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Regression-Verification. Benny Godlin Ofer Strichman Technion. Software Formal Verification. Tony Hoare’s grand challenge : "verifying compiler" Suppose we do not require completeness . Still, there are two major bottlenecks when applying functional verification:

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  1. Regression-Verification Benny Godlin Ofer Strichman Technion

  2. Software Formal Verification • Tony Hoare’s grand challenge: "verifying compiler" • Suppose we do not require completeness. • Still, there are two major bottlenecks when applying functional verification: • Needs formal specification • assertions, or • higher level temporal properties • Complexity.

  3. A more modest challenge: Regression Verification • “For every problem that you cannot solve, there is an easier problem that you cannot solve” • Develop a method for formally verifying the equivalence of two closely-related programs. • Does not require formal specification. • Computationally easier than functional verification • On the other hand: defines a weaker notion of correctness.

  4. Advantages of Regression Verification • Specification by reference to an earlier version. • Can be applied from early development stages. • Equivalence proofs are potentially easier than functional verification. • Ideally, the complexity should depend on the semantic difference between the programs, and not on their size.

  5. Regression-based technologies • In Testing:Regression testing is the most popular automatic testing method • In hardware verification:Equivalence checking is the most used verification method in the industry

  6. Hoare’s 1969 paper has it all. . . . …and 6 pages later:

  7. Previous work • In thetheorem-proving world: • Not dealing with realistic programs / realistic programming languages • Not utilizing the equivalence of most of the code for simplifying the computational challenge • Industrial / realistic programs: • Loop-free/Recursion-free code: (microcode @ Intel, embedded code @ Hu)

  8. Goals • Develop notionsof equivalence • Develop corresponding proof rules • Develop a prototype for verifying equivalence of C programs, that will • incorporate the equivalence rules • and be sensitive to the magnitude of change rather than the magnitude of the programs

  9. Notions of equivalence (1 / 6) Partial equivalence • For any 2 terminating executions of P1 and P2 on equalinputs • the results of the executions are equal. • Undecidable

  10. Notions of equivalence (2 / 6) Mutual termination • Given equal inputs, • P1 terminates,P2 terminates • Undecidable

  11. Notions of equivalence (3 / 6) Reactive equivalence • Let P1 and P2 be reactive programs. • Given equal inputs, every 2 executions of P1 and P2 • which also receive thesame input sequence, • emit thesame output sequence. • The sequences may be finite or infinite • Undecidable

  12. Notions of equivalence (4 / 6) k-equivalence • For any 2 executions of P1 and P2 on equalinputs • where each loop and recursion is restricted toiterate up toktimes, • results inequal output. • Decidable

  13. Notions of equivalence (5 / 6) Full equivalence • P1 and P2 are partially equivalent and mutually terminate • Undecidable

  14. Notions of equivalence (6 / 6) Total equivalence • P1 and P2 are partially equivalent and both terminate • Undecidable

  15. Notions of equivalence: summary • Partial equivalence • Mutual termination • Reactive equivalence • k-equivalence • Full equivalence* = Partial equivalence + mutual termination • Total equivalence* = partial equivalence + both terminate * Appeared in earlier publications.

  16. Outline • Inference rules for proving equivalence • Hoare’s rule of recursion • Rule 1: partial equivalence • Rule 2: mutual termination • Rule 3: reactive equivalence • Regression verification for C programs • CBMC – the back engine • Architecture • Decomposition • Handling dynamic data structures

  17. Hoare’s Rule of Recursion LetAbe a recursive procedure. Where symbolizes a sound proof relation. (explained on the next slide)

  18. A recursive run: Diagram level 1: A(...) { . . . . . . call A(...); . . . . . . } level 2: A(...) { . . . . . . call A(...); . . . . . . } last level: A(...) { . . . . . . call A(...); . . . . . . } . . .

  19. //in[A] A( . . . ) { . . . //in[call A] call A(. . .); //out[call A] . . . } //out[A] Rule 1: partial equivalence of recursive procedures. //in[B] B( . . . ) { . . . // in[call B] call B(. . .); //out[call B] . . . } //out[B] A B

  20. Rule 1: encoding the premise • The only thing we know about the called function is that it satisfies the congruence axiom:(congruence) Calls to U with the same input values return the same output values. • Making the called function Uninterpreted is enough. • We call such a program isolated.

  21. Rule 1. Isolation example unsigned gcd1(unsigned a, unsigned b) { unsigned g; if (b == 0) g = a; else { a = a % b; g = U(b, a); } return g; } unsigned gcd1(unsigned a, unsigned b) { unsigned g; if (b == 0) g = a; else { a = a % b; g = gcd1(b, a); } return g; } U is an uninterpreted function

  22. Rule 1. Definitions • f: a function • UF(f): an uninterpreted function such that f, UF(f) have the same prototype. • FUF: the isolated version of a function F :

  23. Rule 1: partial equivalence made simple • Earlier we had: • Now we have:

  24. //in[AUF] AUF( . . . ) { . . . call U(. . .); . . . } //out[AUF] Rule 1: partial equivalence made simple //in[BUF] BUF( . . . ) { . . . call U(. . .); . . . } //out[BUF] AUF BUF • U is an uninterpreted function

  25. Rule 1: partial equivalence made simple • I has to reason about a combination of • programs without loops or functions calls, and • uninterpreted functions. • For a programming language such as C, there exists decision Procedures (and tools) with these features.

  26. Rule 1: example unsigned gcd1(unsigned a, unsigned b) { unsigned g; if (b == 0) g = a; else { a = a % b; g = gcd1(b, a); } return g; } unsigned gcd2(unsigned x, unsigned y) { unsigned z; z = x; if (y > 0) z = gcd2(y, z % y); } return z; } ? =

  27. Rule 1: example (side 1) First, compute the transition relation using Static Single Assignment (SSA) unsigned gcd1(unsigned a, unsigned b) { unsigned g; if (b == 0) g = a; else { a = a % b; g = H(b, a); } return g; }

  28. Rule 1: example (side 2) unsigned gcd2(unsigned x, unsigned y) { unsigned z; z = x; if (y > 0) z = H(y, z % y); } return z; }

  29. Rule 1: example unsigned gcd1(unsigned a, unsigned b) { . . . return g; } unsigned gcd2(unsigned x, unsigned y) { . . . return z; }

  30. Rule 2: Proving Mutual termination • The rule: • If all paired procedures satisfy : • Partial equivalence, • The conditions under which they call each pair of mapped procedures are equal, and • The read arguments of the called procedures are the same when they are called, then • all paired procedures mutually terminate.

  31. Rule 3: Proving reactive equivalence • The rule: • If all paired procedures satisfy • given the same arguments and the same inputsequences, they returnthe same values, • they consume the same number of inputs, and • the interleaved sequence of procedure calls and output statements inside the mapped procedures is the same (and the procedure calls are made with the same arguments) then • all paired procedures are reactive equivalent.

  32. Outline • Inference rules for proving equivalence • Hoare’s rule of recursion • Rule 1: partial equivalence • Rule 2: mutual termination • Rule 3: reactive equivalence • Regression verification for C programs • CBMC – the back engine • Architecture • Decomposition • Handling dynamic data structures

  33. CBMC • A C verification tool by D. Kroening • Normal use – bounded model checking of C programs. • We use CBMC as follows: • Given a loop-free, recursion-free C program and an assertion, check whether the assertion can fail. • Supports “assume(…)” construct to enforce constraints.

  34. The Regression Verification Tool (RVT) Version A Version B • result • counterexample RVTPreprocessor • rename identical globals • enforce equality of inputs. • insert check points code • Supports: • Decomposition • Abstraction • some static analysis • … C program feedback CBMC

  35. The main challenge: complexity • The goal: complexity depends on the semantic difference • The key: decomposition. • Preprocessing: all loops are rewritten as recursive functions. • Map the functions in the two programs. • Mapping heuristics: Name, signature, ‘role’ played in the code. • Mapped functions that have already been proven to be equal are abstracted with uninterpreted functions.

  36. Call Graph Algorithm Legend: Equivalent pair Equivalence undecided yet Non-equivalent pair Syntactically equivalent pair CBMC Unpaired function B: A: CBMC f1() f1’() f2’() f2() U U f5’() f5() f7’() f3() f4() f3’() f4’() f6() U U U U

  37. Mutual Recursion • Mutually Recursive Functions: • Recognized by MSCCs in the call graph • We can treat this case by an extension of the solution to the simple recursion case.

  38. Call Graph Algorithm (with SCCs) Legend: Equivalent pair Equivalence undecided yet Non-equivalent pair Syntactically equivalent pair Equivalent if MSCC B: A: CBMC f1() f1’() f2’() f5’() f2() f5() U U U U U U f6’() f3() f4() f3’() f4’() f6() U U U U

  39. The Regression Verification Tool (RVT) • We tested RVT on several programs: • Small programs that calculate GCD, power, sum of digits ... • Simple interactive (reactive) calculator program. • Automatically generated sizable programs • up-tothousandsof code lines • butwithout arrays (unsupported yet) • Limited-size industrial programs: • Parts of TCAS - Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System. • Core of MicroC/OS - real-time kernel for embedded systems. • Matlab examples: parts of engine-fuel-injection simulation.

  40. Testing RVT on programs: Conclusions • For equivalent programs, partial-equivalence checks were very fast: • proving equivalence in minutes. • For non-equivalent programs: • RVT attempts to prove partial-equivalence but fails • then RVT tries to prove k-equivalence • k-equivalence sometimes succeeds to show counter examples: executions on equal inputs with non-equal values at check-points • k-equivalence may run for several hours or even run out of memory.

  41. Long list of future work • Finish implementation of: • Rules 2/3, arrays (especially in UFs), slicing,… • Future work: • How to strengthen the rules with invariants. • Test on real changes (CVS repository). • Use other program verification tools for C to prove equivalence.

  42. More Challenges • Identifying the connection between functional properties and equivalence properties: • Assume that a high level property P is satisfied by some version of the program, • Q: Which values should be followed by regression verification to guarantee that this property still holds ? • Q: What is the ideal gap between two versions of the same program, that makes Regression Verification most effective ?

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