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This paper explores solving Presburger and linear arithmetic problems using SAT, focusing on Fourier-Motzkin elimination and Boolean Fourier-Motzkin, discussing their efficiency and complexity. It also introduces Conjunctions Matrices to optimize solving constraints. Theoretical concepts are illustrated with examples and analysis of different techniques, showcasing how they impact problem-solving. Experimental results highlight the efficiency of these methods in solving real-world instances.
On Solving Presburger and Linear Arithmetic with SAT Ofer Strichman Carnegie Mellon University
Quantifier-free Presburger formulas • are rational constants The decision problem • A Boolean combination of predicates of the form • Disjunctive linear arithmetic • are constants
Some Known Techniques • Linear Arithmetic (conjunctions only) • Interior point method (Khachian 1979, Karmarkar 1984) (P) • Simplex (Dantzig, 1949) (EXP) • Fourier-Motzkin elimination (2EXP) • Loop residue (Shostak 1984) (2EXP) • … Almost all theorem provers use Fourier-Motzkin elimination (PVS, ICS, SVC, IMPS, …)
Eliminatex1 Eliminatex2 Eliminatex3 Fourier-Motzkin elimination - example Elimination order: x1, x2, x3 (1) x1 – x2· 0 (2) x1 – x3· 0 (3) -x1 + 2x3 + x2· 0 (4) -x3· -1 (5) 2x3· 0(from 1 and 3) (6) x2 + x3· 0 (from 2 and 3) (7) 0 · -1 (from 4 and 5) Contradiction (the system is unsatisfiable)!
A system of conjoined linear inequalities Fourier-Motzkin elimination (1/2) m constraints n variables
Fourier-Motzkin elimination (2/2) Eliminating xn • Sort constraints: • For all i s.t. ai,n> 0 • For all i s.t. ai,n< 0 • For all I s.t. ai,n= 0 m1 m2 • Generate a constraint from each pair in the first two sets. Each elimination adds (m1¢ m2 – m1 – m2) constraints
Complexity of Fourier-Motzkin • Worst-case complexity: • So why is it so popular in verification? • Because it is efficient for small problems. • In verification, most inequalities systems are small. • In verification we typically solve a large number of small linear inequalities systems. • The bottleneck: case splitting. • Q: Is there an alternative to case-splitting ?
Boolean Fourier-Motzkin (BFM) (1/2) • Normalize formula: • Transform to NNF • Eliminate negations by reversing inequality signs (x1–x2 > 0) x1–x3· 0 (-x1 + 2x3 + x2 > 0 1 > x3 ) x1–x2· 0 x1–x3· 0 (-x1 + 2x3 + x2 · 0 -x3· -1)
e1 e3 e5 x1 – x2· 0 -x1 + 2x3 + x2·0 2x3 ·0 e1 e3 e5 Boolean Fourier-Motzkin (BFM) (2/2) : x1 - x2· 0 x1 - x3· 0 (-x1 + 2x3 + x2 · 0 -x3· -1) ’: e1 e2 ( e3 e4 ) 2.Encode: 3. Perform FM on the conjunction of all predicates: Add new constraints to ’
e1e3e5 e5 2x3· 0 e6x2 + x3· 0 e2e3e6 False 0 · -1 e4e5false BFM: example e1x1 – x2· 0 e2x1 – x3· 0 e3 -x1 + 2x3 + x2· 0 e4 -x3· -1 e1 e2 (e3 e4) ’ is satisfiable
Case splitting x1 < x2 – 3 x2 < x3 –1 x1 < x2 – 3 x3 < x1 +1 No constraints No constraints x1 < x2 – 3 x2 < x3 – 1 x3 < x1 +1 ... constraints Problem: redundant constraints : (x1 < x2 – 3 (x2 < x3 –1 x3 < x1 +1))
Solution: Conjunctions Matrices (1/3) • Letdbe the DNF representation of • We only need to consider pairs of constraints that are in one of the clauses ofd • Deriving dis exponential. But – • Knowing whether a given set of constraints share a clause indis polynomial, usingConjunctions Matrices
l0 l1 l2 l3 :l0 (l1(l2 l3)) 1 1 1 l0 l1 l2 l3 1 0 0 M: 1 0 1 l0 1 0 1 l1 Conjunctions Matrix l2 l3 Conjunctions Matrices (2/3) • Let be a formula in NNF. • Letliandljbe two literals in. • Thejoining operandofliandljis the lowest joint parent of liandljinthe parse tree of.
Conjunctions Matrices (3/3) • Claim 1: A set of literals L={l0,l1…ln} share a clause in dif and only if for allli,lj L, ij, M[li,lj] =1. • We can now consider only pairs of constraints that their corresponding entry in Mis equal to 1
e1 e2 e3 e4 e1 e2 e3 e4 1 1 1 1 1 0 e1e3e5 e5 2x3· 0 e6 x2 + x3· 0 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e2e3e6 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 BFM: example e1x1 – x2· 0 e2x1 – x3· 0 e3 -x1 + 2x3 + x2· 0 e4 -x3· -1 e1 e2 (e3 e4) Saved a constraint from e4 ande5
Theoretically, there can still be constraints. Complexity of the reduction • Let c1 denote the number of generated constraints with BFM combined with conjunctions matrices. • Claim 3: Typically, c1 << c2 The Reason: • In DNF, the same pair of constraints can appear many times. • With BFM, it will only be solved once. • Let c2 denote the total number of constraints generated with case-splitting. • Claim 2: c1 · c2 .
Claim 4: Complexity of solving the resulting SAT instance is bounded by where m is the number of predicates in Overallcomplexity: Reduction SAT Complexity of solving the SAT instance The reason is: • All the clauses that we add are Horn clauses. • Therefore, for a given assignment to the original encoding of , all the constraints are implied in linear time.
With case-splitting only the 10x10 instance could be solved (~600 sec.) Experimental results (1/2) Reduction time of ‘2-CNF style’ random instances. • Solving the instances with Chaff – a few seconds each.
Experimental results (2/2) • Seven Hardware designs with equalities and inequalities • All seven solved with BFM in a few seconds • Five solved with ICS in a few seconds. The other two could not be solved. On the other hand… • Standard ICS benchmarks (A conjunction of inequalities) • Some could not be solved with BFM • …while ICS solves all of them in a few seconds. The reason (?): ICS has a more efficient implementation of Fourier-Motzkin compared to PORTA
Some Known Techniques • Quantifier-free Presburger formulas • Branch and Bound • SUP-INF (Bledsoe 1974) • Omega Test (Pugh 1991) • …
y x Quantifier-free Presburger formulas • Classical Fourier-Motzkin method finds real solutions • Geometrically, a system of real inequalities define a convex polyhedron. • Each elimination step projects the data to a lower dimension. • Geometrically, this means it finds the ‘shadow’ of the polyhedron.
y x The Omega Test (1/3)Pugh (1993) • The shadow of constraints over integers is not convex. • Satisfiability of the real shadow does not imply satisfiability of the higher dimension. • A partial solution: Consider only the areas above which the system is at least one unit ‘thick’. This is the dark shadow. • If there is an integral point in the dark shadow, there is also an integral point above it.
Splinters The Omega test (2/3)Pugh (1993) • If there is no solution to the real shadow – is unsatisfiable. • If there is an integral solution to the dark shadow – issatisfiable. • Otherwise (‘the omega nightmare’) – check a small set of planes (‘splinters’).
Output: C’ Ç 9 integer xn. S • C’ is the dark shadow (a formula without xn) • S contains the splinters The output formula does not contain xn The Omega test (3/3)Pugh (1993) In each elimination step: • Input: 9xn. C • xn is an integer variable • C is a conjunction of inequalities
inequality #1 inequality #2 inequality #3 Ç inequality #4 e1 e2 e3Çe4 e1 Æ e2 ! e3Çe4 Add new constraints to ’ Boolean Omega Test • Normalize (eliminate all negations) • Encode each predicate with a Boolean variable • Solve the conjoined list of constraints with the Omega-test:
Related work A reduction to SAT is not the only way …
The CVC approach(Stump, Barrett, Dill. CAV2002) • Encode each predicate with a Boolean variable. • Solve SAT instance. • Check if assignments to encoded predicates is consistent (using e.g. Fourier-Motzkin). • If consistent – return SAT. • Otherwise – backtrack.
x1 – x3 < 0 x2 -x3 0 x2-x1 <0 1 0 Difference Decision Diagrams (Møller, Lichtenberg, Andersen, Hulgaard, 1999) • Similar to OBDDs, but the nodes are ‘separation predicates’ • Each path is checked for consistency, using ‘Bellman-Ford’ • Worst case – an exponential no. of such paths ‘Path – reduce’ 1 • Can be easily adapted to disjunctive linear arithmetic
Finite domain instantiation • Disjunctive linear arithmetic and its sub-theories enjoy the ‘small model property’. • A known sufficient domain for equality logic: 1..n(where n is the number of variables). • For this logic, it is possible to compute a significantly smaller domain for each variable (Pnueli et al., 1999). • The algorithm is a graph-based analysis of the formula structure. • Potentially can be extended to linear arithmetic.
Range of all var’s: 1..11 State-space: 1111 Instead of giving the range [1..11], analyze connectivity: x1 x2 y1 y2 g1 g2 x1, y1, x2, y2:{0-1} u1, f1, f2, u2 : {0-3} g1, g2, z : {0-2} u1 f1 f2 u2 z State-space: ~105 Reduction to SAT is not the only way… Further analysis will result in a state-space of 4 Q: Can this approach be extended to Linear Arithmetic?