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Dive into the world of land art by creating abstract sculptures inspired by nature's basic elements using clay pinching techniques. Let nature guide your hands in forming beautiful organic shapes on tiles.
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.miqel.com/images_1/random_image/r1/andy-goldsworthy-2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.miqel.com/random_images/fascinating-visual-chaos-9.html&usg=__HsSptA1uus6iINtY-HlG2NB1zjw=&h=438&w=485&sz=70&hl=en&start=12&itbs=1&tbnid=npsamUFyucJ9sM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dart%2Band%2Bnature%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.miqel.com/images_1/random_image/r1/andy-goldsworthy-2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.miqel.com/random_images/fascinating-visual-chaos-9.html&usg=__HsSptA1uus6iINtY-HlG2NB1zjw=&h=438&w=485&sz=70&hl=en&start=12&itbs=1&tbnid=npsamUFyucJ9sM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dart%2Band%2Bnature%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1 Art in Nature Mini Project #1 (familiarizing oneself with clay, and using pinching techniques) Andy Goldsworthy, land art artist
Background information: Land Art Became well known as an art movement in the 1960s and 1970s. Simply put, in this movement the art and the land are linked together or are one. The art is made in nature, using natural materials. Land art was meant as a protest against the commercialization and artificiality of art in the 60s.
Clay at its most fundamental is mud, thus great for land art, and often used for this medium. While we are not making monumental landworks, (earthworks), we are making works about nature, using nature.
Artist Association: Tony Marsh “I am fascinated by [the ceramic vessel's] deep and unparalleled history and position between nature and culture.”- Tony Marsh (wikipedia.org)
Tony Marsh cont. Tony Marsh is a contemporary artist who creates multiple similar vessels and forms and abstracts them by his combinations and subtractions.
Project introduction: • Nature/ organic matter is something that is inherently repetitive and often symmetrical. For every right eye there is a left. For every left leg, a right. It’s about balance and that means that things are most often even. • When one really studies nature, one might notice how it can often be reduced to a basic unit of an element. Even here you can see how the earth is made up of ground up rocks, becoming particles of dirt.
When you start to look for it, you will notice that for every flower, there are multiple petals. For every tree, there are hundreds of leaves that make it up.
For this first project we have already begun to look at nature, and some of you even have pieces of it in this room. Today, you are going to work from what you have found and drawn. Or if you wish you may come up with something using the packet provided. Either way, we are going to look at our objects of nature and break them down to their most basic elements.
Having found/ decided upon that basic unit, we will use ONLY OUR HANDS, to attempt to recreate that form in. Pinch out the shapes using your fingers and if necessary, use your nails to create details.
Next, using our knowledge of ways of thinking, we will recreate that form. Repeatedly. Until we have multiple units of shapes.
Finally, we will take those units and attach them to tiles that seem like abstract sculptures compared to the original object. These should be simple abstractions that create beautiful sculptures when reduced to a single element.
Your final project might look similar to the following examples. Heather Knight 2010
Artist Heather Knight works in a manner similar to what your projects will end up looking like. However, I want you to think of her, (and Tony Marsh), as inspiration, and you may abstract your art in another way if it will help you. Remember the ideas presented in Design Synectics that suggest ways for presenting interesting designs. Here we are using Repeat, but what else can you do with your work? Heather Knight 2010
Project Information: Tile size: 3”x 3” Object Inspiration: chosen by you, must be organic Methods used: Pinching mostly Challenge: Repeat the unit of nature!! Heather Knight 2010