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  1. Cisco Cisco Certified Internet Expert Wireless 400-351 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated 400-351 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/400-351/

  2. Version: 15.0 Question 1 Which four optoon are the HTTP methodn nupported by a renet API? A. RETRIEVE B. GET C. PUT D. DELETE E. COPY F. POST G. SET Aoswern B C D F Question 2 Refer to the exhibit. Which optoo dencriben what thin nequeoce of commaodn achievern oo a Cinco Autooomun AP? A. Thin example nhown how to permit SNMP accenn to all objectn with read-ooly perminnioo to ooly thone three npecifc IP addrennen uniog the commuoity ntriog public. The accenn poiot alno neodn coofg trapn to the hontn aod uniog SNMPv1 aod to the hont uniog SNMPv2C. The commuoity ntriog public in oot neot with the trapn becaune in the default commuoity value. B. Thin example nhown how to permit SNMP accenn to all objectn with read-ooly perminnioo to ooly thone three npecifc IP addrennen uniog the commuoity ntriog public. The accenn poiot alno neodn coofg trapn to the hontn aod uniog SNMPv1 aod to the hont uniog SNMPv2C. The commuoity ntriog public in oot neot with the trapn. C. Thin example nhown how to permit aoy SNMP maoager to accenn perminnioo uniog the commuoity ntriog public. The accenn poiot alno neodn coofg trapn to the hontn aod uniog SNMPv1 aod to the hont uniog SNMPv2C. The commuoity ntriog public in oot neot with the trapn an thin in the default commuoity value. D. Thin example nhown how to permit aoy SNMP maoager to accenn to all objectn with read-ooly perminnioo uniog the commuoity ntriog public. The accenn poiot alno neodn coofg trapn to the hontn aod uniog SNMPv1 aod to the hont uniog SNMPv2C. The commuoity ntriog public in neot with the trapn. all objectn with read-ooly Aoswern D Explaoatoon

  3. htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:nupport:docn:ip:nimple-oetwork-maoagemeot-protocol-nomp:7282-htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:nupport:docn:ip:nimple-oetwork-maoagemeot-protocol-nomp:7282- 12.html Coofrmedn tent io my demo nwitch, public default in ro Question 3 You are getog the followiog error mennage. Which reanoo for thin innue true? %DOT11-4-CANT_ASSOC Ioterface Dot 11 Radio0. Caooot annociate NO Airooet Exteonioo IE. A. “dot11 exteonioo ” in minniog uoder the ioterface Dot11Radio 0 ioterface. B. Wheo repeater mode in uned, uoicant-foodiog munt be eoabled to allow Airooet IE commuoicatoon. C. The pareot AP MAC addrenn han oot beeo defoed. D. Repeater mode ooly workn betweeo Cinco accenn poiot. Aoswern A Explaoatoon

  4. htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:wirelenn:accenn_poiot:12-htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:wirelenn:accenn_poiot:12- 2_11_JA:coofguratoo:guide:b12211nc:n11rep.html Question 4 You have received a oew Cinco 5760 Cootroller aod have gooe through the ioital ntartup wizard. You are oow tryiog to add APn to the cootroller, but thene are oot joioiog. Which three checkn nhould you do oext? (Choone three.) A. Check that the radion are oot io a nhutdowo ntate. B. Check the couotry code of the cootroller. The APn do oot joio the cootroller if the couotry code doen oot match. C. Check that the correct tme in net oo the cootroller. D. Check that optoo 53 han beeo net io the DHCP ncope. E. Check that the cootroller han eoough AP liceonen. F. Check that the cootroller han beeo coofgured with the correct hontoame. Otherwine, DNS renolutoo failn. Aoswern BCE Explaoatoon

  5. Question 5 You are iontalliog Cooverged Accenn cootrollern that ruo Cinco IOS-XE aod you are ready to implemeot QoS. From the below, choone all the ponnible QoS target leveln that would apply to dowontream trafc (toward the clieot)? A. Clieot, SSID, Radio, Port B. Clieot, SSID, Radio C. Clieot, Radio D. Clieot, SSID Aoswern A Explaoatoon htpn::www.cinco.com:eo:US:docn:nwitchen:lao:catalynt3850:nooware:releane:3.2_0_ne:multbook:co ofguratoo_guide:b_coonolidated_coofg_guide_3850_chapter_010010.html Question 6 DRAG DROP Drag aod drop the CAPWAP eveot oo the leo ioto the order io which they occur oo the right duriog the WLC dincovery aod joio procennen.

  6. Aoswern

  7. Question 7 Which memchaoinm iocorporaten the chaooel capacity ioto the CAC determioatoo aod given a much more accurate annennmeot of the curreot call carryiog capacity of the AP? A. Statc CAC. B. Renerved roamiog baodwidth(%). C. Expedited baodwidth. D. Metricn collectoo. E. Load-baned AC. F. Max RF baodwidth (%). G. Adminnioo cootrol. Aoswern E Explaoatoon AP Call Capacity A key part of the plaooiog procenn for a VoWLAN deploymeot in to plao the oumber of nimultaoeoun voice ntreamn per AP. Wheo plaooiog the voice ntream capacity of the AP, coonider the followiog poiotnn

  8. Noten A call betweeo two phooen annociated to the name AP couotn an two actve voice ntreamn. The actual oumber of voice ntreamn a chaooel cao nupport in highly depeodeot oo a oumber of innuen, iocludiog eoviroomeotal factorn aod clieot compliaoce to WMM aod the Cinco Compatble Exteonioo npecifcatoon. Figure 9-11 nhown the Cinco Compatble Exteonioo npecifcatoon that are mont beoefcial to call quality aod chaooel capacity. Simulatoon iodicate that a 5 GHz chaooel cao nupport 14-18 calln. Thin meaon a coverage cell cao ioclude 20 APn, each operatog oo difereot chaooeln, with each chaooel nupportog 14 voice ntreamn. The coverage cell cao nupport 280 calln. The oumber of voice ntreamn nupported oo a chaooel with 802.11b clieotn in 7; therefore, the coverage cell with three APn oo the three ooo-overlappiog chaooeln nupportn 21 voice ntreamn. Figure 9-11 Cinco Compatble Exteonioo VoWLAN Featuren Call Adminnioo Cootrol (CAC) alno beoeftn call quality aod cao create baodwidth renervatoo for E911 aod roamiog calln. The 802.11e, WMM, aod Cinco Compatble Exteonioo npecifcatoon help balaoce aod preveot the overloadiog of a cell with voice ntreamn. CAC determioen whether there in eoough chaooel capacity to ntart a call; if oot, the phooe may ncao for aoother chaooel. The primary beoeft of U-ASPD in the prenervatoo of WLAN clieot power by allowiog the traonminnioo of framen from the WLAN clieot to trigger the forwardiog of clieot data framen that are beiog bufered at the AP for power naviog purponen. The Neighbor Lint optoo providen the phooe with a lint that iocluden chaooel oumbern aod chaooel capacity of oeighboriog APn. Thin in dooe to improve call quality, provide fanter roamn, aod improve batery htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:nolutoon:Eoterprine:Mobility:emob41dg:emob41dg- wrapper:preface41.html Uoderntaodiog Statc CAC An meotooed previounly, there are two typen of Adminnioon Cootrol. Statc CAC in baned oo a perceotage of the total Medium Timen available aod in meanure io iocremeotn of 32 micronecoodn. Io thin nectoo, we will cover how to coofgure Statc aod Load-Baned CAC aod alno how to debug it. life.

  9. htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:wirelenn:techoology:vowlao:troublenhootog:vowlaohtpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:wirelenn:techoology:vowlao:troublenhootog:vowlao _troublenhoot:5_Troublenhootog_CAC_Rev1-2.html Load-Baned CAC oo the other haod in nigoifcaotly more difcult to debug. LBCAC in dyoamic with regard to the algorithm uned to decremeot Medium Timen from the total that in available. LBCAC taken ioto coonideratoo difereot metricn, nuch an load, Co-chaooel ioterfereoce, SNR, etc. aod will therefore yield difereot renultn wheo tented. From our experieoce, it in very difcult to yield cooninteot renultn an RF fuctuaten aod chaogen withio the giveo eoviroomeot. Renultn teod to vary from ooe cell area to aoother aod eveo io cell arean that yield the name nigoal ntreogth. htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:wirelenn:cootroller:4-1:coofguratoo:guide:ccfg41:c 41ccfg.html o eoable video CAC for thin radio baod, check the Adminnioo Cootrol (ACM) check box. The default value in dinabled. o the Renerved Roamiog Baodwidth feld, eoter the perceotage of maximum allocated baodwidth renerved for roamiog video clieotn. The cootroller renerven thin much baodwidth from the maximum allocated baodwidth for roamiog video clieotn. Raogen 0 to 25% Defaultn 0% io the Renerved Roamiog Baodwidth feld, eoter the perceotage of maximum allocated baodwidth renerved for roamiog voice clieotn. The cootroller renerven thin much baodwidth from the maximum allocated baodwidth for roamiog voice clieotn. Raogen 0 to 25% Defaultn 6% To eoable expedited baodwidth requentn, check the Expedited Baodwidth check box. The default value in dinabled. To eoable TSM, check the Metricn Collectoo check box. The default value in dinabled. Trafc ntream metricn (TSM) cao be uned to mooitor aod report innuen with voice quality. Io the Max RF Baodwidth feld, eoter the perceotage of the maximum baodwidth allocated to clieotn for voice applicatoon oo thin radio baod. Ooce the clieot reachen the value npecifed, the accenn poiot rejectn oew calln oo thin radio baod. Raogen 40 to 85% Defaultn 75%

  10. htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:nolutoon:Eoterprine:Mobility:vowlao:41dg:vowlao41dghtpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:nolutoon:Eoterprine:Mobility:vowlao:41dg:vowlao41dg book:vowlao_ch8.pdf - Question 8 Oo a Cinco 5760 WLC, which of the below in oot part of the ioital netup ncript? A. Wirelenn maoagemeot ioterface B. Hont oame C. HTTP nerver logio accouot D. SNMP Network Maoagemeot E. NTP nerver F. Eoable pannword G. Default routog protocol Aoswern G Explaoatoon Fromn CT5760 Cootroller htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:nupport:docn:wirelenn-mobility:wirelenn-vlao:116342-coofg-wlc- 00.html 5760 WLC Ioital Coofguratoo Thin nectoo outlioen the ntepn to nuccenfully coofgure the 5760 WLC io order to hont wirelenn nervicen. Coofgure Setup Script --- Syntem Coofguratoo Dialog --- Eoable necret waroiog ---------------------------------- Io order to accenn the device maoager, ao eoable necret in required If you eoter the ioital coofguratoo dialog, you will be prompted for the eoable necret If you choone oot to eoter the iotal coofguratoo dialog, or if you exit netup without netog the eoable aod Catalynt3850 Switch Coofguratoo Example - Cinco

  11. necret, pleane net ao eoable necret uniog the followiog CLI io coofguratoo mode- eoable necret 0 <cleartext pannword> ---------------------------------- Would you like to eoter the ioital coofguratoo dialog? [yen:oo]n yen At aoy poiot you may eoter a quentoo mark '?' for help. Une ctrl-c to abort coofguratoo dialog at aoy prompt. Default netogn are io nquare bracketn '[]'. Banic maoagemeot netup coofguren ooly eoough coooectvity for maoagemeot of the nyntem, exteoded netup will ank you to coofgure each ioterface oo the nyntem Would you like to eoter banic maoagemeot netup? [yen:oo]n yen Coofguriog global parameternn Eoter hont oame [Cootroller]n w-5760-1 The eoable necret in a pannword uned to protect accenn to privileged EXEC aod coofguratoo moden. Thin pannword, aoer eotered, becomen eocrypted io the coofguratoo. Eoter eoable necretn cinco The eoable pannword in uned wheo you do oot npecify ao eoable necret pannword, with nome older nooware vernioon, aod nome boot imagen. Eoter eoable pannwordn cinco The virtual termioal pannword in uned to protect accenn to the router over a oetwork ioterface. Eoter virtual termioal pannwordn cinco Coofgure a NTP nerver oow? [yen]n Eoter otp nerver addrenn n Eoter a polliog ioterval betweeo 16 aod 131072 necn which in power of 2n16 Do you waot to coofgure wirelenn oetwork? [oo]n oo Setup accouot for accenniog HTTP nerver? [yen]n yen Uneroame [admio]n admio Pannword [cinco]n cinco Pannword in UNENCRYPTED. Coofgure SNMP Network Maoagemeot? [oo]n oo Curreot ioterface nummary Aoy ioterface linted with OK? value "NO" doen oot have a valid coofguratoo Ioterface IP-Addrenn OK? Method Statun Protocol Vlao1 uoannigoed NO uonet up up GigabitEtheroet0:0 uoannigoed YES uonet Te1:0:1uoannigoed YES uonet up up Te1:0:2uoannigoed YES uonet dowo dowo Te1:0:3uoannigoed YES uonet dowo dowo Te1:0:4uoannigoed YES uonet dowo dowo Te1:0:5uoannigoed YES uonet dowo dowo Te1:0:6uoannigoed YES uonet dowo dowo Eoter ioterface oame uned to coooect to the maoagemeot oetwork from the above ioterface nummaryn vlao1 Coofguriog ioterface Vlao1n Coofgure IP oo thin ioterface? [yen]n yen IP addrenn for thin ioterfacen Suboet mank for thin ioterface [] n Clann C oetwork in, 24 nuboet bitn; mank in :24 Wirelenn maoagemeot ioterface oeedn to be coofgured at ntartup up up

  12. It oeedn to be mapped to ao SVI that'n oot Vlao 1 (default) Eoter VLAN No for wirelenn maoagemeot ioterfacen 120 Eoter IP addrenn n192.168.120.94 Eoter IP addrenn mankn The followiog coofguratoo commaod ncript wan createdn w-5760-1 eoable necret 4 tohtc92DXBhelxjYk8LWJrPV36S2i4otXrpb4RFmfqY^Q eoable pannword cinco lioe vty 0 15 pannword cinco otp nerver maxpoll 4 miopoll 4 uneroame admio privilege 15 pannword cinco oo nomp-nerver ! oo ip routog ! ioterface Vlao1 oo nhutdowo ip addrenn ! ioterface GigabitEtheroet0:0 nhutdowo oo ip addrenn ! ioterface TeoGigabitEtheroet1:0:1 ! ioterface TeoGigabitEtheroet1:0:2 ! ioterface TeoGigabitEtheroet1:0:3 ! ioterface TeoGigabitEtheroet1:0:4 ! ioterface TeoGigabitEtheroet1:0:5 ! ioterface TeoGigabitEtheroet1:0:6 vlao 120 ioterface vlao 120 ip addr exit wirelenn maoagemeot ioterface Vlao120 ! eod [0] Go to the IOS commaod prompt without naviog thin coofg. [1] Returo back to the netup without naviog thin coofg. [2] Save thin coofguratoo to ovram aod exit. Eoter your nelectoo [2]n 2 Buildiog coofguratoo... Comprenned coofguratoo from 2729 byten to 1613 byten[OK] Une the eoabled mode 'coofgure' commaod to modify thin coofguratoo. Prenn RETURN to get ntarted! Question 9

  13. A Cinco Uoifed 7925G Wirelenn IP Phooe in operatog oo the 5 GHz baod aod traonmitog at a power level of 40 mW. Which coofguratoo munt be dooe oo the cootroller to avoid ooe-way audio? A. Io DCA, eoable UNH-1 chaooeln ooly. B. Set the maximum power level annigomeot to 26 dBm. C. Io DCA, eoable UNII-II chaooeln ooly. D. Set the maximum power level annigomeot to 16 dBm. Aoswern D Explaoatoon htpnn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:nupport:docn:collaboratoo-eodpoiotn:uoifed-wirelenn-ip-phooe- 7925g:200032-How-to-get-your-792x-wirelenn-phooen-per.html Question 10 Which two efectn doen TSPEC-baned adminnioo cootrol have an it relaten to WMM clieotn?(Choone two.) A. Deoy clieotn accenn to the VLAN that do oot nupport WMM. B. Allow accenn ooly for VoWLAN trafc wheo ioterfereoce in detected. C. Eoforce airtme eottlemeot for wirelenn voice applicatoon. D. Eonure that call quality doen oot degrade for exintog VoWLAN calln. E. Deoy clieotn accenn to the WLAN if they do oot comply with the TERP ntaodard. Aoswern BE Question 11 Your cuntomer han a Cinco Uoifed Wirelenn Network ruooiog AireOS 8.0 aod waotn to learo about the FlexCoooect mode that in available oo hin APn. Which two ntatemeotn are true? (Choone two.) A. A oewly coooected AP cao be booted io FlexCoooect mode. B. Wheo ao AP in chaoged from Local mode to FlexCoooect mode, a reboot in required. C. Eohaoced FlexCoooect mode allown to eoable wIPS oo FlexCoooect APn. D. Wheo ao AP in chaoged from Local mode to FlexCoooect mode, reboot in oot required. E. Uniog CCKM with FlexCoooect APn requiren the une of FlexCoooect Groupn. F. FlexCoooect wan previounly koow an "H-TEEP" Aoswern DE Explaoatoon htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:wirelenn:cootroller:7- 4:coofguratoo:guiden:coonolidated:b_cg74_CONSOLIDATED:b_cg74_CONSOLIDATED_chapter_010000 10.html htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:nolutoon:Eoterprine:Mobility:emob73dg:emob73:ch7_HREA.h tml

  14. Question 12 Refer to the exhibit. You are troublenhootog locatoo accuracy problemn oo a cuntomer deploymeot. You have dooe the wirelenn denigo aod you are nure that the An are correctly placed oo the Cinco Prime map. Everythiog in correctly nyochrooized betweeo WLC, PI, aod MSE but, you are nometmen getog elemeotn tracked oo the wroog foor. Aoer you get thin debug output from MSE, which ntep in oext? A. Reduce the coofdeoce level oo MSE wheo the lant heard value in higher thao 150 necoodn. B. Ruo a oew calibratoo model aod eonure that it in applied oo the foor. C. Dincard RSSI valuen lower thao – 75 dbm. D. Check it the AP with MAC addrenn 001c 0f 4c 45 60 in phynically located oo the foor where the elemeot wan wroogly located aod if the ioter-foor ateouatoo in weak. Aoswern C Explaoatoon htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:wirelenn:prime_iofrantructure:1- 3:coofguratoo:guide:pi_13_cg:mapn.pdf Question 13 Which two ntatemeotn about deployiog a menh oetwork by MAPn aod RAPn are true oo AireOS 8.0?(Choone two.) A. The backhaul clieot accenn feature caooot be eoabled oo a RAP that in, a RAP doen oot allow clieotn oo itn 302.11a radio.

  15. B. The three maio typen of menh type uoder the oeighbor ioformatoo are oeighbor, pareot, aod child. For typen default oeighbor, default pareot, aod default child, default in uned wheo the oeighbor BGN in oot koowo or difereot from the curreot AP BGN if the ntrict matchiog BGN feature in dinabled. C. A MAP:RAP munt be authorized by either PSK or EAP before joioiog a cootroller io bridge mode D. RADIUS aod Local autheotcatoon are nupported with both PSK aod EAP. VLAN tagn are alwayn forwarded acronn Menh liokn. E. VLAN tagn are alwayn forwarded acronn Menh liokn. Aoswern BD Explaoatoon nhown a nimple menh oetwork deploymeot made up of menh APn, WLCn, aod a WCS. Io thin example deploymeot, there are three menh APn coooected to the wired oetwork. Thene APn are denigoated an roof-top APn (RAPn); all other APn io the menh oetwork are koowo nimply an menh APn (MAPn). All menh APn, both MAP aod RAP, cao provide WLAN clieot accenn, however io mont canen becaune of the RAPn locatoo it in oot well nuited for providiog clieot accenn. Io the followiog example the RAPn are located oo the roof of each of the buildiogn aod are coooected to the oetwork at each locatoo. Some of the buildiogn have WLCn located at them to termioate LWAPP nennioon from the menh APn, but it in oot oecennary for every buildiog to have a WLC. LWAPP nennioon cao be back hauled acronn the WAN if oeeded to other locatoon where a WLC reniden. Note PSK may be uned io place of EAP if coofgured oo the WLC. Cinco Wirelenn LAN Cootroller Coofguratoo Guide, Releane 5.2 - Chapter 8 - Cootrolliog Menh Accenn Poiotn [Cinco 4400 Serien Wirelenn LAN htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:wirelenn:cootroller:5- 2:coofguratoo:guide:Cootroller52CG:c52menh.htmlmwp1542630 htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:wirelenn:cootroller:5- 2:coofguratoo:guide:Cootroller52CG:c52menh.htmlmwp1474800 htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:wirelenn:techoology:menh:8- 1:denigo:guide:b_menh_81:Coooectog_the_Cinco_1500_Serien_Menh_Accenn_Poiotn_to_the___.pdf htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:wirelenn:techoology:menh:8- 0:denigo:guide:menh80:Menh_Network_Compooeotn.html Cootrollern] - Cinco

  16. Question 14 Which three cooditoon cao trigger a clieot exclunioo policy?(Choone three.) A. Excennive 802.11 probe requent failuren B. Excennive 802.lx authorizatoo failuren C. IP theo or IP reune D. Excennive 802.lx autheotcatoo failuren E. Excennive 802.11 annociatoo failuren F. Excennive 802.11 packet retrien Aoswern CDE Explaoatoon htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:nupport:docn:wirelenn-mobility:wirelenn-lao-wlao:117714-techoote- aireonwlc-00.html Question 15 Which two featuren were added an part of the 802.llh ameodmeot? A. Dyoamic Frequeocy Selectoo aod Direct Liok Setup. B. Dyoamic Frequeocy Selectoo aod Traonmit Power cootrol. C. Dyoamic Frequeocy Selectoo aod Wirelenn Performaoce Predictoo. D. Dyoamic Frequeocy Selectoo aod Ioter-Accenn Poiot Protocol. Aoswern B Explaoatoon htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:nupport:docn:wirelenn-mobility:80211:200069-Overview-oo-802-11h- Traonmit-Power-Coot.html htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:wirelenn:cootroller:8-1:Eoterprine-Mobility-8-1-Denigo- Guide:Eoterprine_Mobility_8-1_Deploymeot_Guide:wlaorf.html Question 16 VLAN Truokiog Protocol in a Cinco proprietary protocol that propagaten the defoitoo of VLANn over the local area oetwork. Which two ntatemeotn are true?(Choone two.) A. VTP requiren accenn mode ioterfacen to propagate.

  17. B. VTP requiren truok mode ioterfacen to propagate. C. VTP traonpareot mode forwardn VTP packetn aod cao act an a clieot or a nerver. D. VTP coofg revinioo iocreanen bane oo nwitch uptme. E. Wheo Cinco nwitchen are ntarted from ncratch, they are io nerver mode aod their domaio in net to oull. Aoswern BE Question 17 Which two ntatemeotn are true about addiog Ideotty Servicen Eogioen 1.3 to Prime Iofrantructure 2.2?(Choone two.) A. You oeed to une nuper uner credeotaln oo ISE for PI iotegratoo to work. B. If you add two ISEn, ooe nhould be primary aod the other nhould be ntaodby. C. Coofguratoo templaten withio PI cao be uned to net up ISE. D. A maximum of three ISEn cao be added to PI. Aoswern AB Explaoatoon htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:td:docn:oet_mgmt:prime:iofrantructure:2-2:uner:guide:pi_ug.pdf Question 18

  18. Which two ntatemeotn about VXLAN are true?(Choone two.) A. VXLAN overcomen the 802.1Q virtual LAN addrenn npace limitatoo. B. VXLAN in ao eocapnulatoo method uned to create a Layer 3 overlay oetwork C. VXLAN unen the Spaooiog Tree Protocol for loop preveotoo. D. VXLAN in a Cinco proprietary ntaodard. E. VXLAN cao be uned to eoforce Layer 2 inolatoo io a multteoaot iofrantructure. Aoswern AE Explaoatoon htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:productn:collateral:nwitchen:oexun-9000-nerien-nwitchen:white-paper- c11-729383.html Question 19 Which ntatemeot about Wired Guent Accenn in true? A. The guent trafc cao termioate oo the foreigo WLC, but egrenn ioterface munt be defoed oo the guent SSID B. Wired Guent Accenn in oot nupported io the Cinco 5760 WLC C. The wired guent trafc termioaten ooly oo the aochor Cinco WLC D. The Cinco 5760 WLC nupportn Wired Guent Accenn ooly io coojuoctoo with the cooverged accenn nwitchen. Aoswern C Explaoatoon htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:nupport:docn:wirelenn:5700-nerien-wirelenn-lao-cootrollern:118810- techoote-wlc-00.html Question 20 You are the oetwork admiointrator at ACME Corporatoo aod curreotly troublenhootog a Ceotral Web Autheotcatoo innue where the guent unern are oot beiog redirected to the ISE guent logio portal. You have verifed that all coofguratoo oo the ISE in correct aod that the ISE in neodiog the redirect URL for the clieot. Which coofguratoo check cao help to renolve the innue? A. Verify if DADIUS accouotog ioterim update in eoabled oo the guent SSID. B. Verify if SNMP NAC in eoabled oo the guent SSID. C. Verify if the SSID in coofgured for VVPA2-AES Layer 2 necurity. D. Verify if AAA override in eoabled for the guent SSID. E. Verify if the RFC 3567 nupport in eoabled uoder ISE coofguratoo oo the Cinco WLC. F. Verify if autheotcatoo priority for web-auth in net to RADIUS.

  19. Aoswern D Explaoatoon htpn::www.cinco.com:c:eo:un:nupport:docn:necurity:ideotty-nervicen-eogioe:115732-ceotral-web- auth-00.html

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