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Local Variables and Scope. Benjamin Fein. Variable Scope. A variable’s scope consists of all code blocks in which it is visible. A variable is considered visible if it can be accessed by statements within that code block. Java Code block: One or more lines of code contained between braces {}
Local Variables and Scope Benjamin Fein
Variable Scope • A variable’s scope consists of all code blocks in which it is visible. • A variable is considered visible if it can be accessed by statements within that code block. • Java Code block: One or more lines of code contained between braces {} • Code blocks can be nested • { Statement1; {Statement2;}}
Variable Scope cont. • What is a variable’s scope? • Starts at the declaration statement • Ends at the end of the block it was declared in • Field: Variables declared in a class declaration block, outside of methods or constructors • A field’s scope is the whole class. The field must be declared before any initialization block, but can be after method declaration.
Variable Scope Example • Below, block 1 declares A. Block 2 declares B. A’s scope is within all the blocks. B’s scope is only in block 2. Block 3 cannot access B because it is located outside of block 2’s enclosing braces, so it will generate an error! • Block 1:{Var A; A = 10;Block 2:{Var B; B = 2 *A;}<-inside 1Block 3:{B= A;}}<-end of block 1 Error ^
Classes and Variable Scope • The class code below acts the same as the code blocks example in the previous slide. • class A { Var A1 = 10;//A1 is a field} class B extends A { // Var A1’s scope includes B Var B1 = 2 * A1;} class C extends A { // A1’s scope includes CB1 = 2 * A1;}// illegal, B1 not // in scope
Local Variables • A code block’s local variables are those declared in the code block. • NOT variables from higher code blocks: A in above example is local variable for block 1 only • NOT variables declared in nested sub-blocks: B in above example is NOT local to block 1. • A class’s fields are not considered local variables: they are member variables
Local Variables • A method’s parameters are local to the block of the method’s body. • public void aMethod(int A){...}; • If new variables are declared in the initialization of a for loop, they are local to the loop body. • for (int i = 0; i < N; i++); • i’s scope is just the body of the loop.
Hiding fields • If a local variable is declared with the same name as an in scope field, that field is “hidden” or “shadowed”. • class MyClass { int A; // field public void someMethod() { String A;// Local variable }
Hiding Fields • If a sub-class declares a field with the same name as one of the inherited fields of its parent, the parent’s field is hidden • class MyClass { int A;}class SubClass extends MyClass { int A;}
Hiding Fields cont. • In the above example, in someMethod, A1 is a local variable of type String. • The field A1 is only accessible with the this reference within someMethod: • A1 = “Blah”; // local A1, String • this.A1 = 5; // field A1, int • If one of a method’s parameters have same name as a field, also hides the field
Avoid Hiding Fields • Hiding should generally be avoided, with the following exceptions • In constructors, the parameters holding values to set fields to can have the same name as the field • Within a class’s methods, it is ok to hide/shadow instance fields of that class if the local variable is a copy of the field, since readability will be improved.
Hiding Variables? • Variables, unlike fields, cannot be hidden • public void someMethod(int B) { int A; { int A; // illegal statement int B; // illegal statement } }
Common Mistakes • Declaring a variable in a for loop then trying to use it after the loop • for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ... //do loop stuff}System.out.println(“Count: “ + i); • The above is incorrect, since the scope of i ends at the end of the for loop. • To correct: declare i before the loop
Corrected Mistake • Correction of above example: • int i;for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { ... //do loop stuff}System.out.println(“Count: “ + i);
Conclusion • A variable’s scope starts at declaration, extends to nested blocks, and ends at the end of the block it was declared in. • A blocks local variables are variables declared within that block of code, but do not include variables declared in nested blocks. • A class’s fields can be hidden by local variables or method parameters, but this is generally a bad idea unless the variable is a copy.
Bibliography • Jia, Xiaoping. Object-Oriented Software Development Using Java. 2nd ed. New York: Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2003. p 116-117. • Scope. Sun Microsystems. http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/scope.html • Sebesta, Robert W. Concepts of Programming Languages. 7th ed. New York: Pearson/Addison Wesly, 2006. p 228-234.