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How to build your own SkyNode

How to build your own SkyNode. A quick tutorial by Alberto Conti & Bernie Shiao Space Telescope Science Institute Baltimore, MD aconti@stsci.edu , shiao@stsci.edu. Introductory Notes.

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How to build your own SkyNode

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  1. How to build your own SkyNode A quick tutorial by Alberto Conti & Bernie Shiao Space Telescope Science Institute Baltimore, MD aconti@stsci.edu, shiao@stsci.edu

  2. Introductory Notes • This brief tutorial was written after Bernie and I spend a morning at JHU with Alex, Tamas and Wil to set up a SkyNode for GALEX (http://galex.stsci.edu). The implementation was rather easy, and we decided it would be a good idea to document the steps we undertook for others to follow. • GALEX uses MS SQL Server as its database server • GALEX database backend is written in C# under .NET Framework 1.1 • GALEX uses IIS as its web server

  3. Requirements(based on GALEX example) • Database: <dbname>, i.e. GALEX • Objects Table: <objtable>, i.e. PhotoObjAll • This table contains the catalog of all GALEX objects • Each object has several attributes that will be accessible from each SkyNode • <objtable> MUST contain: • objID, RA, Dec • htmID,cx,cy,cz

  4. Requirements: continued(based on GALEX example) • Objects Table View: PhotoPrimary • This view is obtained from <objtable>The most general view is obtained by • create view PhotoPrimary as select * from <objtable> • DBObjects Table: DBObjects • Contains the metadata information about the database, such as tables and user functions.

  5. Requirements: continued(based on GALEX example) • DBColumns Table: DBColumns • Contains the metadata information about each table, such as columns, UCDs, units, etc. • A view name columns was needed for the GALEX implementation and is was generated by • create view columns as select * from dbcolumns • HTM Functions • Run skynode-htmInstall.sql and install htm_v2.dll under C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn

  6. Implementation • Install SkyNode software under an IIS virtual directory: http://galex.stsci.edu/SkyNode • Edit the Web.Config file and replace the database connection string: • <add key="SqlConnection.String“ value="Initial Catalog=<dbname>; Data Source=<dbhost>; User ID=<user>; Password=<password>;Connect Timeout=90" />

  7. Implementation: continued • Edit the Web.Config file and change the Info() dictionary information such as • SurveyName • SurveyArea • MetaTable • Sigma (astrometric precision) • PrimaryTable • RaName • DecName • Location

  8. Implementation: continued • Run the following SQL scripts: • skynode-webSupport.sql • Creates all the stored procedures used by the SkyNode web service • skynode-getMatch.sql • Creates the matching stored procedure called by theXMATCH web method

  9. Finally… • Provide the URL of your SkyNode web service to budavari@pha.jhu.edu: http://galex.stsci.edu/ SkyNode/skynodews.asmx

  10. Important Note • The database user <user> under which the SkyNode stored procedures will be executed, must also have execution privileges on db MASTER for ALL HTM stored and extended procedures.

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