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Analysis of 2011 Census Data: Irish Community in England

This report, conducted by Prof. Louise Ryan and team, delves into the Irish community statistics in England and selected urban areas based on 2011 Census data. It aims to inform the work of Irish in Britain, illustrate the Irish community's situation in comparison to other populations, highlight internal differences within the community, and identify areas of need. The analysis covers demographics, education, economic activity, health, housing, communal establishments, and more in regions including England, London, and various Midlands. Data presentations compare Irish data with other ethnic groups, mapping population distributions, migration patterns, educational levels, economic activities, and health indicators among the Irish community in England.

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Analysis of 2011 Census Data: Irish Community in England

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  1. Analysis of 2011 Census DataIrish Community Statistics, England & Selected Urban AreasProf. Louise Ryan, AlessioD’Angelo, Mike Puniskis, Neil KayeWednesday 23 July 2014

  2. Introduction: Project Overview (1/2) • SPRC commissioned in March 2014 by Irish in Britain to produce a series of Irish community reports – with national and regional dimensions – based on data from 2011 Census • Aims of the project: • To inform work of Irish in Britain and affiliated members • To illustrate the situation of the Irish community in relation to other populations • To highlight internal differences within the Irish community in England (and regions) • To identify areas of particular need.

  3. Introduction: Project Overview (2/2) • Regions include: • England (today) • London • East Midlands • West Midlands • North East • North West • Yorkshire and The Humber • Areas of focus for each include: • Demographics • Education and qualifications • Economic activity and inactivity • Types of work • Health • Unpaid care • Housing and amenities • Communal establishments • Data analysed, where appropriate: • Data tables/graphs broken down by age and gender. • White Irish data presented in comparison with other ethnic groups.

  4. Map of Irish-born population in England

  5. Irish-born population in England by region (2001-11)

  6. Irish-born population in England by region (2001-11)

  7. White Irish population in England by age & sex (2001-11)

  8. White Irish & White British in England by age & sex (2011)

  9. Patterns of migration for Irish to England by year of arrival

  10. Irish-born in England: National identity by place of birth

  11. Irish in England: Level of education by ethnic group

  12. Irish in England: Economic activity by ethnic group

  13. Irish in England: Socioeconomic status by ethnic group

  14. Irish in England: Limiting long-term illness (LLTI), by main ethnic group & sex (%) White Irish males: 24.8% females: 27.4% White G/IT males: 24.6% females: 24.8%

  15. Irish in England: General health by ethnic group & age

  16. Irish in England: Provision of unpaid care by ethnic group

  17. Irish in England: Provision of unpaid care by detailed ethnic group, by no. of hours provided per week (%)

  18. Irish in England: Household composition by main ethnic group

  19. Thank YouQuestions? Social Policy Research Centre Middlesex University www.sprc.info

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