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PE I: Health Day Three: Emotions and Stress. PE I: Health Day Three: Emotions and Stress. Pick a Side: Emotions In the space provided answer the following questions: What are emotions? Are emotions good or bad? Can you control emotions? Should you control emotions?
PE I: Health Day Three: Emotions and Stress
PE I: Health Day Three: Emotions and Stress • Pick a Side: Emotions • In the space provided answer the following questions: • What are emotions? • Are emotions good or bad? • Can you control emotions? • Should you control emotions? • Is it always healthy to let your emotions out? • Who is more emotional, men or women? Why?
PE I: Health Day Three: Emotions and Stress • Emotions: • Reaction to a situation • Body, Mind and behavior • There are two kinds of emotion • Primary • Learned
PE I: Health Day Three: Emotions and Stress • Primary Emotions • Are emotions that are intrinsic and are felt by all people, even children • Happiness • Sadness • Grief is an example of extreme sadness • Anger • Causes STRESS • Fear
PE I: Health Day Three: Emotions and Stress • Learned Emotions • expression is based on learned behaviors • Social environment • Love • Guilt • Not all actions are considered wrong in every culture • Shame • Not all actions are considered ‘shameful’
PE I: Health Day Three: Emotions and Stress • Recognizing your emotions • By recognizing emotions you can start to deal with them • Once you realize what emotion you are feeling you can begin to implement coping and defense mechanisms • Over the next slides identify the emotion expressed
PE I: Health Day Three: Identifying Emotions 1
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PE I: Health Day Three: Coping With Emotions • Coping Strategy • These are ways that people deal with their emotions, both positive and negative • Positive: • Exercise, writing, etc… • In the space provided write 3 positive coping strategies that you use. • Negative • Drinking, fighting... • In the space provided write 3 negative coping strategies you’ve used
PE I: Health Day Three: Coping With Emotions • Defense Mechanism • These are coping strategies that help to protect your feeling from difficult emotions • Denial • Refusing to recognize an emotion/ problem • Example: You fail a class at school and you're disappointed. You tell your friends you don’t care, that it doesn’t matter • Compensation • Making up for weakness in one area by excelling/ attempting to excel in another area • Example: A person with low self esteem acting tough to compensate
PE I: Health Day Three: Coping With Emotions • Rationalization • Making excuses for actions you know are wrong • Example: Speeding because everyone is doing it • Reaction Formation • Behaving the opposite to the way you feel. • Example: You feel bad about making fun of a kid at school. You brag about it to your friends so that you feel better about it • Projection • Putting your own faults on others • Example: You fail a class because it as in the morning, but you blame the teacher for not giving you extra credit
PE I: Health Day Three: Coping With Emotions • Regression • Returning to immature behaviors to express emotions • You get angry at your parents so you run to your room, slam the door and sulk for an hour
PE I: Health Day Three: Coping With Emotions • Emotion Quiz: • Define Emotion. • What is the difference between a primary and learned emotion? • How do healthy and unhealthy coping strategies differ? • Define Defense mechanism • Students always pick on Johnny, but he says it’s because they like him. What coping mechanism is he using?
PE I: Health Day Three: What Causes Stress?
PE I: Health Day Three: What Causes Stress? • Warm-up: Answer the follow questions and explain your choice • Should people avoid all types of stress?
PE I: Health Day Three: What Causes Stress? • Warm-up: List at least 10 causes of stress in your life.
PE I: Health Day Three: What is Stress? Book Work Time! Stress is a part of our lives. Stress is caused by situations, events and people that make demands on your body and mind. Read chapter 3, Section 1, take notes and answer the questions on page 59, 1-6
PE I: Health Day Three: What is Stress? Based upon the graph: By what factor did the number of vehicle/ boat complaints increase from 2001/02-2002/03? By what percent did barking dog complaints decrease from 2000/01-2003/04? Since noise pollution can be a stressor, what would you propose to decrease noise pollution in this area?
PE I: Health Ranking Major Life Changes • Major Life Changes affect people in individual ways. • Using ideas from the example and events from your own life, complete the blank stress ranking sheet and answer the questions that follow.
PE I: Health Day Three: How Stress Affects Your Body • 1. What do you think stress will do to your body in the short term (0-1 week)? • 2. What will stress do to your body in the long run (years)?
PE I: Health Day Three: How Stress Affect Your Body • 1. List 5 careers that have high stress levels • 2. Choose one of these careers and write a short paragraph (4-5 sentences) describing why you believe this career it the most stressful career
PE I: Health Day Two: Taking Responsibility for Your Health Book Work Time! Stress affects your body in distinct ways. Chapter 3, section 2 will describe these ways. Read the chapter, take notes and answer the questions (1-6) on page 64.
PE I: Health Homework: Observing Signs of Stress • During another class (while paying close attention to the lesson): • Carefully watch your classmates, teacher and any other people in the room • Fill out the Section 3-2 “Enrich” form in your packet. • While watching pay close attention to: • How students react to assignments • How the teacher reacts to students questions/ complaints/ behavior • Student reactions to being reprimanded.
PE I: Health WorKeys Math • Complete the Building Health Skills assignment. • After completing the assignment answer the following questions: • What fraction of your time do you spend watching TV? • What percent of your day do you spend at school? • How many hours a week do you spend getting ready for school? • How many hours a month do you spend watching TV?
PE I: Health Day Three: Stress and Individuals • Answer the questions in the space provided. • How would you react if: • The teacher gave a surprise quiz? • You had to give a speech in front of the class • You got in a car accident? • You were running late for an important appointment? • Now pick a friend you know well and describe how they would react in these situations. • How are they different?
PE I: Health Day Three: Stress and Individuals • Stress reaction quiz: • I need to be the best at everything I do • If something doesn’t go as planned, I feel like a failure • I tend to expect the worst in most situations • I want to be liked by everyone • I really enjoy competition
PE I: Health Day Two: Taking Responsibility for Your Health Book Work Time! Peoples’ reaction to stress is highly individual. Some people thrive on stress while others buckle under it. Read Chapter 3, Section3, take notes and answer the questions (1-7) on page 67.
Add group practice and additional individual practice PE I: Health Positive and Negative Thinking • As a Class we are going to complete the group activity: Positive and Negative Thinking • Follow along with the discussion so you can fill in your answers • Be sure to allow others to speak, and listen respectfully.
PE I: Health Day Three: Coping With Stress
PE I: Health Day Three: Coping With Stress • How do you cope with stress? • List 5 positive/ healthy ways you cope with stress • List 5 negative/ unhealthy ways you cope with stress
PE I: Health Day Three: Coping With Stress
PE I: Health Day Three: Coping With Stress • Respond to this advice line question: • Dear advice line, • When I have to speak in front of a group, I panic. I begin to sweat and my heart pounds. My mouth gets so dry that it is hard to speak. Is there anything I can do about this problem?
PE I: Health Day Two: Taking Responsibility for Your Health Book Work Time! Read chapter 3, section 4 about how to cope with stress. Be sure to take notes and answer the questions(1-6) on page 76.
PE I: Health Stressed Out Video
Add group practice and additional individual practice
PE I: Health Day Three: Exit Quiz • Complete the Chapter 3 Test in your book • You may work in small groups (2-3) • Use your notes, use your book use your partner.