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For more course tutorials visit<br><br>www.tutorialoutlet.com<br><br>BUS 375 Week 1 DQ 1 Human Capital<br><br>BUS 375 Week 1 DQ 2 Strategic Training<br>
BUS 375 AshCourseTutorial For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Entire Course (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com BUS 375 Week 1 DQ 1 Human Capital BUS 375 Week 1 DQ 2 Strategic Training BUS 375 Week 1 Assignment Training Models BUS 375 Week 2 Assignment Learning Theories Paper BUS 375 Week 3 Assignment The Transfer of Training Paper BUS 375 Week 4 Assignment Traditional Training Methods Paper BUS 375 Week 5 Final Paper BUS 375 Week 5 DQ 1 Skills Outlook
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 1 Assignment Training Models (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Training Models. Based on your readings and any research you may do, briefly give a two to three page overview of the corporate university model. Focus on why many organizations today are emphasizing training utilizing the internal university structure. You should have a minimum of three references. The paper will be evaluated on the basis of content, citations (APA format), grammar, and punctuation.
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 1 DQ 1 Human Capital (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Human Capital. How does the concept of human capital relate to employee training and development? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 1 DQ 2 Strategic Training (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Strategic Training. What do you think is the most important aspect of strategic training? Which model is generally most effective and why? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 2 Assignment Learning Theories Paper (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Learning Theories. In a two to three page paper, examine a specific learning theory and relate it to your current or most recent employer. Discuss whether or not the use of this theory would generate the same results in any other organization. The paper must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 2 DQ 1 Needs Assessment (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Needs Assessment. If you had to conduct a needs assessment for your current employer (or most recent, if not currently employed) describe the method you would use. Why did you choose that method? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 2 DQ 2 Effective Learning (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Effective Learning. Do you think instructional objectives help learning to occur? Why or why not? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 3 Assignment The Transfer of Training Paper (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com The Transfer of Training. In a two to three page paper, discuss some of the aspects of the transfer of training. What are the primary factors that play a role in the success of the process? How can application of the training objectives be sustained? What are some of the challenges? The paper must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 3 DQ 1 The Learning Organization (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com The Learning Organization. Which is the most important feature of the learning organization? The least? Why? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 3 DQ 2 Evaluation Metrics (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Evaluation Metrics. What metrics might be useful for evaluating the effectiveness of a company’s training program? ROI (Return On Investment in learning)? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 4 Assignment Traditional Training Methods Paper For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Training Methods. In a two to three page paper, review and analyze the information on traditional training methods. Which do you think tend to be the most effective and why? Which do you think tend to be most ineffective and why? The paper must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 4 DQ 1 Self For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Self-Directed Learning. Describe in detail how the characteristics of a trainee may affect their self-directed learning. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 4 DQ 2 Effects of Technology (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Effects of Technology. Do you believe that new technologies make it easier for a person to learn? Why? Why not? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 4 DQ 3 Ethics Training (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Ethics Training. Read at least one article on subject of “ethics” and “corporate training” from the University library and then answer the following: Can ethics be taught in a corporate training environment? If so, discuss how you would conduct such training? If not, discuss why and how employees would come to understand the corporate ethical values and act appropriately. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 5 DQ 1 Skills Outlook (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Skills Outlook. What skills needed in the current workforce may become obsolete and why? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 5 DQ 2 Process Reengineering (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Process Reengineering. How does process reengineering impact the field of training? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.
BUS 375 Ash CourseTutorial BUS 375 Week 5 Final Paper (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Focus of the Final Paper Students may choose a final paper topic of their choice, or one from any one of the topics/questions listed below: 1. Discuss how employee training needs to evolve due to immigration and related cultural changes. 2. In what ways has technology impacted the way(s) we train employees? 3. How might employee training differ from one country to another on a global basis?