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Bienvenidos al Ano Escolar 2014-15!. Schuyler Middle School Escuela Intermedia de Schuyler. Cambios de Posiciones en el Personal. Mr. Grammer will be the Director of Grants and Projects for Schuyler Community Schools. Mrs. Burton will be the Middle School Principal. Personal Nuevo.
Bienvenidos al AnoEscolar 2014-15! Schuyler Middle School EscuelaIntermedia de Schuyler
Cambios de Posiciones en el Personal • Mr. Grammer will be the Director of Grants and Projects for Schuyler Community Schools. • Mrs. Burton will be the Middle School Principal.
Personal Nuevo • Srita. Gansebom-Banda 6vo-8vo • Srita. Sanchez-Aprendizes del Lenguaje de Ingles • Sr. Keairnes-Arte de Lenguaje 8voGrado • Srita. Kmiecik-EducacionFisica 6vo-8vo • Bienvenida de regreso Sra. Kobza
Codigo de Vestuario • El vestuario de los estudiantes no debe ser peligrosopara la saludyseguridad de nadie. • El vestuario de los estudiantes no debeinterferir con el ambiente de aprendizaje de otrosestudiantes. • Los estudiantestendran la oportunidad de llamar a casa parapedir un cambio de ropa. • Cuadoayaduda, solo hable con la Sra. Burton o el Sr. Reinschparasuaprobacion.
Dress Code Examples • Clothing worn to the knee level is acceptable. • Shirts not showing undergarments is expected by all students. • Hats, sunglasses, etc. will not be allowed in the classroom. • No gang-related clothing of any type.
Reporting an Absence • State law requires that all students are in attendance during all school days. • If your child has to miss for illness or an extenuating circumstance, the parent or guardian must contact the school by 9:00 a.m. • If the absence cannot be confirmed by a parent, the student will be counted truant. • Please remember to call school ahead of time or send a signed parent note if you know of absences ahead of time.
Discipline • We will undergo a change in how discipline is handled at SMS. • Discussions will take place between students, families, and staff throughout the year. • We look forward to building stronger and more positive relationships with all students in order to strengthen the learning environment!
Discipline • Saturday School • This will be assigned as needed at all buildings on Saturday mornings. • Students assigned to Saturday School will be required to attend. • Lessons for Saturday School will based on behavior lessons in order to improve daily classroom behavior.
Guidance Center • Should a student become a disruption to student learning, they will be asked to go to the Guidance Center. • While in the Guidance Center, students will work on behavioral skills to improve their ability to function in the general classroom.
Homework Zone • If a student fails to complete their homework, they will be referred to the Homework Zone. • This is a positive place for students to get extra assistance and ask questions on their homework. • Parents will be contacted by phone or mail if Homework Zone referrals persist.
School Improvement Grants • Discovery Education • C.T.A.C. • 21st Century After School Clubs
C.T.A.C. • Community Training & Assistance Center • The survey responses that you submitted last spring helped SMS begin our work on improving everything that we do to work with students. • Thank you! • We look forward to working with you in order to continue our work and strengthen Schuyler!
Discovery Education • Please view our informational video and read our handout that is available in both English and Spanish. • www.discoveryeducation.com
21st Century Grant • All SMS students are welcome to participate! • Clubs will begin after Labor Day • Information will be sent home for each family to view for student registration.
Athletics • Student middle school activity passes will be $5 for the year per student! • Students will be given a sticker for their I.D. Card once they pay their $5 fee. • Mandatory Randomized Drug Testing • Meeting from 5:00-6:00 p.m. at SMS • Meeting from 6:30-7:30 at SCHS
Impact Concussion Testing • Each 7th grade boy who participates in football will take a computerized test. • Any 8th grade boy who did NOT play football last year will also take the test. • Testing will take place after school on August 19th. • Taking the test will help doctors determine if a student has a concussion during athletic participation.
Seventh Grade Requirements • Please see Mrs. Reha after this meeting if you do not have a physical form. • All 7th graders must have a completed physical to attend school. • Your student must have a Tdap vaccination on record to attend school. • Please bring proof of the immunization to Mrs. Reha, the School Nurse.
Eighth Grade Requirements • Eighth grade students only need to have a physical on file if they plan on playing sports.
Insurance • The school does not require you to purchase insurance if you participate in a sport. • If you choose to have insurance, it is $91 per year. • Please see Mrs. Reha if you would like more information on the insurance plan.
Inter-City Bus Route • There will be a bus route that starts at Schuyler Middle School each morning approximately 7:35 a.m. • Elementary and Pre-School students will be allowed to get on the stop in order to get a safe ride to school. • There is a sign-up in the hallway. Please ask an administrator with questions.
Open House • Please take an informal tour throughout the building. • A sampling station offering chicken bowls available to you and your family free of charge during your tour. • This is available for you in the Commons Area
NosotrosSomos Schuyler! • Gracias porasistir el dia de hoyeinvertir en la educacion de nuestrosestudiantes! • Cadauno de nosotrossomosnecesariospara el logro de los estudiantes. • Recuerdequeustedpuedehacerunadiferenciapositivayquesuesfuerzoimporta!
Parent-Teacher Conferences • Please join us on Thursday, October 23rd for Parent-Teacher Conferences! • We would love to have each family be here! • There will be opportunities to sit with Mrs. Burton to discuss your vision of a bright SMS!