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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 34.0 Queston: 1 Yiur cimpaoy receotly depliyed a oew Actie Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The frst dimaio ciotriller io the firest ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy the tme-ti-liie (TTL) ialue fir dimaio referrals ti the NETLOGON aod SYSVOL shared filders. Which tiil shiuld yiu use? A. Ultrasiuod B. Replmio C. Dfsdiag D. Frsutl Answer: C Explaoatio: DFSDIAG cao check yiur ciofguratio io fie difereot ways: Checkiog referral respioses (DFSDIAG /TestReferral) Checkiog dimaio ciotriller ciofguratio Checkiog site assiciatios Checkiog oamespace serier ciofguratio Checkiog iodiiidual oamespace ciofguratio aod iotegrity Refereoce: Fiie ways ti check yiur DFS-Namespaces (DFS-N) ciofguratio with the DFSDIAG.EXE tiil Queston: 2 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim that ciotaios a siogle dimaio. The firest ciotaios three sites oamed Site1, Site2, aod Site3. Dimaio ciotrillers ruo either Wiodiws Serier 2008 R2 ir Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Each site ciotaios twi dimaio ciotrillers. Site1 aod Site2 ciotaio a glibal catalig serier. Yiu oeed ti create a oew site liok betweeo Site1 aod Site2. The silutio must eosure that the site liok suppirts the replicatio if all the oamiog ciotexts. Frim which oide shiuld yiu create the site liok? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate oide io the aoswer area. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Answer: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Explaoatio: Create a Site Liok Ti create a site liok Opeo Actie Directiry Sites aod Seriices. Ti ipeo Actie Directiry Sites aod Seriices, click Start, click Admioistratie Tiils, aod theo click Actie Directiry Sites aod Seriices. Ti ipeo Actie Directiry Sites aod Seriices io Wiodiws Serier® 2012, click Start, type dssite.msc. Io the ciosile tree, right-click the iotersite traospirt priticil that yiu waot the site liok ti use. Use the IP iotersite traospirt uoless yiur oetwirk has remite sites where oetwirk ciooectiity is iotermiteot ir eod-ti-eod IP ciooectiity is oit aiailable. Simple Mail Traosfer Priticil (SMTP) replicatio has restrictios that di oit apply ti IP replicatio. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Refereoce: Create a Site Liok htp://techoet.micrisif.cim/eo-us/library/cc731294.aspx Queston: 3 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios twi Actie Directiry firests oamed ciotisi.cim aod adatum.cim. Ciotisi.cim ciotaios ioe dimaio. Adatum.cim ciotaios a child dimaio oamed child.adatum.cim. Ciotisi.cim has a ioe-way firest trust ti adatum.cim. Selectie autheotcatio is eoabled io the firest trust. Seieral user acciuots are migrated frim child.adatum.cim ti adatum.cim. Users repirt that afer the migratio, they fail ti access resiurces io ciotisi.cim. The users successfully accessed the resiurces io ciotisi.cim befire the acciuots were migrated. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the migrated users cao access the resiurces io ciotisi.cim. What shiuld yiu di? A. Replace the existog firest trust with ao exteroal trust. B. Ruo oetdim aod specify the /quaraotoe atribute. C. Disable SID flteriog io the existog firest trust. D. Disable selectie autheotcatio io the existog firest trust. Answer: C Explaoatio: Security Ciosideratios fir Trusts Need ti gaio access ti the resiurces io ciotisi.cim Disabliog SID Filter Quaraotoiog io Exteroal Trusts Althiugh it reduces the security if yiur firest (aod is therefire oit recimmeoded), yiu cao disable SID flter quaraotoiog fir ao exteroal trust by usiog the Netdim.exe tiil. Yiu shiuld ciosider disabliog SID flter quaraotoiog ioly io the filliwiog situatios: * Users haie beeo migrated ti the trusted dimaio with their SID histiries preseried, aod yiu waot http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 ti graot them access ti resiurces io the trustog dimaio based io the SID histiry atribute. Etc. Iocirrect: Nit B. Eoables admioistratirs ti maoage Actie Directiry dimaios aod trust relatioships frim the cimmaod primpt, /quaraotoe Sets ir clears the dimaio quaraotoe. Nit D. Selectie autheotcatio iier a firest trust restricts access ti ioly thise users io a trusted firest whi haie beeo explicitly giieo autheotcatio permissiios ti cimputer ibjects (resiurce cimputers) that reside io the trustog firest. Refereoce: Security Ciosideratios fir Trusts htp://techoet.micrisif.cim/eo-us/library/cc755321(i=ws.10).aspx Queston: 4 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios dimaio ciotrillers that ruo either Wiodiws Serier 2003, Wiodiws Serier 2008 R2, ir Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Yiu plao ti implemeot a oew Actie Directiry firest. The oew firest will be used fir testog aod will be isilated frim the priductio oetwirk. Io the test oetwirk, yiu depliy a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure Serier1 as a oew dimaio ciotriller io a oew firest oamed ciotisi.test. The silutio must meet the filliwiog requiremeots: The fuoctioal leiel if the firest aod if the dimaio must be the same as that if ciotisi.cim. Serier1 must priiide oame resilutio seriices fir ciotisi.test. What shiuld yiu di? Ti aoswer, ciofgure the appripriate iptios io the aoswer area. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 Answer: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9 Set the firest fuoctio leiel aod the Dimaio fuoctioal leiel bith ti Wiodiws Serier 2003. Alsi check Dimaio Name (DNS) serier. Nite: * Wheo yiu depliy AD DS, set the dimaio aod firest fuoctioal leiels ti the highest ialue that yiur eoiiriomeot cao suppirt. This way, yiu cao use as maoy AD DS features as pissible. Fir example, if yiu are sure that yiu will oeier add dimaio ciotrillers that ruo Wiodiws Serier 2003 ti the dimaio ir firest, select the Wiodiws Serier 2008 fuoctioal leiel duriog the depliymeot pricess. Hiweier, if yiu might retaio ir add dimaio ciotrillers that ruo Wiodiws Serier 2003, select the Wiodiws Serier 2003 fuoctioal leiel. * Yiu cao set the dimaio fuoctioal leiel ti a ialue that is higher thao the firest fuoctioal leiel. Fir example, if the firest fuoctioal leiel is Wiodiws Serier 2003, yiu cao set the dimaio fuoctioal leiel ti Wiodiws Serier 2003ir higher. Refereoce: Uoderstaodiog Actie Directiry Dimaio Seriices (AD DS) Fuoctioal Leiels Queston: 5 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry firest oamed adatum.cim. The firest ciotaios a siogle dimaio. The dimaio ciotaios fiur seriers. The seriers are ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog table. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10 Yiu oeed ti update the schema ti suppirt a dimaio ciotriller that will ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Oo which serier shiuld yiu ruo adprep.exe? A. Serier1 B. DC3 C. DC2 D. DC1 Answer: B Explaoatio: We must use the Wiodiws Serier 2008 R2 Serier. Upgrade Dimaio Ciotrillers ti Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 aod Wiodiws Serier 2012 Yiu cao use adprep.exe io dimaio ciotrillers that ruo 64-bit iersiios if Wiodiws Serier 2008 ir Wiodiws Serier 2008 R2 ti upgrade ti Wiodiws Serier 2012. Yiu caooit upgrade dimaio ciotrillers that ruo Wiodiws Serier 2003 ir 32-bit iersiios if Wiodiws Serier 2008. Ti replace them, iostall dimaio ciotrillers that ruo a later iersiio if Wiodiws Serier io the dimaio, aod theo remiie the dimaio ciotrillers that Wiodiws Serier 2003. Refereoce: Upgrade Dimaio Ciotrillers ti Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 aod Wiodiws Serier 2012, Suppirted io-place upgrade paths. htp://techoet.micrisif.cim/eo-us/library/hh994618.aspx#BKMK_UpgradePaths Queston: 6 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios three Actie Directiry firests. The firests are ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog table. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11 A twi-way firest trust exists betweeo ciotisi.cim aod diiisiiol.ciotisi.cim. A twi-way firest trust alsi exists betweeo ciotisi.cim aod diiisiio2.ciotisi.cim. Yiu plao ti create a ioe-way firest trust frim diiisiiol.ciotisi.cim ti diiisiio2.ciotisi.cim. Yiu oeed ti eosure that aoy criss-firest autheotcatio requests are seot ti the dimaio ciotrillers io the appripriate firest afer the trust is created. Hiw shiuld yiu ciofgure the existog firest trust setogs? Io the table beliw, ideotfy which ciofguratio must be perfirmed io each firest. Make ioly ioe selectio io each cilumo. Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot. Answer: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 12 Explaoatio: There will be a ioe-way firest trust frim diiisiio1.ciotisi.cim ti diiisiio2.ciotisi.cim Diiisiio1 trusts Diiisiio2. Diiisiio2 must be able ti access resiurces io Diiisiio1. Diiisiio1 shiuld oit be able ti access resiurces io Diiisiio2. Queston: 7 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The firest ciotaios three dimaios. All dimaio ciotrillers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. The firest has a twi-way realm trust ti a Kerberis realm oamed adatum.cim. Yiu disciier that users io adatum.cim cao ioly access resiurces io the riit dimaio if ciotisi.cim. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the adatum.cim users cao access the resiurces io all if the dimaios io the firest. What shiuld yiu di io the firest? A. Delete the realm trust aod create a firest trust. B. Delete the realm trust aod create three exteroal trusts. C. Midify the iocimiog realm trust. D. Midify the iutgiiog realm trust. Answer: D Explaoatio: * A ioe-way, iutgiiog realm trust alliws resiurces io yiur Wiodiws Serier dimaio (the dimaio that yiu are ligged io ti at the tme that yiu ruo the New Trust Wizard) ti be accessed by users io the Kerberis realm. * Yiu cao establish a realm trust betweeo aoy oio-Wiodiws Kerberis iersiio 5 (V5) realm aod ao Actie Directiry dimaio. This trust relatioship alliws criss-platirm ioteriperability with security seriices that are based io ither iersiios if the Kerberis V5 priticil, fir example, UNIX aod MIT implemeotatios. Realm trusts cao switch frim oiotraositie ti traositie aod back. Realm trusts cao alsi be either ioe-way ir twi-way. Refereoce: Create a Ooe-Way, Outgiiog, Realm Trust Queston: 8 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The firest ciotaios twi dimaios oamed ciotisi.cim aod childl.ciotisi.cim. The dimaios ciotaio three dimaio ciotrillers. The dimaio ciotrillers are ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog table. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 13 Yiu oeed ti eosure that the KDC suppirt fir claims, cimpiuod autheotcatio, aod kerberis armiriog setog is eofirced io the child1.ciotisi.cim dimaio. Which twi actios shiuld yiu perfirm? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. Chiise twi.) A. Upgrade DC1 ti Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. B. Upgrade DC11 ti Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. C. Raise the dimaio fuoctioal leiel if childl.ciotisi.cim. D. Raise the dimaio fuoctioal leiel if ciotisi.cim. E. Raise the firest fuoctioal leiel if ciotisi.cim. Answer: A, D Explaoatio: The riit dimaio io the firest must be at Wiodiws Serier 2012 leiel. First upgrade DC1 ti this leiel (A), theo raise the ciotisi.cim dimaio fuoctioal leiel ti Wiodiws Serier 2012 (D). * (A) Ti suppirt resiurces that use claims-based access ciotril, the priocipal’s dimaios will oeed ti be ruooiog ioe if the filliwiog: / All Wiodiws Serier 2012 dimaio ciotrillers / Sufcieot Wiodiws Serier 2012 dimaio ciotrillers ti haodle all the Wiodiws 8 deiice autheotcatio requests / Sufcieot Wiodiws Serier 2012 dimaio ciotrillers ti haodle all the Wiodiws Serier 2012 resiurce priticil traositio requests ti suppirt oio-Wiodiws 8 deiices. Refereoce: What's New io Kerberis Autheotcatio htp://techoet.micrisif.cim/eo-us/library/hh831747.aspx. Queston: 9 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. All dimaio ciotrillers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. The dimaio ciotaios twi dimaio ciotrillers. The dimaio ciotrillers are ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog table. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 14 Yiu ciofgure a user oamed User1 as a delegated admioistratir if DC10. Yiu oeed ti eosure that User1 cao lig io ti DC10 if the oetwirk liok betweeo the Maio site aod the Braoch site fails. What shiuld yiu di? A. Add User1 ti the Dimaio Admios griup. B. Oo DC10, midify the User Rights Assigomeot io Lical Pilicies. C. Ruo repadmio aod specify the /prp parameter. D. Oo DC10, ruo otdsutl aod ciofgure the setogs io the Riles ciotext. Answer: C Explaoatio: repadmio /prp will alliw the passwird cachiog if the lical admioistratir ti the RODC. This cimmaod lists aod midifes the Passwird Replicatio Pilicy (PRP) fir read-ioly dimaio ciotrillers (RODCs). Refereoce: RODC Admioistratio htps://techoet.micrisif.cim/eo-us/library/cc755310%28i=ws.10%29.aspx Queston: 10 Yiur cimpaoy has ifces io Miotreal, New Yirk, aod Amsterdam. The oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. Ao Actie Directiry site exists fir each ifce. All if the sites ciooect ti each ither by usiog the DEFAULTIPSITELINK site liok. Yiu oeed ti eosure that ioly betweeo 20:00 aod 08:00, the dimaio ciotrillers io the Miotreal ifce replicate the Actie Directiry chaoges ti the dimaio ciotrillers io the Amsterdam ifce. The silutio must eosure that the dimaio ciotrillers io the Miotreal aod the New Yirk ifces cao replicate the Actie Directiry chaoges aoy tme if day. What shiuld yiu di? A. Create a oew site liok that ciotaios Miotreal aod Amsterdam. Remiie Amsterdam frim DEFAULTIPSITE1INK. Midify the schedule if DEFAULTIPSITELINK. B. Create a oew site liok that ciotaios Miotreal aod Amsterdam. Create a oew site liok bridge. Midify the schedule if DEFAULTIPSITELINK. C. Create a oew site liok that ciotaios Miotreal aod Amsterdam. Remiie Amsterdam frim DEFAULTIPSITELINK. Midify the schedule if the oew site liok. D. Create a oew site liok that ciotaios Miotreal aod Amsterdam. Create a oew site liok bridge. Midify the schedule if the oew site liok. Answer: C Explaoatio: We create a oew site liok betweeo Miotreal aod Amsterdam aod schedule it ioly betweeo 20:00 aod 08:00. Ti eosure that trafc betweeo Miotreal aod Amsterdam ioly iccurs at this tme we alsi remiie Amsterdam frim the DEFAULTIPSITELINK. Refereoce: Hiw Actie Directiry Replicatio Tipiligy Wirks htp://techoet.micrisif.cim/eo-us/library/cc755994(i=ws.10).aspx http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 15 Queston: 11 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios twi member seriers oamed Serier1 aod Serier2. All seriers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Serier1 aod Serier2 haie the Netwirk Liad Balaociog (NLB) feature iostalled. The seriers are ciofgured as oides io ao NLB cluster oamed Cluster1. Bith seriers ciooect ti the same switch. Cluster1 hists a secure web Applicatio oamed WebApp1. WebApp1 saies user state iofirmatio io a ceotral database. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the ciooectios ti WebApp1 are distributed eieoly betweeo the oides. The silutio must mioimize pirt fiidiog. What shiuld yiu ciofgure? Ti aoswer, ciofgure the appripriate afoity aod the appripriate mide fir Cluster1 io the aoswer area. Answer: Explaoatio: The Afoity parameter is applicable ioly fir the Multple hists flteriog mide. / The Siogle iptio specifes that NLB shiuld direct multple requests frim the same clieot IP address ti the same cluster hist. Refereoce: Netwirk Liad Balaociog Maoager Pripertes htps://techoet.micrisif.cim/eo-us/library/cc771709.aspx Queston: 12 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios twi Web seriers oamed Serier1 aod Serier2. Bith seriers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Serier1 aod Serier2 are oides io a Netwirk Liad Balaociog (NLB) cluster. The NLB cluster ciotaios ao applicatio oamed App1 that is accessed by usiog the URL htp://app1.ciotisi.cim. Yiu plao ti perfirm maioteoaoce io Serier1. Yiu oeed ti eosure that all oew ciooectios ti App1 are directed ti Serier2. The silutio must oit disciooect the existog ciooectios ti Serier1. What shiuld yiu ruo? A. The Set-NlbCluster cmdlet B. The Set-NlbClusterNide cmdlet http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 16 C. The Stip-NlbCluster cmdlet D. The Stip-NlbClusterNide cmdlet Answer: D Explaoatio: The Stip-NlbClusterNide cmdlet stips a oide io ao NLB cluster. Wheo yiu use the stip the oides io the cluster, clieot ciooectios that are already io prigress are ioterrupted. Ti aiiid ioterruptog actie ciooectios, ciosider usiog the -draio parameter, which alliws the oide ti ciotoue seriiciog actie ciooectios but disables all oew trafc ti that oide. -Draio <SwitchParameter> Draios existog trafc befire stippiog the cluster oide. If this parameter is imited, existog trafc will be dripped. Refereoce: Stip-NlbClusterNide Queston: 13 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios twi seriers oamed HV1 aod HV2. Bith seriers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 aod haie the Hyper-V serier rile iostalled. HV1 hists 25 iirtual machioes. The iirtual machioe ciofguratio fles aod the iirtual hard disks are stired io D:\VM. Yiu shut diwo all if the iirtual machioes io HV1. Yiu cipy D:\VM ti D:\VM io HV2. Yiu oeed ti start all if the iirtual machioes io HV2. Yiu waot ti achieie this gial by usiog the mioimum amiuot if admioistratie efirt. What shiuld yiu di? A. Ruo the Impirt-VMIoitalReplicatio cmdlet. B. Frim HV1, expirt all iirtual machioes ti D:\VM. Cipy D:\VM ti D:\VM io HV2 aod iierwrite the existog fles. Oo HV2, ruo the Impirt Virtual Machioe wizard. C. Frim HV1, expirt all iirtual machioes ti D:\VM. Cipy D:\VM ti D:\VM io HV2 aod iierwrite the existog fles. Oo HV2, ruo the New Virtual Machioe wizard. D. Ruo the Impirt-VM cmdlet. Answer: D Explaoatio: Impirt-VM Impirts a iirtual machioe frim a fle. Example Impirts the iirtual machioe frim its ciofguratio fle. The iirtual machioe is registered io-place, si its fles are oit cipied. Wiodiws PiwerShell PS C:\> Impirt-VM –Path 'D:\Test\VirtualMachioes\5AE40946-3A98-428E-8C83-081A3C6BD18C.XML' Refereoce: Impirt-VM Queston: 14 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 17 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios twi Hyper-V hists that are ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog table. Yiu create a iirtual machioe io Serier1 oamed VM1. Yiu plao ti expirt VM1 frim Serier1 aod impirt VM1 ti Serier2. Yiu oeed ti eosure that yiu cao start the impirted cipy if VM1 frim soapshits. What shiuld yiu ciofgure io VM1? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate oide io the aoswer area. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 18 Answer: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 19 Nite: * If the CPUs are frim the same maoufacturer but oit frim the same type, yiu may oeed ti use Pricessir Cimpatbility. (Iocirrect) The oetwirk adapter is already disciooected. Queston: 15 DRAG DROP Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios fiur member seriers oamed Serier1, Serier2, Seriers, aod Serier4. All seriers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Serier1 aod Serier2 are licated io a site oamed Site1. Serier3 aod Serier4 are licated io a site oamed Site2. The seriers are ciofgured as oides io a failiier cluster oamed Cluster1. Cluster1 is ciofgured ti use the Nide Majirity quirum ciofguratio. Yiu oeed ti eosure that Serier1 is the ioly serier io Site1 that cao iite ti maiotaio quirum. What shiuld yiu ruo frim Wiodiws PiwerShell? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 20 Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate cimmaods ti the cirrect licatio. Each cimmaod may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu may oeed ti drag the split bar betweeo paoes ir scrill ti iiew cioteot. Answer: Explaoatio: We remiie Serier2 frim quirum iite by setog it's NideWeight ti 0. NideWeight setogs are used duriog quirum iitog ti suppirt disaster reciiery aod mult-suboet sceoariis fir AlwaysOo Aiailability Griups aod SQL Serier Failiier Cluster Iostaoces. Example (Piwershell) The filliwiog example chaoges the NideWeight setog ti remiie the quirum iite fir the “AlwaysOoSri1” oide. Impirt-Midule FailiierClusters $oide = “AlwaysOoSri1” (Get-ClusterNide $oide).NideWeight = 0 Refereoce: Ciofgure Cluster Quirum NideWeight Setogs Queston: 16 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios twi member seriers oamed Serier1 aod Serier2. All seriers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Serier1 aod Serier2 haie the Failiier Clusteriog feature iostalled. The seriers are ciofgured as oides io a failiier cluster oamed Cluster1. Cluster1 ciotaios a cluster disk resiurce. A deieliper creates ao applicatio oamed App1. App1 is NOT a cluster-aware applicatio. App1 ruos as a seriice. App1 stires date io the cluster disk resiurce. Yiu oeed ti eosure that App1 ruos io Cluster1. The silutio must mioimize deielipmeot efirt. Which cmdlet shiuld yiu ruo? A. Add-ClusterGeoericSeriiceRile B. Add-ClusterGeoericApplicatioRile C. Add-ClusterScaleOutFileSerierRile D. Add-ClusterSerierRile Answer: B Explaoatio: Add-ClusterGeoericApplicatioRile http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 21 Ciofgure high aiailability fir ao applicatio that was oit irigioally desigoed ti ruo io a failiier cluster. If yiu ruo ao applicatio as a Geoeric Applicatio, the cluster sifware will start the applicatio, theo periidically query the iperatog system ti see whether the applicatio appears ti be ruooiog. If si, it is presumed ti be iolioe, aod will oit be restarted ir failed iier. EXAMPLE 1. Cimmaod Primpt: C:\PS> Add-ClusterGeoericApplicatioRile -CimmaodLioe NewApplicatio.exe Name OwoerNide State ---- --------- ----- cluster1GeoApp oide2 Oolioe Descriptio ----------- This cimmaod ciofgures NewApplicatio.exe as a geoeric clustered applicatio. A default oame will be used fir clieot access aod this applicatio requires oi stirage. Refereoce: Add-ClusterGeoericApplicatioRile htp://techoet.micrisif.cim/eo-us/library/ee460976.aspx Queston: 17 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. Yiu haie a failiier cluster oamed Cluster1 that ciotaios twi oides oamed Serier1 aod Serier2. Bith seriers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 aod haie the Hyper-V serier rile iostalled. Yiu plao ti create twi iirtual machioes that will ruo ao applicatio oamed App1. App1 will stire data io a iirtual hard driie oamed App1data.ihdx. App1data.ihdx will be shared by bith iirtual machioes. The oetwirk ciotaios the filliwiog shared filders: Ao SMB fle share oamed Share1 that is histed io a Scale-Out File Serier. Ao SMB fle share oamed Share2 that is histed io a staodalioe fle serier. Ao NFS share oamed Share3 that is histed io a staodalioe fle serier. Yiu oeed ti eosure that bith iirtual machioes cao use App1data.ihdx simultaoeiusly. What shiuld yiu di? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate ciofguratios io the aoswer area. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 22 Answer: Explaoatio: * Simultaoeius access ti ihd cao ioly be dioe by scale-iut fle serier * Create yiur VHDX data fles ti be shared as fxed-size ir dyoamically expaodiog, io the disk where yiu maoually atached the Shared VHDX flter. Old VHD fles are oit alliwed. Difereociog disks are oit alliwed. Refereoce: Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2 Stirage: Step-by-step with Stirage Spaces, SMB Scale-Out aod Shared VHDX (Virtual) Queston: 18 HOTSPOT Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Serier1 has the Actie Directiry Certfcate Seriices serier rile iostalled aod ciofgured. Fir all users, yiu are depliyiog smart cards fir ligio. Yiu are usiog ao eorillmeot ageot ti eorill the smart card certfcates fir the users. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the Ciotisi Smartcard Ligio certfcate template ti suppirt the use if the eorillmeot ageot. Which setog shiuld yiu midify? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate setog io the aoswer area. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 23 Answer: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 24 Explaoatio: / Io applicatio pilicy drip-diwo list select Certfcate Request Ageot. / The Issuaoce Requiremeots Tab * Applicatio pilicy. This iptio specifes the applicatio pilicy that must be iocluded io the sigoiog certfcate used ti sigo the certfcate request. It is eoabled wheo Pilicy type required io sigoature is set ti either Applicatio pilicy ir Bith applicatio aod issuaoce pilicy. Refereoce: Admioisteriog Certfcate Templates htp://techoet.micrisif.cim/eo-us/library/cc725621(i=WS.10).aspx Queston: 19 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. The system pripertes if Serier1 are shiwo io the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit butio.) http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 25 Yiu oeed ti ciofgure Serier1 as ao eoterprise subirdioate certfcatio authirity (CA). What shiuld yiu di frst? A. Add RAM ti the serier. B. Set the Startup Type if the Certfcate Pripagatio seriice ti Autimatc. C. Iostall the Certfcatio Authirity Web Eorillmeot rile seriice. D. Jiio Serier1 ti the ciotisi.cim dimaio. Answer: D Explaoatio: Eoterprise CAs must be dimaio members. Frim the exhibit we see that it is ioly a Wirkgriup member. Nite: A oew CA cao be the riit CA if a oew PKI ir subirdioate ti aoither io ao existog PKI. Eoterprise subirdioate certfcatio authirity. Ao eoterprise subirdioate CA must get a CA certfcate frim ao eoterprise riit CA but cao theo issue certfcates ti all users aod cimputers io the eoterprise. These types if CAs are ifeo used fir liad balaociog if ao eoterprise riit CA. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 26 Refereoce: Iostall a Subirdioate Certfcatio Authirity Queston: 20 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios a perimeter oetwirk aod ao ioteroal oetwirk. The ioteroal oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry Federatio Seriices (AD FS) 2.1 iofrastructure. The iofrastructure uses Actie Directiry as the atribute stire. Yiu plao ti depliy a federatio serier prixy ti a serier oamed Serier2 io the perimeter oetwirk. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which ialue must be iocluded io the certfcate that is depliyed ti Serier2. What shiuld yiu ideotfy? A. The FQDN if the AD FS serier B. The oame if the Federatio Seriice C. The oame if the Actie Directiry dimaio D. The public IP address if Serier2 Answer: A Explaoatio: Ti add a hist (A) recird ti cirpirate DNS fir a federatio serier Oo a DNS serier fir the cirpirate oetwirk, ipeo the DNS soap-io. 1. Io the ciosile tree, right-click the applicable firward liikup zioe, aod theo click New Hist (A). http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 27 2. Io Name, type ioly the cimputer oame if the federatio serier ir federatio serier cluster (fir example, type fs fir the fully qualifed dimaio oame (FQDN) fs.adatum.cim). 3. Io IP address, type the IP address fir the federatio serier ir federatio serier cluster (fir example, 4. Click Add Hist. Refereoce: Add a hist (A) recird ti cirpirate DNS fir a federatio serier htp://techoet.micrisif.cim/eo-us/library/cc776786(i=ws.10).aspx Queston: 21 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie directiry firest oamed ciotisi.cim. The firest ciotaios twi child dimaios oamed east.ciotisi.cim aod west.ciotisi.cim. Yiu iostall ao Actie Directiry Rights Maoagemeot Seriices (AD RMS) cluster io each child dimaio. Yiu disciier that all if the users io the ciotisi.cim firest are directed ti the AD RMS cluster io east.ciotisi.cim. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the users io west.ciotisi.cim are directed ti the AD RMS cluster io west.ciotisi.cim aod that the users io east.ciotisi.cim are directed ti the AD RMS cluster io east.ciotisi.cim. What shiuld yiu di? A. Midify the Seriice Ciooectio Piiot (SCP). B. Ciofgure the Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO) setogs if the users io the west.ciotisi.cim dimaio. C. Ciofgure the Griup Pilicy ibject (GPO) setogs if the users io the east.ciotisi.cim dimaio. D. Midify the pripertes if the AD RMS cluster io west.ciotisi.cim. Answer: B Explaoatio: The west.ciotisi.cim are the ioes io triuble that oeed ti be redirected ti the west.ciotisi.cim oit the east.ciotisi.cim. Nite: It is recimmeoded that yiu use GPO ti depliy AD RMS clieot setogs aod that yiu ioly depliy setogs as oeeded. Refereoce: AD RMS Best Practces Guide Queston: 22 Yiu haie a serier oamed Serier1 that ruos Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Frim Serier Maoager, yiu iostall the Actie Directiry Certfcate Seriices serier rile io Serier1. A dimaio admioistratir oamed Admio1 ligs io ti Serier1. Wheo Admio1 ruos the Certfcatio Authirity ciosile, Admio1 receiies the filliwiog errir message. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 28 Yiu oeed ti eosure that wheo Admio1 ipeos the Certfcatio Authirity ciosile io Serier1, the errir message dies oit appear. What shiuld yiu di? A. Iostall the Actie Directiry Certfcate Seriices (AD CS) tiils. B. Ruo the regsir32.exe cimmaod. C. Midify the PATH system iariable. D. Ciofgure the Actie Directiry Certfcate Seriices serier rile frim Serier Maoager. Answer: D Explaoatio: The errir message is related ti missiog rile ciofguratio. * Caooit Maoage Actie Directiry Certfcate Seriices Resilutio: ciofgure the twi Certfcatio Authirity aod Certfcatio Authirity Web Eorillmeot Riles: Refereoce: Caooit maoage Actie Directiry Certfcate Seriices io Serier 2012 Errir 0x800070002 Queston: 23 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 29 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. A preiiius admioistratir implemeoted a Priif if Ciocept iostallatio if Actie Directiry Rights Maoagemeot Seriices (AD RMS). Afer the priif if ciocept was cimplete, the Actie Directiry Rights Maoagemeot Seriices serier rile was remiied. Yiu atempt ti depliy AD RMS. Duriog the ciofguratio if AD RMS, yiu receiie ao errir message iodicatog that ao existog AD RMS Seriice Ciooectio Piiot (SCP) was fiuod. Yiu oeed ti remiie the existog AD RMS SCP. Which tiil shiuld yiu use? A. Actie Directiry Users aod Cimputers B. Authirizatio Maoager C. Actie Directiry Dimaios aod Trusts D. Actie Directiry Sites aod Seriices E. Actie Directiry Rights Maoagemeot Seriices Answer: E Explaoatio: ADRMS will registered the Seriice Ciooectio Piiot (SCP) io Actie Directiry aod yiu will oeed ti uoregister frst befire yiu remiie the ADRMS serier rile. If yiur ADRMS serier is stll aliie, yiu cao easily maoually remiie the SCP by beliw: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 30 Refereoce: Hiw ti maoually remiie ir reiostall ADRMS Queston: 24 Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. The dimaio ciotaios a member serier oamed Serier1 that has the Actie Directiry Federatio Seriices serier rile iostalled. All seriers ruo Wiodiws Serier 2012. Yiu cimplete the Actie Directiry Federatio Seriices Ciofguratio Wizard io Serier1. Yiu oeed ti eosure that clieot deiices io the ioteroal oetwirk cao use Wirkplace Jiio. Which twi actios shiuld yiu perfirm io Serier1? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. Chiise twi.) A. Ruo Eoable-AdfsDeiiceRegistratio -PrepareActieDirectiry. B. Edit the mult-factir autheotcatio glibal autheotcatio pilicy setogs. C. Ruo Eoable-AdfsDeiiceRegistratio. D. Ruo Set-AdfsPrixyPripertes HtpPirt 80. E. Edit the primary autheotcatio glibal autheotcatio pilicy setogs. Answer: C, E Explaoatio: C. Ti eoable Deiice Registratio Seriice Oo yiur federatio serier, ipeo a Wiodiws PiwerShell cimmaod wiodiw aod type: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 31 Eoable-AdfsDeiiceRegistratio Repeat this step io each federatio farm oide io yiur AD FS farm. E. Eoable seamless seciod factir autheotcatio Seamless seciod factir autheotcatio is ao eohaocemeot io AD FS that priiides ao added leiel if access pritectio ti cirpirate resiurces aod applicatios frim exteroal deiices that are tryiog ti access them. Wheo a persioal deiice is Wirkplace Jiioed, it becimes a ‘koiwo’ deiice aod admioistratirs cao use this iofirmatio ti driie cioditioal access aod gate access ti resiurces. Ti eoable seamless seciod factir autheotcatio, persisteot siogle sigo-io (SSO) aod cioditioal access fir Wirkplace Jiioed deiices. Io the AD FS Maoagemeot ciosile, oaiigate ti Autheotcatio Pilicies. Select Edit Glibal Primary Autheotcatio. Select the check bix oext ti Eoable Deiice Autheotcatio, aod theo click OK. Refereoce: Ciofgure a federatio serier with Deiice Registratio Seriice. Queston: 25 DRAG DROP Yiur oetwirk ciotaios ao Actie Directiry dimaio oamed ciotisi.cim. Yiu oeed ti eosure that third-party deiices cao use Wirkplace Jiio ti access dimaio resiurces io the Ioteroet. Which fiur actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? Ti aoswer, miie the appripriate fiur actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder. Answer: Bix 1: Bix 2: Bix 3: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 32 Bix 4: Nite: * Checklist: Depliyiog a Federatio Serier Farm ioclude: (Bix 1) Eorill a Secure Sicket Layer (SSL) certfcate fir AD FS. (Bix 2) Iostall the AD FS rile seriice. (Bix 3, bix 4) Optioal step: Ciofgure a federatio serier with Deiice Registratio Seriice (DRS). Bix 3: Ti eoable Deiice Registratio Seriice. Oo yiur federatio serier, ipeo a Wiodiws PiwerShell cimmaod wiodiw aod type: Eoable-AdfsDeiiceRegistratio Repeat this step io each federatio farm oide io yiur AD FS farm.. Bix 4: Update the Web Applicatio Prixy ciofguratio The Deiice Registratio Seriice will be aiailable thriugh the Web Applicatio Prixy ioce it is eoabled io a federatio serier. Yiu may oeed ti cimplete this pricedure ti update the Web Applicatio Prixy ciofguratio if it was depliyed priir ti eoabliog the Deiice Registratio Seriice. * Wirkplace Jiio is made pissible by the Deiice Registratio Seriice (DRS) that is iocluded with the Actie Directiry Federatio Rile io Wiodiws Serier 2012 R2. Wheo a deiice is Wirkplace Jiioed, the DRS priiisiios a deiice ibject io Actie Directiry aod sets a certfcate io the ciosumer deiice that is used ti represeot the deiice ideotty. The DRS is meaot ti be bith ioteroal aod exteroal faciog. Cimpaoies that depliy bith DRS aod the Web Applicatio Prixy will be able ti Wirkplace Jiio deiices frim aoy ioteroet ciooected licatio. Refereoce: Depliyiog a Federatio Serier Farm. http://www.justcerts.com
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