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So what do you know about Koha?

Mythbusters: Koha Past, Present & Future LIANZA Waikato/BOP Weekend School Waitomo – May 2011 Shelley Gurney AALIA, Catalyst IT. So what do you know about Koha?. Why haven't you considered Koha?. Myths and Excuses. We're too small We're too big You need to be a techie to run Koha

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So what do you know about Koha?

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  1. Mythbusters: Koha Past, Present & FutureLIANZA Waikato/BOP Weekend SchoolWaitomo – May 2011Shelley Gurney AALIA, Catalyst IT

  2. So what do you know about Koha?

  3. Why haven't you considered Koha?

  4. Myths and Excuses • We're too small • We're too big • You need to be a techie to run Koha • It's difficult to migrate • The quality of the ILS is not great • The ILS is not secure enough

  5. What do we mean by Free and Open Source? • What does it stand for? • What does it mean? • Why money isn't everything • Collaboration and community as the cornerstones of FOSS... and libraries

  6. Koha Developments • Version 3.4.0 has just been released: what does this mean? • Constantly updating the ILS • Bugzilla and enhancements • Koha-community.org and the ONL • Food for thought... while we listen to what Paul has to say.

  7. Some food for thought http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=10675810 http://www.libraryjournal.com/lj/home/889533-264/automation_marketplace_2011_the_new.html.csp Jo Ransom, Head of Libraries at HLT, as quoted in Small town software has fans in high places, by Anthony Doesburg, NZ Herald, 27/10/10, accessed 13/04/11. Automation Marketplace 2011: The New Frontier, by Marshall Breeding, LibraryJournal.com, 01/04/2011, accessed 13/04/2011.

  8. Some Koha ILS's in NZ: Horowhenua Library Trust South Taranaki DC Hauraki DC Rangitikei DC Plant & Food ERO Metservice SSC and Treasury (in migration) Family Planning NZ OPUS Koha Around the World Koha ILS's World Wide: Nat Lib Venuezela 2nd most used in France Academic Libraries in India, France, Mexico, US Public libraries in Pakistan, Malaysia, The Phillipines Used in public and academic libraries in the South Pacific All primary schools in Prince Edward Is, Canada Translated into 65 languages and counting including Hindi, Cyrilic and Te Rēo

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