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Best Practices in Embodiment Design for Product Engineers

Learn advanced methods and tools for Embodiment Design, reflect on design process, and develop essential skills for sustained growth. Explore analysis of design protocols and receive tips for junior engineers. Gain insight into critical situations, knowledge embodiment, and cognitive processes in engineering design.

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Best Practices in Embodiment Design for Product Engineers

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  1. Final instruction Aggregated conclusions and tips Christos Spitas, Petra Badke-Schaub VasiliosSpitas

  2. Learning objectives • Educate students in different complimentary advanced methods and tools for embodiment design developed in the four partner universities • Provide a comprehensive practice experience to students, useful in itself to build up original design knowledge and to support and substantiate the learning process and competence acquisition

  3. Learning objectives • Educate students in reflecting on their design process and competences, gaining essential skills for sustained growth and life-long learning (modern ICT-assisted design protocol analysis) • Produce students with well-integrated competence in Embodiment Design in the context of Product Engineering

  4. Analysis of design protocols: Process Challenge How far it was met Process: effective? tackled complexity? Process: teamwork, team roles systematised? Belbin • Embodiment Design: complex, costly and mission-critical phase in product design and engineering • Often involving large development teams

  5. Examples Space antenna • Material suitability for deep space/ temperature extremes? • Minimum weight violated! • Vibration modes! (bending, torsion) • Ambiguity in engineering drawings • Validation?

  6. Examples Spinnaker • Load case! • But which material? • Weight/ density, flotation not considered! • Engineering of hoisting points! • Ambiguity in engineering drawings • Validation?

  7. Tips (for junior engineers) • Employ analysis as ‘systematic decomposition’, not as ‘thinking about a problem’ • Perform heuresis as ‘systematic synthesis’ etc formal mappings, not as ‘inspired ideation’ • Perform evaluation as an objective mathematics-based operation, not as an intuitive or ‘democratic’ process • Make all choices explicit; anticipate them and plan beforehand supporting evaluations

  8. Tips (for junior engineers) • Plan and cluster your work in targeted/ focused short-cycle (time-bound) work packages, each comprising meaningful sequences of analysis, heuresis, evaluation and choice • Do not engage in unplanned ‘spaghetti’ sessions. Check your time vs. your plan. Develop error handling procedures. • Manage your knowledge (searching) and computational resources

  9. Tips (for junior engineers) • Be clear in your interim and final outputs (TDP, validations). Pay attention to detail and follow communication standards. These will be used by others down the project value chain and must be adequate and complete. • A design that cannot defend itself does not pass the next stage gate. • Be positive. Be patient. Stay focused. Engineering design can involve a lot of tedium and does not have to be fun to be done.

  10. Analysis of design protocols: Content Challenge How far it was met Quality/ focus of interim results, solutions How far, how specific? • Systematic ability to analyse requirements and synthesise appropriate solutions is essential for innovation and success in a highly competitive global environment • 'Turning function into embodiment'

  11. Examples Electromotor flange Reduce complexity – But not too complex Simplification Problem was not ill-defined Not understanding how the thing works Missing – reduced goal • Over-constrained, functional tolerances not considered! • Too many parts! Simplicity? • Ambiguity in engineering drawings • Validation?

  12. Knowledge Embodiment design Didactic programme AMP Reflection Methods Context (cultural, presentation)


  14. Embodiment design systematise product engineering Object – system – goalanalysis C & C2approach Design withuncertainty

  15. CRITICAL SITUATIONS OCG Ideamapping d TRIZ Design withuncertainty/C & C2

  16. Embodiment design is…. interaction methodology reflection

  17. CRITICAL SITUATIONS: Reflection BELBIN Eye-tracking Smart pen

  18. TASK: COGNITIVEPROCESSES Dealing with uncertainty Reduction of complexity

  19. TASK Cognitive processes: • need to reduce complexity, • need to economise: to save time and effort Routine patterns • Humans tend to follow established practices • their range of thinking and acting is limited- also in new situations • reduced goal elaboration • reduced analysis

  20. Consequences in situations of uncertainty • thinking and acting is centred at the self - not at the problem • prevention of self-reflection • avoidance of further exploration • groupthink

  21. Process: Planning is a higher cognitive task • Setting goals • Developing strategies • Coordination: scheduling procedural tasks and responsibilities in order to accomplish the goals

  22. WHY? Motivational system: self-protection • Need for affiliation = to feel integrated in a group • Need for control = to feel assured to know what is going to happen • Need for competence = perceived competence to satisfy the basic needs

  23. The vicious circle of failures no adaptation – no change

  24. uncertainty + + need for control - feeling of competence - - emotional strain physiological activation + + + choice of well-known rules and schemata avoidance of further mental load regression resignation aggression - - low exploration: search of new information quick decisions no decisions Cognitive-motivational model explaining deficiencies in planning & decision making DOiNG RIGHT? DOiNG WRONG

  25. teamworker shaper

  26. implementor

  27. Design withUncertainty Flow??

  28. All roadsleadingto …. DELFT DELFT DELFT


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