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Standardization as a management tool to assure quality in e- Learning. The case of the Portuguese standard NP 4512. How cool is standardization?. (some) ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF EDUCATION. Conclusion?. #1: WE HAVE TO INNOVATE EDUCATION! (tell me something new!!!)
Standardization as a management tool to assure quality in e-Learning The case of the Portuguese standard NP 4512
Conclusion?... #1: WE HAVE TO INNOVATE EDUCATION! (tell me something new!!!) But what does it means to innovate?...
INNOVATION Implementationof a neworsignificantlyimprovedsolution for a firm, a newproduct, process, organizationalor marketing method, withtheaimofreinforcingthefirm’scompetitivestanding, improvingits performance orits know-how. (Adaptedfrom OECD, 2005, Op. Cit, page 34). (NP 4456:2007)
Are you thinking of e-Learning? What about Technology Enhanced Learning? (b-Learning, m-Learning, u-Learning…)
IN PRACTICE THIS CAN MEAN… Click on me! Mike Matas and the new digital book, for example!
A MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION: How many standards were used to develop Mike Matas’ Digital Book? 0?... 10?... 100?... 1000?... (was anyone counting?...)
Conclusion?... #1: WE HAVE TO INNOVATE (EDUCATION)! #2: WE HAVE TO STANDARDIZE (INNOVATION)! But what does it means to standardize?...
STANDARDIZATION Activity of establishing, with regard to actual or potential problems, provisions for common and repeated use, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context. Note 1: In particular, this activity consists of the processes of formulating, issuing and implementing standards. Note 2: . Important benefits of standardization are improvement of the suitability of products, processes and services for their intended purposes, prevention of barriers to trade and facilitation of technological co-operation . (ISO/IEC GUIDE 2:2004)
Click on me! “Creative people will always create… but innovation requires both creative people and a sturdy process.” Lyn Heward Click on me!
STANDARDIZING INNOVATION Under internationalization CEN NP 4457:2007 “Research, Development and Innovation (RDI). Requirements of the RDI management system.”
STANDARDIZING TEL Invitations for internacionalization CEN / ISO NP 4512:2012 “Vocational training management system, including technology enhanced learning. Requirements.”
STANDARDIZING TEL QPL Portuguese Ordinance 851 ISO/IEC 27001 ISO/IEC 20000-1 ISO 9001 We have not re-invented the wheel, but innovate upon pre-existing work, by re-using parts of it with a new purpose - the LEGO™ principle! NP 4457 IWA 2 Salmon Kirkpatrick THE SKELETON OF NP 4512 NP 4427 Phillips ECVET EQF NP 4512:2012 is a deliverable of the European project Q-Cert-VET
TEACHEREVOLUTIONFrom HOLDERS of information to GUIDERS at the highways of information Learning Cost of Resources
SUSTAINABILITY Stateofthe global system, whichincludesenvironmental, social andeconomicsubsystems, inwhichtheneedsofthepresent are metwithoutcompromisingtheabilityof future generations to meettheirownneeds. Note 1:Theenvironmental, social andeconomicsubsystemsinteractand are interdependent. They are oftenreferredto withphrasessuch as thethreedimensions/pillars/aspectsofsustainability. Note 2: Sustainabilityisthegoalofsustainabledevelopment. (ISO/CD GUIDE 82:2012)
IN PRACTICE THIS CAN MEAN… Click on me! Peter Norvig and the 100.000 students class, for example!
“OH… ONE MORE THING…” ;-) (Steve Jobs) Remember the videos we have seen during the course of this presentation?...
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL STANDARDS’ WRITERS! Click on me! Particularly for the 100th meeting of the ISO/IEC MPEG Group last year! Thanks to them, this PPT has videos – and our world shares billions of them every single day!
QUESTIONS?... Thank you! Contacts: Sandra Feliciano felicianosandra@gmail.com sdf@estgf.ipp.pt Tel.: +351 961 470 870 Skype: sandrafeliciano pt.linkedin.com/pub/sandra-feliciano/0/664/173