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ASEP BEFI HERMAWAN. LINEAR EQUATION WITH ONE VARIABLE (LEOV). Learning Objectives: After implementing this lesson students will be able to:. 1. Explaining the definition of linear equation with one variable.

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  3. Learning Objectives:After implementing this lesson students will be able to: • 1. Explaining the definition of linear equation with one variable. • 2. Explaining the characteristics of linear equation with one variable.3. Determining the solution of linear equation with one variable with added, substructed, multiplied and divided method. • The characters building:Discipline, respect, diligence and responsibility.

  4. The Characteristics of LEOV • Have equal sign “=“ • Only have one variable • The power of variable is equal to 1

  5. Determine the forms below, is LEOV or Not LEOV! a + 5 = 7 (LEOV) 2b – 3 = 19 (LEOV) x – 2y = 15 (Not LEOV) 3b + 11 = b (LEOV) X² + 3 = 12 (Not LEOV) 2 + 23 = d (LEOV) 2x = 16 (LEOV) (¼)a – 3 = 10 (LEOV) 3b + b³ = 27 (Not LEOV) 2(x – 1) + 5(2 + x) = 5x (LEOV)

  6. Definition of LEOV • Linear equation with one variable (LEOV) is an open sentence connected by equal sign (“=“) and only have one variable, and the power of variable is equal to 1. • General form of linear equation with one variable (LEOV) is ax + b = 0, for a ≠ 0, b is constant. • Persamaan linier satuvariabeladalahKalimatterbuka yang dihubungkantandasamadengan (“=“) danhanyamempunyaisatuvariabel, danpangkatvariabelnyasamadengan 1. • Bentukumumpersamaan linier satuvariabeladalah ax + b = 0, untuk a ≠ 0, b adalahkonstanta.

  7. The Methods to Solving LEOV: • Both sides are added by the same number. • Both sides are substructed by the same number. • Both sides are multiplied by the same number. • Both sides are divided by the same number.

  8. Problem Examples:(for both sides are added or substructed by the same number methods)Determine the value of variable in LEOV below! • 1. x – 7 = 3 • Answer: x – 7 + 7 = 3 + 7 (both sides are added by 7) x = 10

  9. 2. y + 5 = 12 • Answer: y + 5 – 5 = 12 – 5 (both sides are substructed by 5) y = 7 • 3. 4a – 6 = 3a – 1 • Answer: 4a – 3a – 6 = 3a – 3a – 1 (both sides are substructed by 3a) a – 6 = -1 a – 6 + 6 = - 1 + 6 (both sides are added by 6) a = 5

  10. 4. 3(x - 3) = 2(x + 9) • Answer: 3x - 9 = 2x + 18 3x -2x - 9 = 2x - 2x + 18 (both sides are substructed by 2x) x - 9 + 9 = 18 + 9 (both sides are added by 9) x = 27

  11. Exercise:Determine the value of variable in LEOV below! • x + 7 = 15 • a – 4 = 6 • 5b - 2 = 4b + 9 • 4(x + 5) = 3(x – 6) • 3(2x + 7) + 5(x – 3) = 2(5x + 4)

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