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Vocabulary. Canon Law- The law of Church. Excommunication- To kick out someone out of the church. Lay Investiture- Ceremony where Kings and Nobles appointed Bishops.

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  1. Vocabulary Canon Law- The law of Church. Excommunication- To kick out someone out of the church. Lay Investiture- Ceremony where Kings and Nobles appointed Bishops. Concordat of Worms- Agreement between the Church and Holy Roman Empire that said only the Church could appoint Bishops but Emperor could veto. Gothic- New style of architecture that created massive Cathedrals.

  2. Warm up What is the purpose of the separation of church and state?

  3. The Authority of the Church

  4. The scope of Church Authority • The church influenced both spiritual and worldly matters. • Why were there always problems between the Church and State? • Both sides wanted power and neither wanted to share. • Started when Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Emperor

  5. Church structure was made up of different ranks of clergy. • Pope • Bishop • Priests • How did the Church bond people together throughout the feudal period? • Despite the divisions that feudalism and manorialism created among people the church was able to bond people together with a sense of belonging to a religious community. • Everyone was expected to receive the sacraments and go to heaven.

  6. All medieval Christians were subject to canon law, or Church Law. • Popes used threats of excommunication or interdict to wield power over political rulers.

  7. Involvement in political affairs • The Church resented lay investiture, a ceremony where kings and nobles appointed church leaders. • The Church felt that Bishops should not be under the control of any King.

  8. Cluny Reform Movement • Spiritual movement that swept across Europe around 1000AD • Influenced by Monasteries Popes began to reform the Church • Reforms focused on: • Marriages of village priests • Simony • Lay Investiture

  9. Pope Leo IX bans simony and the marriage of priests • Pope Gregory VII bans Lay-Investiture • Created tension between Gregory and the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV

  10. They came up with a compromise called concordat of worms. • Agreement between the Church and leaders of the Holy Roman Empire that stated only the Church could appoint Bishops, but the Emperor could veto the choice.

  11. Architecture • Romanesque Church (800-1200) • Roof was held up by thick walls and pillars • The thick walls and tiny pillars let in little light

  12. Gothic Church (1100-1500) • Spectacular in size height and design • Emphasized height and light • Used flying buttresses to support the heavy walls and vaulted ceiling • Had many tall pointed spheres • Many stained glass windows • Took 50-100 years to build • Remember: Greek and Roman ideas were kept alive by monks who created manuscripts by recopying literature . • Manuscript literally means handwritten

  13. Closing Why was the Church/religion so important during the Middle Ages?

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