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Revolution From Traditional Chinese Medicine to Modern HHN & HHP Presented at MIT CSSA. David Liu, MD, PhD Professor of Surgery & Oncology Director, Herbal Medical Center President, RedsSun Corporation 242 Dorchester St. Boston, USA. New Terminologies Used by Dr. David Liu.
Revolution From Traditional Chinese Medicine to Modern HHN & HHPPresented at MIT CSSA David Liu, MD, PhD Professor of Surgery & Oncology Director, Herbal Medical Center President, RedsSun Corporation 242 Dorchester St. Boston, USA
New Terminologies Used by Dr. David Liu HHN = Hi-Tech made Herbal Nutraceutical (products) HHP = Hi-Tech made Herbal Pharmaceutical (products)
Chinese Made 4Major Contributions to the World Civilization • China is one of ancient countries in the world and Chinese civilization has been documented since 6,000 years. Chinese ancestors had made4 major contributionsto the world civilization: • (1)The gunpowder for rockets • (2)The compass for navigation • (3)The word-typing case for editing and printing • (4)Paper-manufacture for printing books and • newspapers
You are Proud Because • As early as 3,000 years ago Chinese in writing appeared. The earliest Chinese characters were carved on shells in the Shang Dynasty (1600-1100 BC).
Chinese Word for “Sickness” is Ji • The Chinese word for “sickness” isJi. It means a person lying in bed with injury from an arrow, a common condition in ancient wars. • The earliest medical textbook in China is calledHuang-Di-Nei-Jing written during the late Zhou Dynasty (1100-770 BC). • In that time, there were four sorts of oriental medical workers: physicians for internal diseases, surgeons for trauma and infections, dietary workers for nutrition and veterinarian for domestic animals, particularly for military horses.
Chinese Royal Family Physicians • In the “Forbidden City” in Beijing where was the place for Chinese emperors and their royal families, there were two senior and two adjunct physicians, four assistants and 20 apprentices for medical and drug affairs caring royal families.
3GreatestPhysicians in China • In the history of Chinese medicine, three most famous physicians made the landmark contributions to the development of Chinese medicine. • Bian Que(407-312 BC) was regarded as the inventor of acupuncture therapy. He also summarized the diagnostic procedure of a disease into the following four methods:
4 Traditional Diagnostic Methods • Inspection • pulse examination • auscultation-smelling • history taking
Bian Que’s Story Cited by American • “One day two men, Lu and Chao, called on the surgeon Bian Que. He gave them a toxic drink and they were unconscious for three days. Bian Que operated and opened their stomachs and explored the hearts; after removing and interchanging their organs he gave a wonderful drug and the two men went home recovered” (Sabiston DC, Textbook of Surgery).
Hua Tuo (141-207 AD) • was popularly regarded as the father of traditional surgery. He prepared an anesthetic powder with herbs, administered in wine to put patient to sleep for abdominal operations. This was the earliest documentation of general anesthesia in medical history.
Li Shi-Zhen • Li Shi-Zhen (1518-1593 AD), a great pharmacologist, who wrote a gigantic medical work “Ben-Cao-Gang-Mu (The Compendium of Medical Materials) published in 1590 AD. This work contained 52 volumes listing 1,892 medicalsubstances, with detailed description of their appearance, properties, methods of collection, preparation and use of them, and providing more than1,000 illustrations. There were also more than10,000 prescriptions listed.
2 billion population around world on their traditional medicine • Today, Chinese medicine is widely used in China, Japan, Korea, Indian, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnams, United States, Australia, Germany and other countries. • In China, approximately 60%± of municipal patients are treated with Western medicine and 40%± of them are treated using herbal medicines. > 50% of farmer patients are still treated with herbal medicine currently. It has been estimated that approximately 2.0 billion populations (33%± population from the around world) are relied upon their traditional medicine.)
Chinese Medicine is Classified • Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) • Wrapped herbal medicine for • (internal, pediatric, oncological, ENT and dental services) • Surgery • Orthopedics • Gynecology-Obstetrics • Nutrition • Acupuncture and Tui Na or medical massage. • Acupuncture is only one of fractions of Chinese medicine.
Acupuncture in the USA • Acupuncture for human beingYes • Remote acupuncture for humanquirk • Acupuncture therapy for catsquiz • Acupuncture therapy for dogs crazy
Modern Chinese Medicine • Hi-tech made concentrated herbal remedies • Surgery and orthopedics, • Infusion or injection with herbal extracts • Electric or laser-induced acupuncture • Point injection • Integration of deep tissue massage to surface use of herbal extract and infrared therapy • Role of herbal remedies in hi-tech bio-drugs
5 Names of Herbal Medicine in the World Oriental medicine or Alternative therapy in Western countries Han-Fan medicine in Japan Scientific Zhong Yao in Taiwan Concentrated Zhong Yao in China HHN & HHP by Dr. David L. Liu in the USA
Difference in Classifications of Herbs • Classic HerbsFolk HerbsLi Shi Zhen • 265 sorts 547 sorts 1,892 sorts
TCMWest M • whole body regional • Yin-Yang balance inflammation • air-blood integration heart-lung fun • stasis of air-blood tumors • Bian-zhen-si-zhi identical regimen • muscle-joint paralysis arthritis • overstrain lumber disc • minor side-effects sever side-effects • chronic diseases acute diseases
West Meets East • During the past 31 years I used to integrate Western medicine with Chinese medicine because each of them has their advantages.
Advantages of Western Medicine Acute diseases can be effectively treated with Western medicine,for example, trauma and injury, massive bleeding, heart attack and cardiovascular diseases, surgical and genetic disorders, early stage of tumors, which can be radically cured by surgery, transplantation of organ and tissue, and others.
Advantages of Chinese Medicine • Many chronicdiseases can be efficiently treated or cured by combined therapy of herbal remedy, medical massage, infrared & acupuncture, such as chronic pain in muscle and joint, low back pain and rheumatoid arthritis, migraine; autoimmune diseases, depression, deaf, hair loss, immune deficiency, stroke and elder-related brain disease. • More importantly, herbal remedies are non-addictive, not drug-resistance and side-effect free if they are prepared in a right recipe.
西医诊断、中药治疗、不断发扬 • 传统中医诊断是几千年或几百年前民间医师们对疾病的抽象认识和概念,应当学习和发扬,但有许多方面还需不断完善和提高。例如用中医的观点来看,由脑溢血或脑血栓造成的脑中风,冠状动脉狭窄诱发的心绞痛和心肌梗死,肝炎引起的肝肿大,细菌感染引起的各种脓疡,内分泌失调所致的痛经和闭经,所有的良性和恶性肿瘤以及跌打损伤所致的局部组织挫伤和瘀血等等,中医都用气血瘀滞来解释,并以活血化瘀作治则。显然这是不全面、不完美和不科学的。
Combination of West-East Medicine • 西医是以解剖学、生理学和病理学为基础,以多种化验诊断和高科技术为依据,对疾病进行了病因和病理的精确分类和定义。例如中耳炎、肺炎、肝硬化、甲状腺机能亢进,乳腺癌和糖尿病等,诊断一目了然,方便用药。还有,许多来院就医病人先前已经西医确诊或治疗,在西药医治无效时再改中医中药治疗,医师和病人已经习惯用西医病名作为主诉,所以西医诊断便于病人与医师之间的对话和交流。
中药治疗的独特性,优越性,创造性和可治性 • 关于中药治疗的指导思想是因为许多慢性疾病,如风湿性关节炎、慢性迁延性肝炎、慢性肾炎、前列腺炎、溃疡性结肠、直肠炎等应用中药治疗可获得比西药治疗更好的结果。在许多方面中药有其独特性,优越性,创造性和可治性。
Current Status of Herbal Medicine • 1) refined injection reagents • 2) concentrated herbal tablets or capsules • 3) polymers or monomer • 4) polymer-recipes gradually recognized by NIH • 5) herbal or food supplements have become one of main • streams in Medcare • 6) large-pharmaceuticals company manufacture too • 7) fake herbal products confuse markets • 8) HHN and HHP make top quality of products • 9) More people come back to natural medicine • Only 3,500 people in Beijing a day, but there are 32,000 people to visit herbal hospitals in Guangzhou a day.
HHN or HHP Products are 5 to 11 Times More Powerful Than Herbal Materials
LD50 & MTD 半数致死剂量(LD50)和最高耐受剂量(MTD) 肌注半数致死剂量(LD50): C57BL6小鼠 = 3.4165克/公斤体重 SD 大鼠 = 2.3910克/公斤体重 人体理论剂量 = 0.3758克/公斤体重 肌注最高耐受剂量(MTD): C57BL6小鼠 = 2.8475克/公斤体重 SD 大鼠 = 1.9932克/公斤体重 人体理论剂量 = 0.3132克/公斤体重
A New Model of 4 Tumors in a Mouse for Screen Effective Anti-Cancer Herbal Drugs
A New Model of 6 tumors in a mouse for Screen Effective Anti-Cancer Herbal Drugs
5 of 6 Tumors In This Mouse Regressed by Intra-Peritoneal Injection With LDL-110
Herbal Remedies Prevent Tumors • We have for the first time observed this new finding. It has been confirmed in our laboratory and also in 3 national medical university laboratories independently. • I am very serious to disclose this new finding.
Oral Intake Herbal Extracts In Vivo Experiment (x 1 M) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control groupx 4 C57BL6 mice HE25 mg/kg Group 1 x 12 C57BL6 mice HE 50 mg/kg Group 2 x 12 C57BL6 mice HE 100 mg/kg Group 3 x 12 C57BL6 mice HE 200 mg/kg Group 4 x 12 C57BL6 mice DE25 mg/kg Group 5 x12 C57BL6 mice DE 50 mg/kg Group 6 x12 C57BL6 mice DE 100 mg/kg Group 7 x12 C57BL6 mice DE 200 mg/kg Group 8 x12 C57BL6 mice GE25 mg/kg Group 9 x12 C57BL6 mice GE 50 mg/kg Group 10 x12 C57BL6 mice GE 100 mg/kg Group 11 x12 C57BL6 mice GE 200 mg/kg Group 12 x12 C57BL6 mice 1. Blood sampling for serum IFN, IFN, IL2, IL12 on day 5, 10, 15 after starting treatment. 2. Samples for serum immunoglogublines 3. T cell therapy for tumor vaccines 4. T cell samples for gene therapy 5. Tissue samples for HE staining 6. Thymus and spleen for immunohistochemical staining 7. FACS of splenic cells