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Adobe Gaming SDK

Adobe Gaming SDK. Casual Connect Europe 2013 Tom Krcha / Adobe. Hello. Tom Krcha , Evangelist at Adobe t witter.com / tomkrcha | facebook.com / tomkrcha. GamingNotes.com. Welcome to the largest audience in gaming. Over 1.3 Billion people

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Adobe Gaming SDK

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  1. Adobe Gaming SDK Casual Connect Europe 2013 Tom Krcha / Adobe

  2. Hello. Tom Krcha, Evangelist at Adobe twitter.com/tomkrcha | facebook.com/tomkrcha GamingNotes.com

  3. Welcome to the largest audience in gaming.

  4. Over 1.3 Billion people Can play your game. No install. No friction. Now.

  5. Flash Player brings an audience20x greater than Xbox 360. Plus 500M iOS + Android devices with AIR.

  6. } • With no install. • On 1.3B+ machines. • And 500M devices.

  7. 96%of the top Facebook games are delivered with Flash. Plus the top browser games across the rest of the web. =

  8. Flash Player The biggest gaming audience gets bigger. And better. In 48 hours, we can update600 million people to the latest Flash Player. 6 times more people than Xbox 360s sold in the last 7 years.

  9. Stage3D = Flash on the GPU • 1000x faster 2D & 3D rendering. • Cinematic, fluid 60 fps graphics. • Across desktop browsers, iOS, Android. • Full GPU acceleration on 85% of all connected PCs.

  10. Go Mac App Store with AIR Captive Runtime (AIR 3.3+)

  11. Adobe Game Developer Tools Gaming SDK FlasCC Adobe Scout Create Extend your reach Profile

  12. It is hard today to get started.

  13. Friction • FlashDevelop + Starling + Air 3.2 + Stage3D + Android = Love! • 1. Download and install the Android SDK (http://developer.nvidia.com/tegra-android-development-pack) • 2. Install AIR 3.2 Release Candidate on windows (http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplatformruntimes/air3-2/) • 3. Install AIR 3.2 Release Candidate on android device (http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplatformruntimes/air3-2/) • 4. Download AIR 3.2 SDK (http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplatformruntimes/air3-2/) • 5. Overwrite AIR 3.2 SDK over the flex folder of FlashDevelop (C:\FlashDevelop\Tools\flexsdk) • 6. Download, install and start FlashDevelop (http://www.flashdevelop.org/) • 7. Create a new Air Mobile As3 App • 8. Change aplication.xml • A. <application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/3.2"> • a. <fullScreen>true</fullScreen> • b. <visible>true</visible> • c. <renderMode>direct</renderMode> • d. <aspectRatio>landscape</aspectRatio> • e. <autoOrients>false</autoOrients> • 9. Project → Properties • a. Output (tab) • i. Platform → Air Mobile • ii. Version → 3.2 • iii. Dimensions → 1280x800 (This affectsonlytheswfversionfordesktop) • iv. Framerate → 60 • b. Sdk (tab) • 1. Choosethepathwhereyoucopiedthe AIR 3.2 SDK • c. Compiler Options • 1. Additional Compiler Options → -swf-version=13 (-swf-version=15 workstoo) • 10. Change Run.bat • a. Target → chooseyourtarget type • b. Desktop → chooseyourtargetresolution • 11. Create a certificateforAndroidusing /bat/CreateCertificate.batandwait a minute • 12. Download andcopy last Starlinglibrary (http://gamua.com/starling/) toyourprojectfolder • 13. Write your 3D game / app

  14. Friction 14. In your Android device be sure to check on your USB debugging and allow Unknown sources a. Menu → Settings → Applications → Unknown sources b. Menu → Settings → Applications → Development → USB debugging 15. Connect your Android to your computer and let the computer install the necessary drivers 16. Publish (ctrl + enter) 17. If you get a “Fatal error: The application lost the device context!” just putStarling.handleLostContext= true; before you create an instance of Starling. 18. Enjoy it! Sweet! It just compiles an empty SWF!

  15. Frictionless, easy to get started We should go from 18 steps to 3: Download Flash Builder Open a sample provided Compile and test

  16. AIR SDK Frameworks Extensions Docs ATF Free AIR SDK 3.5 Game Center Product Store Social StageAd BetaTesting Link to resources ATF Documentation ANE Documentation Code samples Starling Away3D Feathers ATF command-line tools } MacOS (.dmg) Windows (.exe)

  17. Starling Starling is an open-source, 2D framework that makes it easy to create GPU-accelerated games and applications. starling-framework.org var hero:Sprite = new Sprite(); hero.x = 200; hero.y = 200; hero.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop); addChild(hero); FREE E-BOOK!

  18. Feathers Create 2D UI on the GPU with Feathers. A lightweight open-source 2D UI component extension for Starling. feathersui.com

  19. Away3D Lightweight open-source 3D framework. Huge community contributing. away3d.com

  20. The stack All of these frameworks are supported by Adobe. By supporting these, we also want to make sure they integrate between each other beautifully. Feathers (2D) Integration Starling (2D) Away3D (3D) Open-source, free and vibrant community

  21. FlasCC Bring your native C/C++ games to the browser to reach a billion people. AS3 Bytecode (.abc) on AVM2 C/C++ (llvm-gcc) LLVM bitcode

  22. FlasCC Native code runs securely and cross-platform in the ActionScript 3 Virtual Machine. AS3 Bytecode (.abc) on AVM2 C/C++ (llvm-gcc) LLVM bitcode

  23. Seamless profiling Configure with Companion App (App Store/Google Play) Test Profile

  24. Great, how do I get this? Gaming SDK FlasCC Adobe Scout http://bit.ly/GamingSDK

  25. http://bit.ly/GamingSDK

  26. http://bit.ly/GamingSDK

  27. unity3d.com/unity/publishing/flash

  28. CitrusEngine.com

  29. CitrusEngine.com

  30. http://dragonbones.github.com DragonBones The Open Source 2D skeleton animation solution for Flash

  31. Demo +

  32. Develop a game with us! http://AdobeGameJamHam.eventbrite.com

  33. Thanks. Tom Krcha, Evangelist at Adobe twitter.com/tomkrcha | facebook.com/tomkrcha GamingNotes.com

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