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APCC/CliPAS Multi-Institutional HFP Data Production. Updated and completed the four-season multi-institutional retrospective forecast experiments. Current Status of Multi-Institutional Retrospective Forecast Experiments.
Updated and completed the four-season multi-institutional retrospective forecast experiments Current Status of Multi-Institutional Retrospective Forecast Experiments • The APCC/CliPAS team completed the four-season multi-institutional retrospective forecast experiments for the period 1979-2004 for advancing our understanding of climate predictability and determining the capability and limitations of the MME prediction. We collected 7 two-tier and 7 one-tier predictions from 12 institutions in Korea, USA, Japan, China, and Australia.
Model Descriptions of CliPAS System APCC/CliPAS Tier-1 Models APCC/CliPAS Tier-2 Models
Monthly Data Availability • CliPAS one-tier predictions: • BMRC (BMRC POAMA 1.5), GFT1 (GFDL CM2.1), NASA (NASA), NCEP (NCEP CFS), • SINT (SINTEX-F), SUT1 (SNU Coupled Model), UHT1 (UH Coupled Model) • CliPAS two-tier predictions • FSU2 (FSU AGCM), GFDL (GFDL AM2), IAPL(IAP/LASG AGCM), NCT2 (NCEP GFS), • SUT2 (SNU AGCM), UHC2 (UH CAM2), UHT2 (UH ECHAM4) • 3. DEMETER one-tier predictions • CERF(CERFACS), ECMW(ECMWF),INGV(INVG),LODY(LODYC),MAXP(MPI), • METF(Meteo-France), UKMO(Met Office) • 4. Variables: F200 (200 hPa streamfunction), F850 (850 hPa streamfunction), P200 (200 hPa velocity potential), P850 (850 hPa velocity potential), PRCP (precipitation), TS2M (2m air temperature), U200 (200 hPa zonal wind), U850 (850 hPa zonal wind), V200 (200 hPa meridional wind), V850 (850 hPa meridional wind), SST (sea surface temperature), Z500 (500 hPa geopotential height), MSLP (mean sea level pressure) • 5. Data format • 2.5x2.5 degree interval over global domain (144x73 grids) • Little endian binary format with control file
Structure of Monthly Data Directory CliPAS F200 F850 P200 P850 PRCP TS2M U200 U850 V200 V850 SST Z500 OBS MSLP Monthly variables PSKILL SKILL APCC DMME MMES BMRC: BMRC Tier 1 FSU2: FSU Tier 2 GFDL: GFDL Tier 2 GFT1: GFDL Tier 1 IAPL: IAP Tier 2 NASA: NASA Tier 1 NCEP: NCEP CFS Tier 1 NCT2: NCEP Tier 2 SINT: SINTEX-F Tier 1 SUT1: SNU Tier 1 SUT2: SNU Tier 2 UHC2: UH CAM Tier 2 UHT1: UH Tier 1 UHT2: UH ECHAM Tier 2 APCC: APCC MME and each model ensemble prediction DMME: DEMETER MME and each model ensemble prediction TMME: MME using APCC and DEMETER models CERF: CERFACE ECMW: ECMWF INGV: INGV LODY: LODYC MAXP: MPI METF: Meteo-France UKMO: UK Met Office Data resolution: 2.5x2.5 degree interval over global domain (144x73 grids) Writing format: Binary (little endian) file with data control file Variables (monthly data): F200 (200 hPa streamfunction), F850 (850 hPa streamfunction), P200 (200 hPa velocity potential), P850 (850 hPa velocity potential), PRCP (precipitation), TS2M (2m air temperature), U200 (200 hPa zonal wind), U850 (850 hPa zonal wind), V200 (200 hPa meridional wind), V850 (850 hPa meridional wind), SST (sea surface temperature), Z500 (500 hPa geopotential height)
CliPAS/APCC Tier-1 HFP Initial month, the length of forecast lead time and the number of ensemble member Initial month Institution
CliPAS/APCC Tier-2 HFP Initial month, the length of forecast lead time and the number of ensemble member Initial month Institution
CliPAS/APCC HFP Daily DATA Variables Institution