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Atone. ( ѳ tōn’ ). (v.) to make up for. Synonym – make amends for. Bondage. ( bän ‘ dij). (n.) slavery; any state of being bound or held down. Synonym - servitude Antonym – liberty. Credible. ( kred ‘ ѳ b ѳ l). (adj.) believable. Synonym - plausible Antonym – unbelievable.
Atone ( ѳ tōn’ ) (v.) to make up for Synonym – make amends for
Bondage ( bän ‘ dij) (n.) slavery; any state of being bound or held down Synonym - servitude Antonym – liberty
Credible ( kred ‘ ѳ bѳl) (adj.) believable Synonym - plausible Antonym – unbelievable
Defray ( dē frā’ ) (v.) to pay for Synonym - settle
Diligent ( dil ‘ ѳ jѳnt ) (adj.) hardworking, industrious, not lazy Synonym - assiduous Antonym – lazy
Doleful ( dōl’ fѳl ) (adj.) sad; dreary Synonym - mournful Antonym – cheerful
Ghastly ( gast ‘ lē) (adj.) frightful, horrible; deathly pale Synonym – gruesome Antonym – attractive
Hamper ( ham ‘ pѳr ) (v.) to hold back Synonym - hinder Antonym – facilitate
Hew ( hyü ) (v.) to shape or cut down Synonym - chop
Impoverished ( im päv ‘ risht) (adj.) poor, in a state of poverty; depleted Synonym - destitute Antonym – wealthy
Incessant ( in ses ‘ ѳnt ) (adj.) never stopping, going on all the time Synonym - constant Antonym – sporadic
Intricate ( in ‘ trѳ kѳt ) (adj.) complicated; difficult to understand Synonym - complex Antonym – simple
Lucid ( lü ‘ sid ) (adj.) easy to understand, clear; rational, sane Synonym - intelligible Antonym – unintelligible
Posthumous ( päs ‘ chѳ mѳs ) (adj.) occurring or published after death Synonym - postmortem Antonym – prenatal
Prim ( prim ) (adj.) overly neat, precise, proper, or formal; prudish Synonym - fussy Antonym – sloppy
Sardonic ( sär dän ‘ ik ) (adj.) grimly or scornfully mocking, bitterly sarcastic Synonym - wry Antonym – mild
Superfluous ( sü pѳr ‘ flü wѳs ) (adj.) exceeding what is sufficient or required, excess Synonym - surplus Antonym – essential
Supplant ( sѳ plant ’ ) (v.) to take the place of, supersede Synonym - replace
Taunt ( tônt ) (v.) to jeer at, mock; (n.) an insulting or mocking remark Synonym - ridicule Antonym – applaud
Tenacious ( tѳ nā ‘ shѳs ) (adj.) holding fast; holding together firmly; persistent Synonym - obstinate Antonym – weak