputation – more than 80% of production exported. 水资源与灌溉 Water and Irrigation
以色列出产的种子和幼苗在世界各地都有需求 Worldwide demand for Israeli seedsand seedlings: • 已研制出多种抗病能力强的种子 Disease resistant seed varieties developed • –可长期储存,适应多种气候条件 • durable in storage and suited to a variety • of climatic conditions. • 欧洲40%的番茄温室种植使用以色列研制的种子, • 生产出保质期长的杂交番茄 40% of • European tomato greenhouses use seeds • of Israeli-developed and produced tomato • hybrid with long shelf life. • 以色列种子领域成功的其他范例 Other Israeli successes: • 无籽西瓜 Seedless Watermelon • 抗病毒南瓜 Resistant Squash • 高产黄瓜 High-Yield Cucumbers • 碟形黄色西葫芦 Saucer-Shaped Yellow Zucchini • 不同种类的棉纤维更长更结实的杂交棉花、耗水量更少的高产农作物、天然彩棉及更多其他。 Hybrid Cotton variety with longer and stronger fibers and high-yield crop requiring less water, naturally colored cotton and more. 育种Seeds
机械化 Mechanization 以色列生产并出口多种特殊农用设备,包括: Israel manufactures and exports a variety of specialized agricultural equipment, including: 移动式芹菜包装厂 Mobile Celery Packing House 挖掘青贮饲料和均匀混合饲料机械 Machinery for Digging Silage and mixing the feed uniformly 家禽设备 – 饮水器、自动收蛋器、气候控制系统及称重天平。 Poultry Equipment – drinkers, automatic egg collectors, climate control systems and scales for weighing 应用于柑橘生长和葡萄园的鼓风喷雾器,可为果树提供有效屏障。 Air-Blast Sprayer for use in citrus growing and vineyards which provides an efficient cover of the tree. 花球茎移栽机 Flower Bulb Transplanters. 各类包装厂所需机械 Machinery for Packing Houses.
肥料 Fertilizers 原料直接出口 Direct raw material exports 当地肥料加工与混合以提高肥料用途和效率,以及环境安全性。Local processing and compounding to enhance utilityeffectiveness and environmental safety. 出色的产品包括:Remarkable developments include: 通过埋设于地下滴流灌溉设备进行施肥,确保活性较差的成分,如磷,能够直接抵达植物根部。 Application of fertilizers through drip irrigation buried in the ground to ensure that less mobile components, such as phosphorous, will reach the roots directly. 释放量可控肥料– 将肥料包裹在聚合物之中,确保肥料缓慢、长期和以扩散方式在土壤中释放。缓慢释放肥料可同时提高利用率和减少地下水污染。 Controlled-Release Fertilizers – coated in polymers to ensure slow, prolonged release and delivery via diffusion. Slow release fertilizers allow better exploitation of the fertilizer and less groundwater pollution. 以色列南部地区,尤其是死海地区,拥有十分丰富的农业所需矿物质,如:钾、磷、镁:Israel’s southern region, particularly Dead Sea area, rich in mines providing potassium, phosphorus and magnesium for the agricultural sector:
植物保护 Plant Protection 在消灭植物病害的同时,生物成分对植物和人类均不产生病源危害。对于大多数由害虫、致病菌和病毒引起的农作物病虫害有特效。Biological materials non-pathogenic to both plants and humans for treating diseases in plants. Effective in treating diseases caused by pests, fungus and viruses in wide range of crops. 使用福尔马林代替溴甲烷为土壤灭菌。Methods for disinfecting the soil, usingformaline as a substitute for methyl bromide. 用于早期针对性杂草处理的棉花落叶剂和除草剂。Defoliant for cotton and herbicides for early and specific treatment of weeds. 以色列公司生产和出口用于控制病虫害、致病菌和杂草的杀虫剂及除草剂:Israeli companies manufacture and export pesticides and herbicides for the control of insects, fungi and weeds:
整套项目承包、咨询和技术指导Turnkey Projects, Consulting and Know-How 融合多种技术、人才和经验以提供综合解决方案, 其中包括:Multiple skills, talents and experiences are enlisted to provide integrated solutions that embrace: 土壤 Soil 水添加剂 Water Additives 植物 Plants 各类家畜、设备、建筑物 Livestock Varieties, Equipment and Structures 以色列农业技术公司日益采用联手方式,为农作物和家畜养殖开发项目提供整套项目承包服务:Increasingly, Israeli agrotechnology companies join forces and supply turnkey projects for both crop and livestock development programs: • 效果:提高产量,降低成本 The Results: Improved Yields at Lower Cost • 为面临资源压力的世界,提供双赢解决方案 A win-win situation in a resource-stressed world
谢谢!Thanks 以色列驻华使馆商务参赞 贺华夫 Hovav Ref, Economic & Commercial Counselor, Embassy of Israel hovav.ref@isrealtrade.gov.il