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CITY OF CORNWALL RECREATION MASTER PLAN 2020 DRAFT OUTDOOR POOL REPORT. David Krajaefski and Ed Veldkamp February 9, 2009. THE PROJECT. To create an action plan to 2020 to guide the provision of:. Recreation programs and activities Recreation Facilities Parks and Open Space.

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  1. CITY OF CORNWALL RECREATION MASTER PLAN 2020 DRAFT OUTDOOR POOL REPORT David Krajaefski and Ed Veldkamp February 9, 2009

  2. THE PROJECT To create an action plan to 2020 to guide the provision of: • Recreation programs and activities • Recreation Facilities • Parks and Open Space

  3. POPULATION INFORMATION • Population was 45,965 (2006 data) • 0.8% increase from 2001 Census • United Counties and Cornwall • forecast growth of 2.2% by 2021 • results in 118,100 residents • Median age: • Cornwall residents = 43 • Provincial residents = 39 (2006 data)

  4. POPULATION INFORMATION • Fastest growth sector • age 65 & over • comprises 18.5% of population (8,505 residents) (2006 data) • Seniors population • projected to increase by 13% between 2005 – 2010 • projected to increase by nearly 60% between 2005 - 2020


  6. Cornwall’s Residential Communities

  7. Outdoor Pools Presently there are seven (7) large outdoor pools in the City in the following locations; Riverdale Park (Riverdale) Terry Fox Park (Eamer’s Corners) St. Francis de Sales Park (Downtown) Mattice Park (East End) Kinsmen Park (East End) St. Joseph Park (East End) Reg Campbell Park (East End)

  8. Wading Pools The four newest wading pools have filtered, chlorinated water; St. Francis de Sales (Downtown) Terry Fox (Eamer’s Corners) Mattice (East End) Reg Campbell (East End) The five older wading pools do not have filtered water and all but Adams Park have change rooms and washrooms available; St. Theresa (Centretown) Kinsmen (East End) St. Joseph (East End) Alexander (Downtown) Adams (Centretown)

  9. Map of Outdoor Pool Locations

  10. Public Survey Question: “Please indicate the importance of outdoor pools to your household.” 1 – Low Importance 5 – High Importance Results: 201 Responses out of 297 total Surveys Average Score: 2.39 Median Score: 2.00 62.6 % of Responses = 1 or 2 28.9 % of Responses = 4 or 5

  11. Outdoor Summer User Visits 2000 - 2008

  12. 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Outdoor Summer User Visits 2000 - 2008

  13. Attendance for Swim Lessons 2000 - 2008

  14. 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Attendance for Swim Lessons 2000 - 2008



  17. Analysis • Outdoor pools are important infrastructure and contribute to quality of life in Cornwall • $10.5 million Aquatic Centre eliminates need to build additional outdoor pools to 2020 • New outdoor pools cost $800k - $900k

  18. Analysis • Large outdoor pools in Riverdale and Kinsmen Park are most in need of maintenance. • Wading pools must be drained and closed at 4:00 p.m. daily for safety and health reasons. • Lifeguards must be on-duty when water is present in pools.

  19. Analysis Large Outdoor Pools Option A – Keep All 7 Large Outdoor Pools Open • Advantages: • Convenience of access for all residents • Disadvantages: • Increased maintenance costs • Aging population and low growth forecast will result in decreasing demand for this service • Expensive to replace Kinsmen and Riverdale Pools • This option is likely not financially sustainable

  20. Analysis Large Outdoor Pools Option B – Keep 5 Large Outdoor Pools Open – Close Kinsmen & Riverdale Pools by 2020 • Advantages: • More financially viable than Option A • Disadvantages: • Loss of Riverdale Pool means increased distance for residents to go to St. Francis de Sales pool • Loss of Kinsmen Pool means increased distance for residents to go to Mattice, Reg Campbell or St. Joseph pools

  21. Analysis Wading Pools Option A– Keep All Nine Wading Pools Open • Advantages: • convenience of access to wading pools • Disadvantages: • increasing cost of annual maintenance, • challenges to keeping an adequate number of certified staff available • Wading pools have limited hours of operation due to requirement to drain at end of each day

  22. Analysis Wading Pools Option B – Keep the Filtered Wading Pools Open – Close the Unfiltered Pools by 2020 • Advantages: • The oldest pools which are most costly to maintain and will require replacement would be phased out • St. Joseph Pool is to be converted to a chlorinated pool in 2009 • Replacement of unfiltered pools by splash pads at selective locations is an attractive alternative • Public has not strongly reacted to past closure of wading pools • Disadvantages: • Loss of access to wading pools in some areas. • Initial conclusion is to recommend installation of splash pads in St. Theresa Park and Riverdale Park

  23. Analysis Splash Pads • Advantages: • Do not require filtration and chlorination • Have longer hours of operation than wading pools • Do not require lifeguard supervision • Result in higher levels of activity by users, addresses childhood obesity and lack of activity issue of youth • Appeal to a broader range of ages of children and youth than traditional wading pools • Disadvantages: • Not an immersive experience • Unable to have swimming lessons (toddlers)

  24. Initial Conclusions and RecommendedVision to 2020 for Cornwall’s Outdoor Pools • That the large outdoor pools in St. Francis de Sales Park, Terry Fox Park, Mattice Park, St. Joseph Park and Reg Campbell Park continue in operation. • That the large outdoor pools in Riverdale Park and Kinsmen Park be phased out of operation and closed when annual maintenance costs become prohibitive to their continued operation. • Consideration be given for a splash pad to be installed in Riverdale Park. • That the filtered, chlorinated wading pools in St. Francis de Sales Park, Terry Fox Park, Mattice Park and Reg Campbell Park continue in operation. • That the unfiltered wading pool in St. Joseph Park be converted to a filtered, chlorinated wading pool.

  25. Initial Conclusions and RecommendedVision to 2020 for Cornwall’s Outdoor Pools • That the unfiltered wading pools in Adams Park and Alexander Park be closed. • That the unfiltered wading pool in Kinsmen Park be closed when the large pool is closed. • That the unfiltered wading pool in St. Theresa Park be closed and replaced with a splash pad facility. • Consideration be given to this location for the next splash pad in the City. • That a public meeting be held in the community to present these initial findings and recommendations prior to Council making a final decision on its outdoor pool program. • That City staff approach the Service Club Committee to see if there is any opportunity for support from service clubs with the funding of repairs to the large outdoor pools or for sponsoring splash pads in City parks.

  26. Thank you for your attention

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