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How to create Math Fluency in Second Grade

How to create Math Fluency in Second Grade. Environment. Students must have an understanding of class expectations, including expectations for participation, listening, speaking and interacting with classmates.

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How to create Math Fluency in Second Grade

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to create Math Fluency in Second Grade

  2. Environment • Students must have an understanding of class expectations, including expectations for participation, listening, speaking and interacting with classmates. • Teacher must model desired behaviors and reinforce compliance in a consistent fashion. • Math vocabulary and work samples should be posted. • Math Tools (cubes, tiles, base 10 pieces , hundred table etc) should be available for use.

  3. Learning Process

  4. Viewing • Teacher will introduce the concept or skill. • Teacher will present and/or connect the new material to a real life situation (buying an ice cream, sharing items, telling time etc.) • Teacher will “Think aloud” as a way of modeling the thought process required for academic success. • Teacher will guide students’ thinking by asking appropriate questions. • Students will be looking, listening, interacting with classmates and sharing thinking.

  5. Viewing

  6. Doing- Exploring the idea • Students (Sts) will connect previously acquired knowledge with the new material. • Sts. will make their thinking public by sharing with partner or the whole group. • Sts. will agree and disagree with the ideas presented by other students. • Sts. will show their thinking by including in their work pictures, words and numbers. • Teacher will provide opportunities for repeated collaborative experiences with the new material to ensure mastery.

  7. Math notebook daily entry

  8. Talking-Learning to Justify • Sts. work with partner or small group to make sense of a story problem; • Read – Dialogue – Information represented by symbols (pictures & numbers). • Sts. will agree or disagree with the ideas presented by their partner or small group. • Sts. will present their work to the class. This requires making their thinking public, justifying their thinking and using math vocabulary appropriately.

  9. Talking-work justification

  10. Transforming • Sts will be able to apply the new skill successfully when working independently. • Sts. will develop confidence in their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and skills. • Sts. will see themselves as being able to make sense of a situation requiring math. • Sts. will be able to teach and help others with math.

  11. Transforming knowledge Independence

  12. Fluency in the context of the TEKS. The content is defined by TEKS. • TEKS 2.1, 2.3 Math Notebook focusing on using today’s number to teach expanded form, place value, doubling . • TEKS 2.3 Numerical fluency on activities to build flexibility with addition & subtraction with combinations to 20. • TEKS 2.12, 2.13, 2.14 focus on the skill of problem solving which requires Sts. to write/read a problem that needs mathematical understanding of addition, subtraction, grouping, regrouping and strategies in order to arrive to a sensible answer.

  13. Acknowledgement • I would like to thanks many individuals whose advice and guidance made this presentation possible. • First and foremost to Ms. Janet Densmore, Math Coach at Andrews Elementary, whose mathematical knowledge and instructional methodology are second to none. • Ms. Laurie Barber, principal at Andrews whose expectations and rigorous leadership brings the best of every teacher at the school. • Ms. Sharon Duncan, A.C.C.- Director of Cohort whose professional (& motherly care) demands made me a better learner & teacher.

  14. Math fluency - practice

  15. Sources: • Ms. Janet Densmore, Math Coach at Andrews Elementary. • Ms. Laurie Barber, Principal at Andrews Elementary. • Dr. Jennifer Hollings, Global Language Solution Presenter. • Ms. Adelita Campos Acosta, Global Language Solution Presenter. • Professor J. Cummins, Cummins’ model on learning theories.

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