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Assets and Inventory -

Assets and Inventory -. Resource Optimization for Microsoft® System Center. 1E enables efficient IT and resource optimization.

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  1. Assets and Inventory- Resource Optimization for Microsoft® System Center
  2. 1E enables efficient IT and resource optimization 1E helps organizations reduce the cost of IT by identifying and removing unused resources and optimizing what is left. 1E solutions help organizations embrace consumerization for managed PCs by providing user self-service and efficiently driving the adoption of the Windows Optimized Desktop and Application Virtualization. Fully integrated with System Center 2021 Configuration Manager and 2007 Website: www.1e.com Global sales contact: Tracy Riser, trex@1e.com Microsoft Solution Guide Portal: http://tool.microsoftsca.com/ Y Y Y Y Inc’d w Maintenance Custom Inc’d w Maintenance 24/7 24/7, variable SLA 24/7 , variable SLA Self-service, WAN optimization, remote wakeup, software license optimization, Win7 migration Assets and Inventory - ISV Partner Alliance Value 1E, Inc. Variable SLA Inc’d w Maintenance 1E solutions have flexible licensing options, both perpetual and subscription. These are available per device or per user. Please contact 1E for details.
  3. Assets and Inventory RESOURCES ON FOLLOWING SLIDE
  4. Home page: www.1e.com Customer case studies: www.1e.com/y/cohub Shopping – end user self-service: www.1e.com/it-efficiency/y/shop Nomad Enterprise –bandwidth optimization for App-V: www.1e.com/y/nomad Web WakeUp – turn on and access your PC from anywhere: www.1e.com/y/wkp AppClarity – software license optimization: www.1e.com/y/appc Windows 7 Migration Services – lowers cost and faster deployments: www.1e.com/y/wms Assets and Inventory Application Virtualization End user self-service for ConfigMgr applications, OS’s and App-V, AD group membership and business services Fully integrated with ConfigMgr 2007/2012 Extreme bandwidth optimization for download and execute No server hardware required at remote offices Windows Optimized Desktop User centric Windows 7 migrations End users can choose when to schedule End users can choose the applications they need Lowest cost deployments Optimized to remove unused and deprecated software Highly bandwidth efficient so network is prioritized for all business activity No server hardware required at remote offices Fully integrated with ConfigMgr2007/2012 Anywhere Access Remotely and securely turn on your PC for access from any device, anywhere
  5. Title: US Department of State’s Efficient IT initiatives bring early success, foundation for continued savings Summary:Federal mandates assess agencies on a variety of sustainability areas, including energy management. Historically, the Department mandated that all 88,986 desktops at 468 worldwide sites – comprised of domestic facilities, embassies, consulates, and passport agencies – be kept on 24/7 to ensure regular security scanning, maintenance, and patching. To comply with federal mandates and support the Department’s Greening Diplomacy Initiative, the Department launched an agency-wide initiative to eliminate power waste across 100 percent of its workstation computers. Situation: Department needed a flexible tool that worked with its existing systems management platform to accommodate the specialized needs of each individual, while eliminating duplication of efforts. Solution: Department chose NightWatchman Enterprise incorporating WakeUp to automate shutdown of unused workstations as well as allowing the to be powered on for patching scanning health checks and software installations our of hours. It uses Nomad Enterprise to deliver OS upgrades, software deployments and patches safely, and securely with zero disruption. Benefit: NightWatchman deployment led to significant reduction of carbon footprint (21,000 tons per year) by eliminating power waste. Nomad remove the need for branch servers and desk side visits. For More Information: http://www.1e.com/mediacenter/u-s-department-of-state/ Assets and Inventory Title: Verizon Wireless automated desktop deployments across their entire PC estate  of over 100,000 PC’s Summary: Verizon Wireless, the leading mobile communications provider with over 100,000,000 million subscribers Situation: Verizon Wireless with a team of less than 10 IT members were updating several hundred PC’s to Win7 a week, each required a visit by a technician. It was taking too long and costing too much Solution: Verizon Wireless automated desktop deployments across their entire PC estate using Nomad Enterprise and Systems Center Configuration Manager delivered a cash saving of $5m and an 80% reduction in deployment times. Additionally by implementing NightWatchman Enterprise, they save over $1.3 million per year and reduce CO2 by over 7,700 tons every year. Benefit: In addition to saving them millions of dollars during their Win7 deployment, Verizon has ongoing operational cost savings leveraging Nomad, NightWatchman and Systems Center. Customer Quote: “Energy-saving initiatives make us more efficient and enable us to provide improved products and services for our customers.” – Ajay Waghray, Chief Information Officer, Verizon Wireless For More Information: http://www.1e.com/wp-content/plugins/1E-Resources/includes/viewdoc.php?id=44932573&key=key-ac7ag66u5vdwbl6hslh
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