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DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR BACKUP AND RESTORE Presented By Nitil Dwivedi (09BIF094). External Guide Mr. Abhishek Sainani DBA at Capital IQ,Hyderabad. Internal Guide Dr. Punnagai Munusami
DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR BACKUP AND RESTOREPresented ByNitilDwivedi (09BIF094) External Guide Mr. AbhishekSainani DBA at Capital IQ,Hyderabad Internal Guide Dr. PunnagaiMunusami Assistant Professor(SBST)
INTRODUCTION Backup and Restore A copy of data that can be used to restore and recover the data is called a backup. Backups let us restore data after a failure. With good backups, we can recover from many failures, such as: • Media failure. • User errors, for example, dropping a table by mistake. • Hardware failures, for example, a damaged disk drive or permanent loss of a server. • Natural disasters. 3 types of Backup: 1-Full Backup 2- Differential Backup 3-Transaction log Backup
Stored Procedure A stored procedure is a group of SQL statements compiled into a single execution plan. To begin writing stored procedures, the following are essential: • A database management system. • A database built inside the database management system. • A text editor, such as Notepad or Query Analyzer Syntax for creating the procedure: create proc Procedure_name As SQL statement1;…statement2;..statement3;…..;
Script Generation A SQL script can contain one or more SQL statements or PL/SQL blocks.Whenusing SQL Scripts, remember the following: • Scipt can be generated for any number of tables present in database. • There is no interaction between SQL Commands and SQL Scripts. • We can cut and paste a SQL command from the SQL Script editor to run it in SQL QUERY Browser.
SOFTWARE DETAILS 1.Database Management Systems(DBMS) 2. SQL (Structured Query Language) 3. MySQL 5.1 Server 4. HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) 5.MsSQL 2008 Server 6.CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) 7. Java server page 8. NETBEANS 6.8 9.JDK(java development kit)
1.Do background research for that we need to refer the different articles and tutorials. • 2. Create a database(OLSED) • -Using Database Management System methods on • MySQL 5.1 and MsSQL 2008. • 3. Create 5 tables named Using SQL • adminlog • adminproduct • cusinfo • cuslog • Payment • 4.Insert informations in tables. Methodology
5.Take Backup of database and save it at specific location. 6. Backup may be used to restore the original from the specific location after a data loss event. 8.Create procedure for database Backup and Restore. 9.Script generation for disaster recovery. 10.Create Java Server Pages for the web creation. 11. Create a link between the database and JSP using Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").newInstance();. 12. Display the matter on the web page using HTML,CSS. 13. The web page is ready to upload.
Database Creation Now we can use DBMS(Database management System) to make Database and tables inside it. We can also fetch data from tables : Creating a Database: Create Database <Database name>; for example: Create Database OLSED; Creating a table: Create Table <Table Name> (<Field 1> <Data Type> <Width>, <Field 2> <Data Type> <Width>, …………………………………..); Inserting into Table: Insert into <Table Name> Values(“Value1”,”Value2”,…….); Fetching data from table: Select * from <Table Name> where <condition>; For Example: SELECT * FROM adminlog a;
Database requirements Different types of information is provided regarding in the database(OLSED) • Adminlog Create table adminlog ( admin_name(45) primary key,admin_password(45); • Adminproduct Create table adminproduct (product_namevarchar(45) primary key,company_name not null,dateof_entry not null,dateof_exit not null, price varchar(10) not null); • Cusinfo Create table cusinfo(username varchar(50) primary key,name not null,row char(45) not null,age not null,occupation char(10) not null,cityvarchar(max) not null,state char(45)), country char(45)); • Cuslog Create table cuslog(username varchar(50) primary key,passwordvarchar(45) not null); • Payment Create table payment(username varchar(45) primary key,mode_of_paymentvarchar(50) Not Null,bank_name char(45),account_noint(45) Not Null,amountint(45) Not Null);
Java Server Page creation Connect mySQL with netbeans 6.8 using Class.forName method(): Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connectioncon=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/olsed","root","root"); This line loads the specified jdbc driver class and creates an instance of the same and returns it when we load database drives using Class.forName() to add them to the known drivers list of DriverManager.
Result and Discussions Backup,Restore and Procedure The resultant database is really helpful for administration.Backup, Retore and procedure creation shows the best examlpe for database administration. create proc backuprestore As BACKUP DATABASE olsed TO DISK='c:\olsed.bak‘; RESTORE DATABASE olsed FROM DISK='c:\olsed.bak‘; exec backuprestore;
Website Created database is used in web creation for online shopping where products are available like laptops,mobiles,books,faxmachine,printer,desktop,camera,scanner and accessories are hard disk,headphones,motherboard,processor,ram,pendrive,LCDscreen.ups,cortage DVD Drive etc.
References 1. NovaBACKUP Professional / Server / Business EssentialsLast | published on Updated: Feb 11, 2013 2. John Charles Olamendy in Articles | SQL Server 2012 | published on February 25, 2008 3. Ravi Saive Under: CentOS, Fedora, Linux Commands, Linux Distros, MySQL, RedHat, Ubuntu | published On: November 2, 2012 4. NovaBACKUP Professional / Server / Business EssentialsLast | published on Updated: Feb 11, 2013 5. Jennifer Schiff | Published on: 14-Dec-10 6. Bill Graziano | published on 12 February 2007