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General Meeting. WELCOME. Agenda Welcome of the members Statement of the quorum Record confirmation of last meeting Presentation of committee´s new office Report by the Executive Board Presentation of new members Marketing projects Presentation of the 2013 marketing plan
General Meeting WELCOME AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
Agenda Welcome ofthemembers Statement ofthequorum Recordconfirmationof last meeting Presentationofcommittee´snewoffice Report bythe Executive Board Presentationofnewmembers Marketing projects Presentationofthe 2013 marketing plan Trade fairs / Retrofitting of fair stand Roadshow und Live Seminar Presentationof online activities & E-Learning „Karibik“ magazine Preview ofthe 2014 marketing plan Committee´s Christmas party Anyotherbusiness WELCOME AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
Committee´snewoffice in Cologne Katharina Galle Allroundtourism professional with 27 yearsofexperience Commercial education und travelagencymanagement Trainee programformiddlemanagement Head ofhotelcontracting ITS Reisen Brand manager ITS Reisen Head oftrademarketing REWE Touristik Director online products „iTravel“ Today Lecturerfortourism- andmobilitymanagement atthe European Media and Business Academy in Düsseldorf Personal 25 yearsofexperience in individual travellingtoseveral destinations, especially in Asia, Central AmericaandGreece Committee´snewoffice AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
Committee´s new office in Cologne Address Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Karibik e.V. Alteburger Straße 79 D- 50678 Köln mobile: 0049 176 55616625 phone: 0049221 97758370 (from 15.06.2013) fax: 0049 221 97758371 (from 1.07.2013) e-mail: katharina.galle@karibik.org Committee´snewoffice AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
Presentation of new members New members AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
Marketing plan 2013 AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
Budget plan 2013 BudGet plan 2013 AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
New! Hombruchand Lünen caribbean (B2C) Date: Hombruch 1 – 4 August 2013 Date: Lünen 29 August -1 September 2013 Main focus: The townsmarketsquares will transforminto a sandybeachforsomedaysincluding beachvolleyball andseveralstands. We will bementioned in all meansofpromotion (posters, flyers, programs…). Individual journeyandorganisation, participationfreeofcharge. Trade fairs 2013 AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
NEW! InterDive Friedrichshafen (B2C) Date: 19 – 22 September 2013 Main focus: Diving, combinedwith „Interboot“ on twodays Visitorsexpected: 10.000 + 10.000 in combinationwith „Interboot“ Costs per participant: 1100.- € Minimum numberof AGK participantsrequired: 4 Extra: Optional possibilityfor a workshop, includedfor AGK members. Trade Fairs 2013 AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
NEW! Reisesalon Wien (B2C) Date: 22 – 24 November 2013 Main focus: Trade Fair foruniquetraveltothe „Hofburg“ in Vienna Visitorsexpected: 10.000 Costs: € 2250.- Minimum numberof AGK participantsrequired: 4 Special: Trade Visitorsonly on Fridaymorning. The „GenussSalon“ offerstheopportunityto taste culinarydelightsfrom all overtheworld. Trade fairs 2013 AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
NEw! Reisesalon Wien (B2C) Date: 22 – 24 November 2013 Services includedforthe AG Karibik • Applicationfeeandpresentation on www.reisesalon.at • Embedding ofupto5 offers (Travel Designer) • Link toourownHomepage • Listing in theindexofexhibitors (circulationat least 10.000) • 150 admissionticketsfreeofcharge AGK guestsand additional ticketsat a reduced rate ifrequired • Embedding of AGK offers in all marketingactivities in therun-upofthetrade fair • Free wirelessinternetforthedurationofthe fair Trade fairs 2013 AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
Retrofitting of the existing fair stand with the new committee´s logo (free of charge). Fair stand AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
„Caribbeantasting“ (B2B) Date: 21 – 24 October 2013, Visitorsexpected: approx. 50 travelagencies Northern Germany (Bremen, Hanover, Hamburg, Berlin) Workshops (15 min) on 8 tableswithchangingthemes Catering for max. 8 premiumpartners: Costsapprox. 3000.-€ Small fair includingpresentationdeskforsalutationanddessertfor classic partners: Costsapprox. 900.-€ Brochuresfor all 4 cities 200.-€ Individual transport ROADSHOW 2013 AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
PARTNER 2013 and 2014 WANTED! (B2B) Exclusive Add Onsat AGK famtrips: Feedback forms, Facebookposts, complementaryblog on ourwebsite. Agency Support withsalesinformation howtousemynewknowledge in dailywork LIVE SEMINAR 2013/2014 AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
Our online activities (B2B) Webseite presentationwww.karibik.org New: Travel Agent Newsletter (startingJuly 2013) E-Learning ONLINE AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
E- Learning (B2B) Provider: FVW Modules: 4 with 5 pageseach + generalpresentationwithSlideshow Tests: 4 knowledgecheckswith 10 questionseach Runtime: 12 month Layout: Fitting tothe AGK CI Copywriting: included User data: Export ofuserdataincluded Specials: Large marketingpackageincluded (banner ad on fvw online, print…) own URL, participationcertifikatewith AGK logo E-Learning AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
E- Learning (B2B) Costs per partner: 10 participants: 5000.-€ 15 participants: 3500.-€ 20 participants: 2500.-€ E-Learning AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
E- Learning (B2B) Provider: Grafenstein Modules: 5 1 general presentation of the Caribbean, 2-5 per 4 destinations Tests: 1 interim audit and 1 final test per module Layout: individual, on request Copywriting: included Specials: optional package with own copywriting E-Learning AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
E- Learning (B2B) Costs per partner: 10 participants: 3500.-€ 15 participants: 2500.-€ 20 participants: 1800.-€ Sample: http://www.go-dominicanrepublic.eu/index.php?article_id=254&clang=0 E-Learning AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
Date ofpublication: September/October 2013 Print run: 184.000 Volume: 44 pages Distribution: EXCLUSIV, HOCHZEIT, Touristik Aktuell andapprox. 10.000 copiesfortradefairsandtravellagencies Key topic „Wedding“ Wedding statementsfromcoupleswhogotmarried in theCaribbean Unique weddinglocations Presentationof tour operatorswhoofferwedding packages - preferably AGK members Airlines whoofferflightstotheCaribbean Culinary Carnival Sports: Golf, SailingandHiking Island Hopping– Ferriestoandfromtheislands OurKARIBIK-MAGAZINe AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
Date ofpublication: September/October 2013 Print run: 184.000 Advertising costs: OurKARIBIK-MAGAZINe AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
New logistics expert offers Cost-neutral shipping of our remaining copies to travel agencies for display or for use as customer magazine 75 copies per unit for € 9,90 incl. shipping and all service charges. 2 units € 10,95 3 units € 11,75 OurKARIBIK-MAGAZINe AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
Preview 2014 • All tradefairsaccordingtothemarketing plan (CMT, Travel Trade Fair HAM, f.r.e.e. MUC...) • Live seminar in thesecond half oftheyear • Switzerland Workshop April/May • Roadshow in September • 4 Newsletter per year • E -Learning MARKETING PLAN Preview 2014 AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
MARKETING PLAN 2014 AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
Workshop Switzerland ( B2B) Date: April/May 2014 Intention: professionallyorganized Workshop in Switzerlandaimingat an expectedamountof 250 travelagencies Minimum numberofexhibitorsof AGK and Swiss tour operators, airlines etc. required: 25 Costs: 2.600 Euro (stand only) and5.000 Euro (stand andpresentation). Partner country: 12.000 Euro Costsfor non-AGK membersapprox. 20% higher Individual arrivalandaccomodation WORKSHOP Switzerland 2014 AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
Committee´s Christmas party 2013 Our suggestion Date: 11 December 2013 Cooking event in Frankfurt Costs: approx. € 75.- net per person 4 courses incl. recipe, apron, drinks Committee´s Christmas party AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle
SAVE THE DATE: 10 SEPTEMBER 2013 Thank you for your attention! Thankyouverymuch! AGK / 05 / 13 / Katharina Galle