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For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com SOC 331 Week 1 DQ 1 Moral, Legal, and Religious Perspectives on Social Justice (Ash) SOC 331 Week 1 DQ 2 The Justice of Climate Change (Ash) SOC 331 Week 1 Quiz (Ash) SOC 331 Week 2 DQ 1 Justice from Four Perspectives Family, Community, State, and Nation (Ash) SOC 331 Week 2 DQ 2 Justice and Socio-Economic Class (Ash) SOC 331 Week 2 Quiz (Ash) SOC 331 Week 2 State vs. Federal Marijuana Legalization (Ash) SOC 331 Week 3 DQ 1 Distributive Justice Across the Generations (Ash) SOC 331 Week 3 DQ 2 Distributive Justice and Scarce Natural Resources (Ash) SOC 331 Week 3 Quiz (Ash) SOC 331 Week 4 DQ 1 Commutative Justice and Embryo Adoption (Ash) SOC 331 Week 4 DQ 2 Commutative Justice and the National Debt (Ash) SOC 331 Week 4 Quiz (Ash) SOC 331 Week 5 DQ 1 Retributive Justice and Mandatory Life Imprisonment for Juvenile Offenders (Ash) SOC 331 Week 5 DQ 2 Alternative to Retributive Justice (Ash) SOC 331 Week 5 Quiz (Ash)
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Entire Course (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com SOC 331 Week 1 DQ 1 Moral, Legal, and Religious Perspectives on Social Justice (Ash)SOC 331 Week 1 DQ 2 The Justice of Climate Change (Ash)SOC 331 Week 1 Quiz (Ash)SOC 331 Week 2 DQ 1 Justice from Four Perspectives Family, Community, State, and Nation (Ash)SOC 331 Week 2 DQ 2 Justice and Socio-Economic Class (Ash)SOC 331 Week 2 Quiz (Ash)SOC 331 Week 2 State vs. Federal Marijuana Legalization (Ash)SOC 331 Week 3 DQ 1 Distributive Justice Across the Generations (Ash)SOC 331 Week 3 DQ 2 Distributive Justice and Scarce Natural Resources (Ash)
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 1 DQ 1 Moral, Legal, and Religious Perspectives on Social Justice For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Moral, Legal, and Religious Perspectives on Social Justice. In Chapter 1 of your textbook, justice is analyzed from three perspectives, each with its own set of relevant concepts. The text includes three case studies for consideration from each perspective. Select one (only one) of these case studies as the focus of your initial post in this discussion. Then analyze the selected case study from the justice perspective which accompanies it and answer the following questions. a. If you select “Case Study 1.1 – Jacob Little and Walmart,” analyze it from the perspective of justice as a moral concept. Your analysis must address the following questions: § Did Walmart offer Jacob a just wage? Why or why not? § Was the alderman’s decision to let Walmart operate in the city just? Why or why not?
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 1 DQ 2 The Justice of Climate Change For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com The Justice of Climate Change. In Chapter 1 of your textbook, the author identifies the possible causes and consequences of global warming/climate change as emerging issues loaded with implications for justice. He also analyzes the concepts of distributive justice, commutative justice, and retributive justice and suggests their relevance to conversations about how individuals, businesses, and nations should respond justly to evidence of global warming. These conversations are made more difficult by acrimonious debates about the quality of the scientific evidence that supports global warming hypotheses as well as the motives and integrity of various scientists on both sides of the issue. “Case Study 1.4 – Getting Warmer?” illustrates this problem.
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 1 Quiz (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com The Justice of Climate Change. In Chapter 1 of your textbook, the author identifies the possible causes and consequences of global warming/climate change as emerging issues loaded with implications for justice. He also analyzes the concepts of distributive justice, commutative justice, and retributive justice and suggests their relevance to conversations about how individuals, businesses, and nations should respond justly to evidence of global warming. These conversations are made more difficult by acrimonious debates about the quality of the scientific evidence that supports global warming hypotheses as well as the motives and integrity of various scientists on both sides of the issue. “Case Study 1.4 – Getting Warmer?” illustrates this problem.
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 2 DQ 1 Justice from Four Perspectives Family, Community, State, For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Justice from Four Perspectives: Family, Community, State, and Nation. In Chapter 2, the author urges students to “look at justice through the lens of reason” by developing “frameworks that permit careful analysis and evaluation of competing views” (Dreisbach, 2013, Section 2.1). He provides an example of such a framework by analyzing how the concept of justice varies when viewed from the different perspectives of family, community, state, and nation. In this discussion, you will apply this framework to analyze justice issues arising from demands for the legalization of a traditionally prohibited behavior in the United States – same-sex marriage. Before responding, carefully read the discussion question below:
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 2 DQ 2 Justice and Socio-Economic , For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Justice and Socio-Economic Class. In Chapter 2 of the textbook, the author describes meanings for the concept of socio-economic class and analyzes how perceptions of justice may be influenced by class distinctions in American society (see Section 2.4). He also references the related views of two provocative and thought-provoking contemporary scholars. Robert H. Frank provides an economic analysis, and Charles Murray offers a socio-cultural interpretation. In this discussion, you will summarize the perspective of one of these scholars and evaluate its relevance to understanding how class influences beliefs about justice. Review the questions below and select one (only one) of these scholars as the focus of your initial post. a. Robert H. Frank.
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 2 Quiz (Ash) , For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com A neighborhood covenant prohibiting homeowners from making changes to their property without permission is an example of Student Answer: Retributive justice Distributive justice Commutative justice Restorative justice Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in 2.2 Justice from the Perspectives of Different Levels of Family Points Received:
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 2 State vs. Federal Marijuana Legalization For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com State vs. Federal Marijuana Legalization. For this assignment, you will again follow the suggestion to “look at justice through… frameworks that permit careful analysis and evaluation of competing views” (Dreisbach, 2013, Section 2.1). Again, you will apply his framework for analyzing how the concept of justice varies when viewed from the different perspectives of family, community, state, and nation. In this assignment, you will apply this framework to analyze justice issues arising from recent successful efforts to legalize recreational marijuana use in two states and medical marijuana in several other states. Before responding, carefully read the assignment prompt below. By the end of 2012, eighteen states and the District of Columbia had legalized medical marijuana use, under various circumstances, and two states had legalized recreational marijuana use. Legalization proposals are pending in other states. At the same time, the federal government’s Controlled Substances Act (CSA) bans
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 3 DQ 1 Distributive Justice Across the GenerationsFor more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Distributive Justice Across the Generations. In Chapter 3 of your textbook, the author discusses how demographic differences, such as age, influence understandings of distributive justice. He also reviews how libertarian, utilitarian, and egalitarian theories of distributive justice enter into conversations across demographic divides. The soaring cost of health care, the limitations of the economy in paying for health care, and the growing proportion of the population who are over age 65, have given rise to serious discussion, at times acrimonious, about the possible need to or the justice of rationing health care to that age group. A common definition of rationing is withholding some specific medical treatments for reasons other than a patient’s desire to have the treatment (e.g., Medicare not paying for certain treatments for very elderly patients). In your discussion, you must, from the perspective of distributive justice, summarize the major arguments on both sides (the pros and cons) of the issue of whether health care should be rationed to the elderly. You must also characterize these arguments according to whether they are primarily libertarian, utilitarian
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 3 DQ 1 Distributive Justice Across the GenerationsFor more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Distributive Justice Across the Generations. In Chapter 3 of your textbook, the author discusses how demographic differences, such as age, influence understandings of distributive justice. He also reviews how libertarian, utilitarian, and egalitarian theories of distributive justice enter into conversations across demographic divides. The soaring cost of health care, the limitations of the economy in paying for health care, and the growing proportion of the population who are over age 65, have given rise to serious discussion, at times acrimonious, about the possible need to or the justice of rationing health care to that age group. A common definition of rationing is withholding some specific medical treatments for reasons other than a patient’s desire to have the treatment (e.g., Medicare not paying for certain treatments for very elderly patients). In your discussion, you must, from the perspective of distributive justice, summarize the major arguments on both sides (the pros and cons) of the issue of whether health care should be rationed to the elderly. You must also characterize these arguments according to whether they are primarily libertarian, utilitarian
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 3 DQ 2 Distributive Justice and Scarce Natural Resources For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Product Description Distributive Justice and Scarce Natural Resources. In Chapter 3 of the text, the author calls attention to how struggles for scarce natural resources will pose increasingly difficult problems of distributive justice in the future, on both the local and global levels. “Case 3.4 – Fracking Friction” (in Section 3.4) explores this issue in the context of fracking for natural gas. Suppose that the connection between fracking and adverse health effects is as yet an unproven possibility. Do individuals’ health interests outweigh the property interests of energy companies in withholding information about fracking chemicals, which they claim are trade-secrets? Why or why not?
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 3 Quiz (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Distributive Justice and Scarce Natural Resources. In Chapter 3 of the text, the author calls attention to how struggles for scarce natural resources will pose increasingly difficult problems of distributive justice in the future, on both the local and global levels. “Case 3.4 – Fracking Friction” (in Section 3.4) explores this issue in the context of fracking for natural gas. Suppose that the connection between fracking and adverse health effects is as yet an unproven possibility. Do individuals’ health interests outweigh the property interests of energy companies in withholding information about fracking chemicals, which they claim are trade-secrets? Why or why not?
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 4 DQ 1 Commutative Justice and Embryo Adoption For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Commutative Justice and Embryo “Adoption.” In Chapter 4 of the textbook, the author examines commutative justice as arising from contractual relationships – a specific contract among particular parties or a broader social contract on which a community or nation is based. He also discusses how the interpretation or enforceability of a specific contract may be influenced by the principles and values that are part of the broader social contract. At the end of 2012, more than 600,000 frozen embryos are being maintained in cryopreservation storage facilities in the United States. Some of them are the subject of agreements in which one party transfers one or more embryos to another party for implantation. Such agreements may be called “Embryo Adoption Agreements,” although there is controversy over the use of the term adoption since the legal status of an embryo is different from that of a living child. In recent years, there have been a number of legal disputes arising from these agreements. Cynthia Marietta describes one of these
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 4 DQ 2 Commutative Justice and the National Debt For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Commutative Justice and the National Debt. In Chapter 4 of the text, the author examines commutative justice across the generations (see Section 4.5). This idea arises from the writings of British political thinker Edmund Burke (1790): “Society is indeed a contract… a partnership in all art, a particular in every virtue, and in all perfection. As the ends of such a partnership cannot be obtained in many generations, it becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born…” (Reflections on the French Revolution, para. 165) Burke’s idea of a social contract between generations is often cited in contemporary debates about the spiraling nation debt of the United States. What do young and old citizens living today owe, as a matter of commutative justice, to generations of citizens who are not yet born? Is it just for today’s citizens to demand policies (e.g., low taxes and high levels of
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 4 Quiz (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Commutative Justice and the National Debt. In Chapter 4 of the text, the author examines commutative justice across the generations (see Section 4.5). This idea arises from the writings of British political thinker Edmund Burke (1790): “Society is indeed a contract… a partnership in all art, a particular in every virtue, and in all perfection. As the ends of such a partnership cannot be obtained in many generations, it becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born…” (Reflections on the French Revolution, para. 165) Burke’s idea of a social contract between generations is often cited in contemporary debates about the spiraling nation debt of the United States. What do young and old citizens living today owe, as a matter of commutative justice, to generations of citizens who are not yet born? Is it just for today’s citizens to demand policies (e.g., low taxes and high levels of
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 5 DQ 1 Retributive Justice and Mandatory Life Imprisonment for Juvenile For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Retributive Justice and Mandatory Life Imprisonment for Juvenile Offenders. In Chapter 5 of the textbook, the author examines retributive justice from the standpoint of the means of punishment (Section 5.2). He calls attention to the length of prison sentences and, in particular, the issue of mandatory life sentences for juvenile offenders. In 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court declared laws that require judges to impose life-without-parole sentences for juveniles to be in violation of the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of “cruel and unusual punishments.” The decision (Miller v. Alabama) was a 5-4 split in the Court – which is typical of many such decisions that apply the cruel and unusual punishment provision. Your initial post must analyze the retributive justice issues of mandatory, life-without-parole sentences. Consider the facts of Miller v. Alabama: Defendant Miller, a 14-year old boy, with an accomplice beat the victim with a baseball bat and set his trailer on fire with the victim inside. Defendant Miller was tried as an adult for capital murder while committing arson.
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 5 DQ 2 Alternative to Retributive Justice For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Alternative to Retributive Justice. In Chapter 5 of the text, the author discusses four alternatives to retributive justice: corrective justice, reformative justice, restorative justice, and transformative justice (see Section 5.3). In “Case Study 5.5 – Dead Woman Walking,” the text describes the circumstances that led to the 1998 execution in Texas of Karla Faye Tucker. Before she was executed she requested, but was denied, clemency. Her cause was supported by many political, correctional, and moral leaders. Would the application of any of the four alternatives to retribution have produced a more just outcome? Your initial post must explain and apply each of the four alternative theories of justice to Karla Faye Tucker’s case. Also, critically evaluate each of the alternatives in the circumstances of her case. Why does each theory produce a more or less just outcome than the approach actually followed by the State of Texas? Finally, is the utility of each alternative limited to the unusual circumstances of Karla’s case or do they have value more generally to merit consideration as a more just approach than retributive justice?
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 5 Quiz (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Alternative to Retributive Justice. In Chapter 5 of the text, the author discusses four alternatives to retributive justice: corrective justice, reformative justice, restorative justice, and transformative justice (see Section 5.3). In “Case Study 5.5 – Dead Woman Walking,” the text describes the circumstances that led to the 1998 execution in Texas of Karla Faye Tucker. Before she was executed she requested, but was denied, clemency. Her cause was supported by many political, correctional, and moral leaders. Would the application of any of the four alternatives to retribution have produced a more just outcome? Your initial post must explain and apply each of the four alternative theories of justice to Karla Faye Tucker’s case. Also, critically evaluate each of the alternatives in the circumstances of her case. Why does each theory produce a more or less just outcome than the approach actually followed by the State of Texas? Finally, is the utility of each alternative limited to the unusual circumstances of Karla’s case or do they have value more generally to merit consideration as a more just approach than retributive justice?
SOC 331 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 331 Week 5 Quiz (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Alternative to Retributive Justice. In Chapter 5 of the text, the author discusses four alternatives to retributive justice: corrective justice, reformative justice, restorative justice, and transformative justice (see Section 5.3). In “Case Study 5.5 – Dead Woman Walking,” the text describes the circumstances that led to the 1998 execution in Texas of Karla Faye Tucker. Before she was executed she requested, but was denied, clemency. Her cause was supported by many political, correctional, and moral leaders. Would the application of any of the four alternatives to retribution have produced a more just outcome? Your initial post must explain and apply each of the four alternative theories of justice to Karla Faye Tucker’s case. Also, critically evaluate each of the alternatives in the circumstances of her case. Why does each theory produce a more or less just outcome than the approach actually followed by the State of Texas? Finally, is the utility of each alternative limited to the unusual circumstances of Karla’s case or do they have value more generally to merit consideration as a more just approach than retributive justice?