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Discover the strategic moves and priorities at PS 48, as they strive to create a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. With a focus on knowing every scholar well, the school is implementing research-based practices and fostering a culture of respect and community partnerships.
2019-2020 State of 48 presented by Pat Mitchell, Principal P.S. 48 is on theMOVE!! Fall 2019
AREAS OF CELEBRATION From 2018-2019 Principal Performance Review SAFE, EFFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE LEARNING ENVIORNMENT DOMAIN 3 CULTURE RESPECT & COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS DOMAIN 3 CAPACITY BUILDING DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES STRATEGIC MOVES B C A With guidance from our Superintendent’s office PS 48 school administrators have set out to act in our capacity as school administrators to adhere to constructive feedback, design actions plans to address our needs and build on our strengths. We remain committed to implement research based practices to guide our collective work. The Instructional Leadership Framework will be a big part of our transformative journey to be better than ever. The guide (which is gangsta’) has re-affirmed practices that we have already engaged in with success. Our focus as we roll its tenants out will be Instructional Priority Area #2: KNOW EVERY SCHOLAR WELL. This Priority area will be reflected in a myriad of ways at PS 48!
4 2 1 3 Areas for Improvement Align Tasks, “I CAN” statements and Assessments Standards Design, use and enforce use of question stems with HESS support #WEGOTTHIS USERNAME: ****** PASSWORD: * =ADMIN “LOOK FORS” #ITSAPROCESSPEOPLE Collaborative teacher teams will ensure that all units and lessons provide ample opportunities for scholars to engage in discussions. Look for evidence that teacher encouraged/modeled student led discussions with use of domain specific and/or academic vocabulary. Shifting from Q & A TO Q & D PLAN for rich Student Discussion #4 Close Reading lessons will be reconfigured to reflect student annotations based on higher order thinking questions and not just simple recall of facts. Look for evidence that teachers have created opportunities for scholars to use text based evidence to respond to inferential questions using 2019 released questions (2-5) Close Reading #1 #2 Teacher teams will work to develop coherence in an understanding of lesson standard(s), aligned tasks and rubrics. Look for evidence that teachers have created success criteria that are aligned to standards, that there are clear expectations for student work products and that student work products are ALL graded with fidelity. Teacher teams will ensure that tiered questions and possible student responses are created in planning. Exemplars are essential for this planning. Look for evidence that teachers used HESS’ matrix to create and implement questions with a system for monitoring the quality of responses against exemplars. #3
INSTRUCTIONAL ABSOLUTES We will look for evidence of…. CHECKLIST FOCUS * =ADMIN “LOOK FORS” • Lesson plans that reflect time for student led discussions with use of domain specific and/or academic vocabulary. • Use of an Effective system for assessing the use of academic and/or domain specific vocabulary • Use of Language Objectives for identified ENL scholars • Students initiating higher-order questions. The teacher builds on and uses student responses to questions in order to deepen student understanding. • Students extending discussions enriching it. (i.e. BOUNCE) • Students inviting comments from their classmates during a discussion and challenge one another’s thinking. • Use of an Effective system for monitoring student participation 3b (2.46 2.60) • 3c (2.65 2.80) • Curricular units that reflect cultural relevance • Strategies that respect and respond to student needs based on • Teacher created opportunities for scholar use of text based evidence to respond to “TEST LIKE” questions using 2019 released questions (2-5) 3d (2.13 2.55) • Use of HESS’ matrix to design tasks, prompts or questions • Use of an Effective system to create and implement questions with a system for monitoring the quality of responses against exemplars. • Use of effective system to create questions and tasks to build understanding; • Questions USED during the lesson by teacher or scholars that are designed to explore relationships or deepen understanding and not just recall or monitoring learning. • Success criteria aligned to standards • clear expectations for student work products as evidenced by visible exemplars • Student use of RUBRICS and CHECKLISTS to promote student agency • Student work products that are graded with fidelity using a quality rubric • constructive next steps that scholars are acting on. Peer to peer feedback
Data at the Core DBI DATACORP In June 2019 We partnered with DOE’s new Data based individualization (DBI) Pilot. DBI is a research-based process for individualizing and intensifying interventions through the systematic use of assessment data, validated interventions, and research-based adaptation strategies. DBI is the technical term for what many good teachers do naturally through the problem-solving process: frequently review student data and make changes to their teaching based on what works for scholars. DBI, however, makes this process systematic, explicit, and tailored to meet the needs of individual students through a multi-step process that gradually intensifies instruction and support. In April 2019 We partnered with an old colleague (formerly Learning Directions) to support systematic and efficient assessment cycles This strategic partnership will support Part II Shift 2 by placing data at the core of literacy improvement efforts. DataCorp is supporting our goals to adhere to guiding principles of assessment…. That they are a diverse school that is Efficient, Comprehensive and Informative. We will collaborate with teachers to create cycles for three types of assessments: Screening, Formative Outcome K2 https://intensiveintervention.org/resource/what-are-intensive-interventions-and-why-are-they-important
FOCUS PRIORITY STATEMENT To continue to build teacher capacity to create rigorous student writing tasks that are aligned to standards, include opportunities for scholars to create quality oral and written constructed responses using text-based evidence, and include the use of grade appropriate vocabulary. Advanced Literacy in Action • Area 1: Strengthen the Instructional Core. • Using a writing curriculum that includes the Hallmarks of Advanced Literacy • q Improving extended constructed response(s) based on complex text • Create tasks for texts, plan and implement rubrics for each writing module • q Exemplars are shared with scholars • Criteria for success is measure against a quality rubric • q Outcomes are taught to mastery level based on exemplars • Scholars are given multiple opportunities to think critically, collaborate and engage in self-direction, revision and advance their student agency • UNIVERSAL LITERACY SUPPORT
FOCUS PRIORITY STATEMENT To continue to build teacher capacity to create rigorous student writing tasks that are aligned to standards, include opportunities for scholars to create quality oral and written constructed responses using text-based evidence, and include the use of grade appropriate vocabulary. Advanced Literacy in Action Area 2: Know Every Student Well • Using a universal screening to ensure that all scholars have Foundational writing skills • Diagnose and support scholars with Extended constructed response(s) based on complex text • Create tasks for texts, plan and implement rubrics for each writing module • Exemplars are shared with criteria and measure against a quality rubric • Outcomes are taught to mastery level based on exemplars • Scholars are given multiple opportunities to think critically, collaborate and engage in self-direction • UNIVERSAL LITERACY SUPPORT
FOCUS PRIORITY STATEMENT To continue to build teacher capacity to create rigorous student writing tasks that are aligned to standards, include opportunities for scholars to create quality oral and written constructed responses using text-based evidence, and include the use of grade appropriate vocabulary. Advanced Literacy in Action • Area 3: Use a Shared and Inclusive Curriculum. • Teachers will meet to discuss, plan and publish a Scope and sequence in all areas of study by September 30 (except Science) • Ensuring that hallmarks of advanced literacy are present in all lessons and across units • Teachers will hold all scholars to high expectations by ensuring that tasks and text are appropriately challenging give grade-level expectations. • Administrators provide teachers will access to instructional supports that include literary resources, technological tools, consumables, and tangibles to execute writing lessons. • UNIVERSAL LITERACY SUPPORT
Here’s our Plan to Accelerate learning for Every Scholar in ELA First, we will identify areas of need and data points that will measure success with Datacorp including a universal screener and a comprehensive assessment calendar by September 2019. Then, we will work our RTI plans!! Next, we’ll continue to monitor progress and report findings 4 TIMES in CEP portal Next, we will devise Plans of Action for high leverage impact based on DBI formative assessment, LDC writing units and use of SPIRE to address phonetic weaknesses with identified students for RTI. Finally we’ll Celebrate our Successes!! USERNAME: Pat Mitchell PASSWORD: 2021 See slides 15-17 And….Modify where needed
Our Plan to Accelerate learning for Every Scholar in Mathematics uses the same protocol! First, we will identify areas of need and data points that will measure success with Datacorp including a universal screener and a comprehensive assessment calendar by September 2019. Then, we will work our RTI plans!! Next, we’ll continue to monitor progress and report findings 4 TIMES in CEP portal Next, we will devise Plans of Action for high leverage impact USING SOLVE and NTN strategies with identified scholars for RTI by our SpEd staff. Finally we’ll Celebrate our Successes!! USERNAME:Pat Mitchell PASSWORD: 2021 SUBMIT And….Modify where needed
2019-2020 CEP GOALS
Goal # 1 • By June 2020 scholars in grade 3 will increase proficiency in answering M/C and extended response questions by 6% based on the State ELA exam. • Rationale: This year, we focused our priority on tiered tasks to support mastery of ELA M/C and constructed responses. Scholars’ proficiency rate improved from 44% to 62% Action Plan Strengthen the Core- School staff will collaborate to create literacy enriched classrooms that are engaging, student centered, include opportunities for student choice and the use of technology. Know Every Scholar – School will continue to partner with DataCorp to create and implement assessments that yield high leverage data to better inform instructional and RTI points-thus freeing teachers up with more time to focus on differentiated instruction, SDI’s and IEP goals. Shared and Inclusive Curriculum- Scholars- School staff will collaborate to advance equity in four areas. They are inclusive curriculum, academic systems, school leadership and talent. *Four Conditions Diagnostic Rubric will be used 4 times during the year to assess progress. *The rubrics draw from the Connecticut State Department of Education’s School Quality Review and Network Walkthrough Tool, Mass Insight Education’s School Readiness Assessment, Public Impact’s School Turnaround Leaders Competencies, University of Virginia’s Leader Competencies and Turnaround Actions, CSSI Standards 1-10 Rubric with Evidence, Colorado’s Principal Quality Standards, and the DPS LEAD Framework.
Goal # 2 • By June 2020 PS 48 will reduce the number of chronically absent scholars by 50% as evidenced by September 2019 ATS data and May 2020 ATS data. • Rationale: This year, although attendance rates were not chronic for most scholars, sub-groups of scholars have chronic attendance issues that we must address with a focus on ENL, PreK and STH sub-groups. Action Plan Strengthen the Core- Strengthen the Core- School staff will collaborate to create a comprehensive attendance plan that includes tiered levels of attendance support for scholars and their families. (See plan) Know Every Scholar – School will continue to partner with various community based organizations to create individualized support for families as needed. Attendance celebrations , competitions, recognition of improvement and real time communication will be the hallmarks of plan. (Refer to CBO list) Shared and Inclusive Curriculum- Scholars- School staff will collaborate with families to advance equity in four areas. They are inclusive curriculum, academic systems, school leadership and talent. *Four Conditions Diagnostic Rubric will be used 4 times during the year to assess progress. Our academic calendar will be more sensitive to cultural holidays. (See rubric) *The rubrics draw from the Connecticut State Department of Education’s School Quality Review and Network Walkthrough Tool, Mass Insight Education’s School Readiness Assessment, Public Impact’s School Turnaround Leaders Competencies, University of Virginia’s Leader Competencies and Turnaround Actions, CSSI Standards 1-10 Rubric with Evidence, Colorado’s Principal Quality Standards, and the DPS LEAD Framework.
Goal # 3 • By June 2020 scholars in grade 3 will increase proficiency in mathematics by 8% based on the State Math exam. • Rationale: This year, we focused our priority on using mathematical practices and supporting accountable math talk with support from NTN. Scholars’ proficiency rate improved from 51% to 65% Action Plan Strengthen the Core- Strengthen the Core- School staff will collaborate to create math centers that encourage problem solving, accountable talk, approximation and the use of 8 mathematical practices. Centers will be student led, (Dec) include opportunities for student voice and the use of technology. Know Every Scholar – School will continue to partner with DataCorp to create and implement assessments that yield high leverage data to better inform instructional and RTI points-thus freeing teachers up with more time to focus on differentiated instruction, SDI’s and IEP goals. Shared and Inclusive Curriculum- Scholars- School staff will collaborate to advance equity in four areas. They are inclusive curriculum, academic systems, school leadership and talent. *Four Conditions Diagnostic Rubric will be used 4 times during the year to assess progress. *The rubrics draw from the Connecticut State Department of Education’s School Quality Review and Network Walkthrough Tool, Mass Insight Education’s School Readiness Assessment, Public Impact’s School Turnaround Leaders Competencies, University of Virginia’s Leader Competencies and Turnaround Actions, CSSI Standards 1-10 Rubric with Evidence, Colorado’s Principal Quality Standards, and the DPS LEAD Framework.
How did we do? Based on June Instructional Report
MEASURING IMPACT of STUDENT PERFORMANCE 2017-2019 Grade 3 math proficiency rate rose from 51% to 65% Grade 4 math proficiency rate increased from 39% to 55% Grade 5 math proficiency rate increased from 29% to 55% *Grade 5 ELA proficiency rate increased from 26% to 35% Grade 4 ELA proficiency rate increased from 41% to 59% Summative Data PS48 June 2019 Instructional Reports Grade 3 ELA proficiency rate increased from 44% to 62% * Day One only
Trends Based on State Exams • The slides you are about to see denote areas of strength and areas of need based on 2019 State Exam data. • Your lens for this data should not only consider how scholars fared-----but also consider what instructional changes we need to make and/or celebrate
Areas of need in Grade 3 Areas of Strength in Grade 3
Areas of need in Grade 4 Areas of Strength in Grade 4
Areas of need in Grade 5 Areas of Strength in Grade 5
We will accelerate the learning.. With an appreciation for the process as we ….Develop people • Awareness: Ensure awareness by all teachers, coaches, and parents that new practices are coming and make sure they know of all the time frames and related actions. • Understanding: Build understanding of the potential benefits for the teachers and scholars—why new methods or process are needed. • Adoption: Create ownership of the change, so teachers and parents feel included and are eager for adoption of new “best practices”. • Commitment: Generate high levels of morale and increased commitment from all teachers and stakeholders in consistently using new system(s) and/or practice(s) based on 7 levers The Seven Instructional Levers 1. Data-driven instruction. Define the roadmap for rigor and adapt teaching to meet the students' needs. 2. Observation and feedback. Coach teachers to improve the learning. 3. Instructional planning. Prevent problems and guarantee strong lessons. 4. Professional development. Strengthen culture and instruction with hands-on training that sticks. Cultural Levers 5. Student culture. Create a strong culture where learning can thrive. 6. Staff culture. Build and support the right team. 7. Leading the leaders. Train instructional leaders to expand your impact across the school.
Advance Metrics • Domain 2 Classroom Environment • 2a Respect and Rapport 3.11 • 2d Managing Student Behavior 3.10 • Domain 1 Planning and Preparation • 1a Knowledge of Content 2.51 • 1e Designing Coherent Instruction 2.42 • Domain 3 Instruction • 3b Accountable Talk 2.46 • 3c Student Engagement 2.65 • 3d Using Assessment in Instruction. 2.13 FOCUS • Domain 4 Professional Responsibilities • 4e Developing as a Professional 2.59
PD will Mondays will be very different My role as an Administrator…. “We know that student achievement improves with instructional leadership. Increasing the time leaders spend directly supporting instruction, and creating a culture of reflection and professional expertise, are key steps toward improved advanced literacy instruction. As instructional leaders, administrators engage in a number of key activities: ● spending significant time reviewing student data with teachers; ● supporting problem solving, troubleshooting, and mid-course corrections in response to patterns in student data; ● monitoring and supporting curricular implementation; and ● discussing and analyzing instructional strategies tailored to the population”. --Instructional Leadership Framework
PS 48 Instructional Teams Vertical Team Grade Teams Will convene on Mondays to review assessments, assessment calendars and student work products to ensure curricular coherence and fidelity. • LDC Vertical Team will convene on Tuesdays to review vertical writing demands and use LDC Core Tools to support instruction, rubrics and student writing progress. PS 48 Admin/Instructional Team will review data points from DataCorp in all subject areas to make strategic decisions about teacher support, resource allocation and curriculum revision.
EFFECTIVE TOOLS that SUPPORT 48 Instructional Goals “Mr. Sage, Your observation is Tomorrow. Use planning tools for success to support instructional absolutes!!”
CEP Progress Monitoring Dates Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q4 Dec 2 – Jan 31 Apr 20 –June 10 Feb 3 – April 9 Sept 5- Nov 27