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Nahum: A Message of God’s Judgment. Jan. 6. I wonder … . If you suddenly had to flee your flooded home, what possessions would you have difficulty leaving behind?. God Tempers Judgment with Mercy. Nahum was the prophet who declared just such a sudden flight for the people of Nineveh
I wonder … • If you suddenly had to flee your flooded home, what possessions would you have difficulty leaving behind?
God Tempers Judgment with Mercy • Nahum was the prophet who declared just such a sudden flight for the people of Nineveh • God’s judgment would destroy the nation … cause the people to flee • God had shown concern for the nation and the individuals in Jonah’s time • Evil and sin had again reached a point where judgment was imminent • Listen for the severity of God’s judgment.
Listen for the severity of God’s judgment. Nahum 1:7-9 (NIV) The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him, [8] but with an overwhelming flood he will make an end of Nineveh; he will pursue his foes into darkness. [9] Whatever they plot against the Lord he will bring to an end; trouble will not come a second time. …
Listen for the severity of God’s judgment. … [12] This is what the Lord says: "Although they have allies and are numerous, they will be cut off and pass away. Although I have afflicted you, O Judah, I will afflict you no more. [13] Now I will break their yoke from your neck and tear your shackles away."
God Tempers Judgment with Mercy • What does verse 7 say about God? • Verse 8 starts with the word, “but”, implying contrast. What do you think is being contrasted? • What would Nineveh receive from the Lord? • What had Nineveh done against the Lord? What did they do to deserve an “overwhelming flood”?
God Tempers Judgment with Mercy • How would a person demonstrate a life of “plotting against the Lord”? • How might even a believer plot against God without realizing it? • Why is it appropriate for the Lord to express jealousy in His relationship with us?
God Tempers Judgment with Mercy • According to verses 12 and 13, how would Judah’s affliction end? • What do these verses have to say to how God interacts with people today?
Listen for the imagery of the lion. Nahum 2:8-13 (NIV) Nineveh is like a pool, and its water is draining away. "Stop! Stop!" they cry, but no one turns back. [9] Plunder the silver! Plunder the gold! The supply is endless, the wealth from all its treasures! [10] She is pillaged, plundered, stripped! Hearts melt, knees give way, bodies tremble, every face grows pale. [11] Where now is the lions' den,
Listen for the imagery of the lion. the place where they fed their young, where the lion and lioness went, and the cubs, with nothing to fear? [12] The lion killed enough for his cubs and strangled the prey for his mate, filling his lairs with the kill and his dens with the prey. [13] "I am against you,"
Listen for the imagery of the lion. declares the Lord Almighty. "I will burn up your chariots in smoke, and the sword will devour your young lions. I will leave you no prey on the earth. The voices of your messengers will no longer be heard."
God Judges Evil Nations • What are some words and phrases Nahum used to characterize Nineveh’s immediate future? • What groups of people behave brutally and/or immorally today?
God Judges Evil Nations • How does God view groups of people that seek advancement and gain by aggressive and oppressive means? • These verses describe Nineveh in a metaphor – a lion in a den. How does that describe how we live as individuals?
Listen for problems with shepherds. Nahum 3:18-19 (NIV) O king of Assyria, your shepherds slumber; your nobles lie down to rest. Your people are scattered on the mountains with no one to gather them. [19] Nothing can heal your wound; your injury is fatal. Everyone who hears the news about you claps his hands at your fall, for who has not felt your endless cruelty?
God Judges Sinful Leaders • Why were Nineveh’s defense efforts useless? • Note the reference to cruelty in verse 19. How does cruelty show up in our day to day lives? • What are some godly ways to respond when you are the target of these kinds of cruelties?
God Judges Sinful Leaders • The name Nahum means “comfort.” How can Christians be a comfort to others in troubling circumstances? • Our passage speaks about a nation who will receive God’s judgment. It is easy to accuse “them” for their ungodliness in our society. What is your individual role in making our nation one that pleases God?
Application • God is good beyond our ability to comprehend • God’s goodness does not mean He will withhold judgment against wickedness • God both judges and disciplines His people • He tempers His judgments with mercy … thank Him this week for His mercy • Demonstrate mercy in your dealings with others
Application • Sinful rebellion against the Lord will not go unpunished • God will hold wicked people and wicked nations accountable in His time • The final word belongs to God • Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s conviction of rebellion in your life.
Application • God expects leaders of nations (and families) to lead responsibly • They need our prayers • This year, make it a daily practice to pray for national, regional, and local leadership • Ask God also for wisdom for the leadership roles where He has placed you