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Get ready for the End of Course Tests Winter 2013 session with essential information on testing procedures, scheduling, resources, and new updates. Learn about calculators, security measures, and important dates to ensure smooth testing administration.
End of Course Tests (EOCT) Pre-Administration Webinar Winter 2013 October 29 – October 31, 2013 Our session will start momentarily • While you are waiting, please do the following: • Configure your microphone and speakers by going to: • Tools-audio-audio setup wizard • Enter/edit your profile information by going to: • Tools-Preferences-My profile... • Complete the information on the “Identity” tab, click “OK” • To view the profile of another user, hover your mouse over his or her name in the participants window
AGENDA • Introductions • What’s New/Reminders • Purpose/Overview • Use of Calculators • Scheduling Considerations/Test Makeup Procedures • Students to Be Tested/Accommodations • Grading • Security/Testing Irregularities • Receipt, Return and Tracking of Materials • Scores and Reports • EOCT Important Dates • EOCT Resources • Contact Information
What’s New/Reminders • Graph Paper in mathematics • For all mathematics EOCTs, it is recommended that graph paper be provided to students, and it may be printed from the GaDOE website at: http://www.gadoe.org/Curriculum-Instruction-and-Assessment/Assessment/Pages/EOCT-Resources.aspx. • If graph paper is used, students should put their names on each sheet of paper and it must be collected at the end of the testing session. Used graph paper should be destroyed per the instructions provided in the Test Coordinator’s Manual. • Only quarter-inch (1/4) graph paper may be used. • Staggered delivery dates of testing materials • System Readiness Tools (for online testing) • With our recent TestNav update, these tools are important for you to use to test your system. • Neither “Test-Outs” or Retests may be conducted during Main Administrations
What’s New/Reminders • Mathematics I and GPS Algebra EOCTs have been discontinued and will not be available in Winter 2013. • Large Print size will increase to 18 point font (paper and online) beginning with the Winter 2013 administration. • Beginning with the Winter 2013 Main Administration, students who are still productively working in a section at 60 minutes may be provided an additional 15 minutes for that section. Systems/Schools should plan accordingly when scheduling. • All Georgia PearsonAccess users should have completed the transition from TestNav 6.9.004 to TestNav 6.9.008 in October 2013. TestNav 6.9.004 no longer functions for Georgia EOCTs.
Important Information Specific to Winter 2013 Analytic Geometry will be administered for the first time in Winter 2013 • Standard Setting will be conducted December 17 & 18, 2013. • To ensure that the necessary sample is reached prior to standard setting, systems administering Analytic Geometry in Winter 2013 should adhere to the shipment/submission schedule noted below: • Administration of the EOCT Analytic Geometry via paper/pencil must conclude no later than the end of the day, Friday December 6, 2013 (Ship “Next Day” no later than your pick-up time on 12/9/13). • Systems that administer the test online and those that conduct Local Scanning must conclude testing by the end of the day on Tuesday, December 10, 2013 (Submit/Upload no later than the evening of 12/10/13). • Scores will post to Pearson Access in early January and will serve as the final exam.
PearsonAccess – Student Upload When entering student data into PearsonAccess (either manually or via SDU Upload) . . . • It is critical that BOTH the FTE Number andGTID fields are completed. • Not doing so could complicate Assessment Processing functions that are required for accountability (CCRPI) purposes.
Electronic ISRs • Electronic ISRs will be posted on PearsonAccess, regardless of whether or not districts request paper copies • Districts will have access to electronic copies “indefinitely” • Please note that districts who have not previously requested electronic copies will not have access to files prior to the Winter 2012 administration • Districts may download these files for their records
Staggered Delivery of Testing Materials Three test material delivery dates: • Systems testing December 2ndto December 13th • November 11th-13th • Systems testing December 16th to December 27th • December 2nd - December 4th • Systems testing December 30thto January 10th • December 16th- December 18th
Online Testing – System Readiness Tools Additional resources available for districts to enhance the online testing experience. • System Readiness Tools: • System Checks • Infrastructure Trial • One-on-one training
Purpose • The purpose of the EOCT is to assess student achievement of the state adopted curriculum in core courses and to provide diagnostic data in support of improved student achievement. • The EOCT serves as a student’s final exam as a portion of the final course grade. • The EOCT serves as a component in Georgia’s College & Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI).
EOCT Assessments • Ninth Grade Literature and Composition • American Literature and Composition • Biology • Physical Science • U. S. History • Economics/Business/Free Enterprise • GPS Geometry • Mathematics II: Geometry/Algebra II/Statistics • Coordinate Algebra • NEW > Analytic Geometry
EOCT Assessments • Each test booklet is divided into two sections. • Students may complete Sections I and II in day one or Section I in day one and Section II in day two. • Students may not complete a portion of a section and then complete the remainder of the section later in the day or the next day. • This will result in an invalidation of the test. • For example, if a student becomes ill during Section I and does not complete that section, the student may not complete the remainder of the Section I upon return to school.
Administration Windows • Main Administrations: • Winter 2013 • Spring 2014 • Summer 2014 • Mid-Months: • Fall 2013 - August, September, October and November • Spring 2014 - January, February and March • Retest Administrations: • Winter Retest Administration will coincide with the Spring Mid-month administrations (January 21-31, February 10-21, March 3-14).
Testing Modes • End-of-Course Tests may be administered via paper and pencil or online. • Paper/pencil assessments are available during the winter, spring and summer main administrations. • Online assessments are available for all administrations (required for mid-month and retest administrations).
Use of Calculators • Calculators are allowable on the following EOCTs: • Analytic Geometry • Coordinate Algebra • GPS Geometry • Mathematics II • Physical Science • Economics • Calculators that store text or graphing calculators cannot be used. Use of such a device will result in invalidation. • Examiners should verify appropriate calculator use prior to the beginning of testing. • Refer to detailed calculator restrictions in the Student Assessment Handbook. • A 4-function calculator is available in TestNav as part of online testing. • Students are allowed to use their own calculators (that meet guidelines) when testing online.
Scheduling Considerations • Diligent attention must be given to the development of a schedule that protects the security and integrity of the test administration. • EOCT may be scheduled at any time during the state testing window. • Systems may elect a one-day or a two-day administration; however, all schools in the system must follow the same schedule as closely as possible. • Individual subject areas must be administered on the same or consecutive days within the system. • At no time should some students complete a test one week and another group of students complete the same test the following week. • For scheduling examples, please refer to the EOCT section of the Student Assessment Handbook. *Allowing flexibility in the scheduling of the EOCT, to meet the variety of school schedules that exist, is dependent upon everyone involved in the administration protecting the integrity of the program.
Scheduling Considerations • Schools must adhere to the testing times prescribed in the Examiner’s Manuals. • Total administration time for the tests is 90-120 minutes. • Any students who are productively working after 60 minutes have passed for that section may be provided an additional 15 minutes for that section. • Additional time is required for disseminating materials, completing forms, and other test protocols. • Allowing too much or too little time may result in an invalidation. • When scheduling tests, consider the optimum time to administer the tests. • Consider logistics, including time and staffing. • During one-day test administrations, lunch should not serve as the break between sections I and II. To do so, would allow for potential breaches of test security. NEW
Scheduling Considerations – Test Make-ups • The purpose of the make-up days is to administer the tests to students who were unexpectedly absent during the regularly scheduled administration. • Includes sick days, verified court dates, etc. • Does not include personal vacations, school field trips. • When in doubt, contact GaDOE. • Make-ups must only be administered during the district’s window • Permission to test outside district window will only be considered in rare, case-by-case circumstances and must be pre-approved by GaDOE.
Students To Be Tested • Any student, regardless of grade-level, enrolled in an EOCT course must take the appropriate EOCT. • For example, if a student is taking a course to complete the state requirement for Biology, that student must take the Biology EOCT regardless of the course title assigned by the local system.
Students To Be Tested • Students who are: • taking a block-scheduled course who complete the full year course in one semester will be tested at the end of that semester. • following a traditionally scheduled (36-week) course will be tested at the end of the second semester of the course. • completing a course at the end of one semester (typically Economics) will be tested at the completion of the course.
Students To Be Tested • Students who are: • Middle-school students enrolled in an EOCT course will be tested – regardless of whether not they are awarded high school credit for the course. These students will also be required to take the appropriate grade level (based upon their FTE grade) CRCT. • enrolled in credit recovery or “make-up” courses that will award credit for an EOCT course that the student previously failed.
Students To Be Tested • Students who are: • enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP) and/or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses that have a corresponding EOCT must be administered the EOCT if credit is being awarded as a “core” (required) course. If the student is completing an AP or IB course as an “elective,” the student should not be required to take the EOCT. This assumes that the student will fulfill their EOCT requirement when they take the course for “core” (required) credit. • enrolled in alternative schools and GNETS locations. • participating in “dual enrollment” for an EOCT course. • enrolled in a Georgia public school while also enrolled in a private school, home study program, or non-traditional educational center for which they receive graduation credit for one of the required EOCT courses. These students must take the EOCT regardless of the private school, home study, or non-traditional educational center’s accreditation status.
Students To Be Tested • Students with disabilities and English Learners (EL) who are enrolled in EOCT courses for credit. • Students who receive accommodations for instructional and classroom assessment purposes may also be eligible for accommodations during the administration of End-of-Course Tests. • Accommodations provided for statewide assessment must be listed on IEP, IAP, or EL TPC and should be consistent with the student’s instructional program.
Students To Be Tested • Students enrolled in your system who are also enrolled in EOCT courses via Georgia Virtual School (GAVS) • Must be administered the appropriate EOCT at their home school. • It is the school test coordinator’s responsibility to ensure that these students’ answer documents are coded accurately (“30” under SDU A). • Documents not coded to reflect students enrollment with GAVS could delay or interfere with student grade reports.
Students To Be Tested • Students enrolling from non-accredited programs, non-accredited schools, or non-traditional educational entities must take and pass the EOCT with a minimum of 70 grade conversion score to receive credit for the course. • It is the responsibility of the local school system to determine whether criteria are met for awarding credit.
Students NOTTo Be Tested Students who wish to earn credit through the testing out option (Main Administrations are not to be utilized for “test-out” administrations.) Transfer students who have earned credit at an accredited school for an EOCT associated course.
Students NOTTo Be Tested • Students who have: (1) previously takenan EOCT course, (2) took the accompanying EOCT, and (3) earned core credit for the course are not required to take the EOCT. • For example, if a student is completing an EOCT course as an “elective”, the student would not be required to take the EOCT. The student isrequired to take the EOCT when they take and complete the course for “core” credit. • If you have questions in such circumstances, please contact GaDOE Assessment.
Accommodations • Students who receive accommodations for instructional and classroom assessment purposes may also be eligible for accommodations during testing. • Accommodations provided for statewide assessment must be listed on IEP, IAP, or EL TPC and should be consistent with the student’s instructional program. • To avoid an irregularity, please ensure that students who should receive accommodations are properly identified prior to testing.
Accommodations • Only approved accommodations may be used. • Please refer to the Accommodations Manual and the Student Assessment Handbook. • Use of accommodations not on the list must be approved in advance by Melissa Fincher, Associate Superintendent for Assessment and Accountability. • Six weeks should be allowed for these requests to be reviewed. • See page 144 of the Students Assessment Handbook for details.
What percentage of a student’s course grade does an EOCT comprise? Cohort 1 Students who enter grade 9 for the first time in SY2011 -2012 or after • Cohort 2 • Students who entered grade 9 for the first time between July 2008 and June 2011 • EOCT counts as 20% of course grade • EOCT counts as 15% of course grade The percentages for these two cohorts are defined by State Board of Education rule 160-4-2-.13 (STATEWIDE PASSING SCORE)
Grading • Students must earn a 70 or higher final course grade to pass the course and earn credit for graduation. • If your school awards 1.0 credit upon completion of a year long course, the EOCT should count as either 15% or 20% that final grade. • If your school awards 0.5 credit at the end of the first semester, and 0.5 credit at the end of the second semester, the EOCT should count as either 15% or 20% of the final second semester course grade.
Grading • If a student is not present for an EOCT administration (main or mid-month), the system may issue an Incomplete and allow the student to test during a future testing window (main or mid-month). • This Incomplete may remain as the student’s course grade until their testing requirement is fulfilled. • If, after attempts have been made to have the student test in a future window, the student does not take the EOCT, the course grade shall reflect that the student did not participate in the test. • The system may issue a zero as 15% or 20% (dependent upon date first enrolled in grade nine) of the final course grade. • There should be sufficient documentation to indicate the student was notified of testing opportunities and did not participate. • The EOCT is Georgia's assessment utilized for federal high school accountability. As a result, systems must provide for the participation of all students in completion of an EOCT course.
Security • Maintaining test security and test integrity is critical. • All EOCT must be administered and supervised by a Georgia-certified educator. • Everyone involved in the testing process must be properly trained and informed of their roles and responsibilities for test security. • Attendance at training must be mandatory and well-documented. • Untrained examiners must not be allowed to test. • Students and teachers need to understand test protocols and the ramifications of not following testing procedures. • The school principal must be made aware of any issues involving testing or test security. • Violations may result in invalidation of students’ tests and/or referral to the Professional Standards Commission for disciplinary action.
Security • Student Test Booklets must be kept stored in a secure place accessible only by the principal and the test coordinator at all times. • Test materials must not be removed from their secure storage location for reasons other than the preparation of materials for testing, actual test administration, and the completion of tasks as prescribed by test manuals. • Shrink-wrapped packages must remain sealed until Test Coordinators are ready to prepare test materials for administration. • Distribute testing materials as close to the actual testing time as possible. • Testing materials should only be issued to persons who have been carefully advised of their responsibilities for test security. • Only staff members who have been trained on the proper management of secure test materials should handle such materials.
Security • All persons receiving testing materials must sign a checkout sheet when they receive the materials. This sheet should show date and time. • All testing materials issued to persons administering tests must be counted carefully when given out and when returned. • If a problem occurs, School Test Coordinator should be notified immediately. • Test Coordinators and/or Examiners should keep a record of all students tested for each EOCT administration. • In addition to student’s name and EOCT administered, please remember to include form numbers for each student in your documentation. Please be sure to keep copies of these records.
Security • Students must write their names on the cover of their test booklet and any scratch paper. • Please follow all instructions in the test manuals exactly. • Do not add anything to, or delete anything from, the directions in the test manual. This violates standardized test conditions and may invalidate scores. • All testing materials must be collected and returned immediately after the testing session. • Please be reminded that Student Authorization Tickets and used scratch paper are considered secured materials and must be handled as such. • Examiners are responsible for turning them in and coordinators are responsible for verifying that they do. • For additional security information, please refer to pages 26-38 of the Student Assessment Handbook.
Security - Examiner Training • Documentation of attendance at the district and building level (include agenda and materials used). • Ensure examiners have an opportunity to review examiner manual prior to testing date (in a secure environment). • Updated manuals have also been posted on the GaDOE (EOCT) website. • Examiners should be clear on logistical procedures in place for security of materials.
Testing Irregularities • All personnel in the local system must follow protocol as they become aware of testing irregularities. • Signs of any testing irregularity must be dealt with immediately. • Test Examiner > School Test Coordinator > System Test Coordinator > Mary Nesbit-McBride • The school principal must also be made aware of any instances of a testing irregularity. • Reports of testing irregularities from persons other than the STC (or their designee), will be referred to the STC to ensure proper reporting protocols are followed. • Please do not include identifiable student information such as, social security numbers, GTID, or FTE numbers in emails sent to GaDOE.
Testing Irregularities • All irregularities must be coded, documentation completed and submitted on the Testing Irregularity Form in the MyGaDOE Portal. • When entering the documentation into the portal, please: • Select the appropriate “Administration Cycle” - Winter 2013. • Select the appropriate “Administration” - EOCT Main. • Include the form number of the test that needs to be coded as an Irregularity or Invalidation. • Failure to include the form number when completing the Testing Irregularity Form will result in delayed and/or inaccurate reporting of scores.
Testing Irregularities • When entering the documentation into the portal, please: • Clearly indicate if a score should be invalidated, or counted as an irregularity. • If tests needs to be invalidated, please select from drop down menu the reason for invalidation. • Described in detail the circumstances surrounding the reason for invalidating the test.
Cell Phones & Electronic Devices • Students are not permitted to use, or bring into the testing environment, any electronic device that could allow them to access, retain, or transmit information (e.g., cell phone, smartphone, PDA, electronic recording, camera, or playback device, etc.). Announcements must be made prior to testing that such devices are not allowed in the testing environment and that possession or improper use of such devices during testing may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the system's student code of conduct and/or test invalidation. • Script has been added to the Examiner’s Manual regarding this topic. This script, as with all script, MUST be read to students.
Cell Phones and Electronic DevicesSource: Student Assessment Handbook 2013-2014 • In the event an examiner confirms during testing that a student is using a device to access, retain, or share information, the examiner must with minimal disruption: • collect the device, • stop testing that student, • remove the student from the testing session, and • notify the School Test Coordinator immediately. • In the event such actions are suspected, but not yet confirmed, the examiner must with minimal disruption: • collect the device, • allow the student to complete testing, • notify the School Test Coordinator immediately, and • as soon as it is appropriate attempt to confirm whether or not the device has been used in violation of the guidelines above. • Simple possession of a device (including the ringing of a phone during test administration) may be addressed in keeping with the system’s code of conduct and does not require an irregularity report to the GaDOE.
Testing Irregularities • In addition to entering irregularities into the portal, once IRR or INV codes are received, you MUST: • Grid and bubble student answer documents (if the test was administered via paper/pencil) OR • Enter code into PearsonAccess (if the test was administered online) • Once received, IRR codes can be used on all future irregularities but documentation must be entered into the portal. • Only the GaDOE may invalidate assessments.
Testing Irregularities - Paper • On answer documents, you must: • Fill-in the appropriate irregularity or invalidation bubble. • Grid the 5-digit SDU B code. • Failure to grid both the correct SDU-B code and fill-in the correct corresponding bubble will result in the delayed and/or inaccurate reporting of scores.
Testing Irregularities – Online • For students who test online, follow these steps in PearsonAccess: 1. Click on Test Management.
Testing Irregularities – Online • 2. Find and Select the student
Testing Irregularities – Online • 3. Once you find the student, click on Assigned Tests:
Testing Irregularities – Online • 4. Select the Subject: