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Infusing ICT in Early Years Math and Science Curricula. BYTE February 25, 2011 Portage la Prairie, MB Sherry Perih and Rosalind Robb sherry.perih@gov.mb.ca rosalind.robb@gov.mb.ca. Goal.
Infusing ICT in Early Years Math and Science Curricula BYTE February 25, 2011 Portage la Prairie, MB Sherry Perih and Rosalind Robb sherry.perih@gov.mb.ca rosalind.robb@gov.mb.ca
Goal • This session will target how to infuse technology into the classroom and provide a snapshot of how to connect the curriculum to meaningful math and science learning experiences to foster engagement with early years students.
Action Cards • Prepare a set of activity cards. Seat students in a circle. Place cards face down in the middle of the circle. Students take turns drawing a card and then leading the class in performing the activity on the card. Have students count aloud as the actions are performed. Students can make their own cards!
It’s Not About the Technology Technology Is Not Technology http://www.flickr.com/photos/40836723@N08/4390432853/
It’s About the Learning • It’s about the process of learning. • How can ICT support and enhance student learning? • No matter what we are learning, we follow a process, whether it is the curriculum or if we are learning to wink…
Learning To Wink Photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/courosa/sets/72157623465344795/with/4421748406/ courosa Ask Questions
Learning To Wink Photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/courosa/sets/72157623465344795/with/4421748406/ courosa Gather information and make sense of it
Learning To Wink Photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/courosa/sets/72157623465344795/with/4421748406/ courosa Attempt to model, not afraid to make mistakes
Learning To Wink Photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/courosa/sets/72157623465344795/with/4421748406/ courosa Try different strategies
Learning To Wink Photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/courosa/sets/72157623465344795/with/4421748406/ courosa If something does not work try something else
Learning To Wink Photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/courosa/sets/72157623465344795/with/4421748406/ courosa Show their learning
Learning To Wink Photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/courosa/sets/72157623465344795/with/4421748406/ courosa Show their learning
Learning To Wink Photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/courosa/sets/72157623465344795/with/4421748406/ courosa Proud of their accomplishments
Our Role http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/tech/lict/index.html
Transformation Continuum “Philosophies of learning and teaching can be viewed as a continuum with extreme educational interpretations of behaviorism (for example, instruction) and cognitivism (for example, construction) at either end. Any one educator's philosophy resides somewhere on this line. The threshold between the two views marks a critical point of "transformation" for an educator.”Teaching with Technology. Hooper, Simon and Lloyd P. Rieber http://www.nowhereroad.com/twt/ http://lwict-principles.wikispaces.com/Constructivist+Learning
Uncovering the Curriculum • Just as the goal of science is to make sense of things, so is the goal of mathematics is to find and analyze mathematical patterns and make meaning of them.
Communication Reasoning Problem Solving Visualization Technology Mental Mathematics and Estimation Connections Mathematical Processes • There are critical components that students must encounter in a mathematics program in order to achieve the goals of mathematics education and encourage lifelong learning in mathematics.
Science • Scientific literacy is an evolving combination of the science-related attitudes, skills, and knowledge. Students need to develop inquiry, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities, to become lifelong learners, and to maintain a sense of wonder about the world around them. • Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes (1999)
Math • Students need to explore problem solving situations in order to develop personal strategies and become mathematically literate. Learners must realize that it is acceptable to solve problems in different ways and that solutions may vary. • K I N D E R G A R T E N T O G R A D E 8 M A T H E M A T I C S Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes (2008)
Using Media • CYBERCHASE from PBS KIDS GO! • Walter the Lowdown Sneaky Walrus • A Perfect Fit
PWIM • Picture Word Inductive Model • Public School Minute - PWIM • Pictures from City By Numbers by Stephen T. Johnson
Community Cards • In your groups, turn the cards so that you can see all of the images. • As a group, sort out the images with similar math or science. • Each group member must choose a card and talk about how math is shown through the image. Relate it to your life.
Finding Images • Creative Commons License (creativecommons.ca) • Flickr.com – Advanced Search (Check off Creative Commons-licensed content) Bridge - Ponte http://www.flickr.com/photos/20986960@N04/2398823962/ By Andre Maceira License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Literature • “Children’s books are effective classroom vehicles for motivating students to think and reason mathematically” Marilyn Burns. Math and Literature (K-3)
Eric The Math Bear • Eric the Math Bear by Caroline Glicksman • math literature - Eric the math bear\ericthemathbear.pptx
Engagement • Use your everyday life to capture student’s interest. Math and science is found everywhere. It can begin with a story. I am hungry!
Creating Stories • Engage students in curriculum by having them create their own stories. • How can you use technology to support story making? • Digital images • Kerpoof.com, Readwritethink.org • More resources: http://resources4lwict.wikispaces.com/Resource+Teachers • Example: Eric Makes a Pie
Eric wanted to make some rhubarb pie. I am hungry!
I need eggs. How many eggs do I need? How many eggs are in the package?
Thank goodness, mom washed and cut up all the rhubarb. I wonder how many pies can I make?
The Teddy Bear Exchange • Online collaboration • http://www.iearn.org.au/tbear/ • The aim of the project was to team pairs of schools and have them exchange a 'Teddy Bear" or other soft toy. The bear then sent home a diary by email describing its adventures, the places it has been, as well as the things it had seen and done. The project aimed to enhance understanding and acceptance of diverse cultures.
Everyday Math • Everyday Math by Ray Appel • http://www.zapple.ca/
Cook-A-Doodle-Doo • Cook-A-Doodle-Doo by Janet Stevens
Literature Links • Cook-A-Doodle-Doo by Janet Stevens and Susan Stevens Crummel • Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes • Hottest Coldest Highest Deepest by Steve Jenkins • Bean Thirteen by Matthew McElligott • The Spring Celebration by Tina Umperherville • One Tiny Turtle by Nicola Davies • Icebergs and Glaciers by Seymour Simon • Is A Blue Whale The Biggest Thing There Is? By Robert E. Wells
Problem Solving with Images • Engages students • Infuses ITC • Connects to all strands • Connects problems solving to students’ lives • Integrates community into Math class
What questions can we ask! http://www.killarney.ca/default.asp
Questions - Math • How many windows does the house have? • How many windows do you think are on the sides of the house that we cannot see? • How many rectangles in the picture? • How many different polygons are shown? • How many different 3-D objects are shown?
Questions - Science • What type of trees are in the picture? • What did they use to build this house? • How would you get a piano upstairs? • What did they use to build this house 100 years ago? • Where is this building? • Was this building built in a protected wildlife habitat?
Write A Problem http://www.killarney.ca/default.asp What problem can we write about this picture?
The answer is 12. What is the question? http://www.killarney.ca/default.asp
The Answer is 9 By Sherry
The answer is 9. What is the question? • There were 12 goldfish that swam near the bottom of the ocean. The great white shark gobbled 3 of them for his supper. How many goldfish are left swimming?
Planning – Sample Lesson • The Four-Column Planner • BLM 9 • Independent Together • http://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/multilevel/blm/index.html
Questions • How are the shapes you see alike? • How are they different? • Color, by Terry Grant • http://junomain.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/mondrian-composition_a-1923.jpg