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HORTATORY EXPOSITION. Sex Education Should Giving to Teenagers.
Children and teenagers must undergo sex education at school to equip them with relevant information about birth control and relationships in this era of near unlimited access to pornographic content.I personally think that sex education need to be include in the schools to ensure students learn about the birds and the bees in a focuse and regulate manner.
First,ideally, sex education should be tackle both athome and in school, and possibly throughreligious and community groups. However, whileresearch indicates that both parents andchildren would like to discuss sexual issues,many parents lack the confidence to do so. A 1992 study undertaken by the Health PromotionAgency for Northern Ireland found that, althoughparents in Northern Ireland believe they had aresponsibility to contribute to their children’ssex education, many feel unable to talk about it comfortably.
PARENTS’ VIEWS ON THE SCHOOL’S ROLE IN PROVIDING SEX EDUCATION. Should only be taught by parents 2 Certain topics by schools but most by parents 13 Shared equally by schools and parents 72 Schools should teach most, certain topics by parents 9 All by school 4 % 0 20 40 60 80 100 % Of parents
Second, Sex education, which deals with many important issues such as reproductive health, physical and emotional impacts of relationships and sociocultural issues. According to the WHO,in the year 1993, sex education for children should be imparted at the age of 12 and above. It is estimated that 34% of the HIV infected persons are in the age group of 12 to 19 years.
HIV cases by exposure category to end 2002, Northern Ireland Source: PHLS AIDS and STD Centre, Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre, and Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health. Quarterly Surveillance Tables No 57.
Third, schools have a significant role in imparting effective sex education to adolescents. Research by Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health and Neurological Sciences, Delhi, in the year 2001,has shown that with effective sex education to young adults in schools, it is possible to push back the age at which adolescents experiment with sex. These programs also have the potential to encourage youngsters to use protection during their first sexual experience.
Finally, one of the most popular arguments against sexeducation is that it encourages early sexualactivity. Yet a 2003 World Health Organizationreview of 35 sex education studies in the USA,Europe, Australia, Mexico and Thailand, found noevidence that sex education leads to earlier orincreased sexual activity. The survey showedthat sex education programmers can actuallyencourage young people to postponepenetrative sexual intercourse, or, if they arealready sexually active, to reduce their numberof partners or have safer sex.
teaching methods should be used Information video 73 Group discussion 90 Role playing 61 Talks From adults 76 Talks from profesionals 92 Talks from older pupils 70 Traditional methods 65 % 0 20 40 60 80 100
From the arguments above, Sex education is part of both health educationand personal and social education. It shouldpromote positive sexual health and be acompulsory part of every school.Young people have the right to sex education,appropriate to their age and comprehension,which offers exploration of emotions, feelingsand personal values, as well as information aboutreproductive biology and sexually transmitted infection.