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The JUNIOR OFFICER’S “How To”. BQC-NR Graduation You will be applying for billets over the next 3 months. You must be assigned a billet before graduation or have an approved plan to fill a billet. Approver is LCDR Melvey. The RC Junior Officer Responsibilities

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  1. The JUNIOR OFFICER’S “How To”

  2. BQC-NR Graduation • You will be applying for billets over the next 3 months. • You must be assigned a billet before graduation or have an approved plan to fill a billet. • Approver is LCDR Melvey

  3. The RC Junior Officer Responsibilities • Must register in JOAPPLY PRIOR to being able to apply for billets. • JOAPPLY Search Capabilities: (Vacant billets only) • Rank (ex: LT, LCDR,) • RUIC • Designator • NOBC • NRA • Program Code

  4. The RC Junior Officer Responsibilities (Cont.) • Apply for a billet (up to 3). • After a billet is assigned: • Ensure PRD is assigned as reflected in the orders • Ensure your NOSC processes your gain in NSIPS

  5. The RC Junior Officer Responsibilities (Cont) • Billet application • JOs can apply for up to three billets. • You may email a unit commanding officer to ask questions. • JOs also have the ability to make comments on “Dream Sheets”. Include the other billets you are applying for with them ranked and also include cross assignment requests. • Comments are limited to 500 characters. A space is considered a character.

  6. The RC Junior Officer Responsibilities (Cont) • Where can I get training for the JOAPPLY system? • All Senior Officers and those JOs that have applied for Command are familiar with the APPLY program. JOAPPLY uses the same program and pulls from the same data base. • Using JOAPPLY restricts the data to non Command Junior Officer billets. • Senior Officers are systemically prevented from applying for JO billets via the JOAPPLY process. • With that understood, all Senior Officers and Junior Officers that have been involved in the Apply process should become mentors for the JOAPPLY system.

  7. JOAPPLY will use a “Cycle” system patterned after the enlisted CMS Cycle • The JOAPPLY Cycle will be posted on the APPLY website for review • Green – RC Junior Officers can submit up to 3 applications during this period. • Red- indicates when Assignment Coordinators will make selections and issue orders via IDT Orderwriter 7

  8. Browse Vacant JO Billets You cannot “apply” in this mode You must login to apply

  9. Login

  10. Part I: Profile & Registration Part II: Assignment Tools

  11. Part I Profile & Registration

  12. Profile & Registration If you have not completed registration, you will see this in your menu:

  13. Registration: Current Assignment Information Data as it reflects in RHS and NSIPS What to do if the data is inaccurate Do you agree with the data?

  14. Registration: Billet History Data You can edit this information Click here to edit the billet info

  15. Registration: Billet History Data Continued Once you have edited the fields, save the info by clicking “Submit” Then “Return” to Billet History

  16. Registration:Personal Data and Contact Information This data is from NSIPS & RHS. You must contact your NOSC if this information is Incorrect.

  17. Registration:Personal Data and Contact Information continued You must provide this information. Primary e-mail must be a .mil address.

  18. Registration:Qualifications If any of the info on this screen is incorrect, see the “Discrepancy Matrix” for assistance.

  19. Part II Application Process

  20. To apply for billets click “Search for Junior Officer Assignments”

  21. When you click the link to “Search for Junior Officer Assignments” this is the opening text you see: Continue Searching

  22. Search The 2 primary filters are: Rank (hold shift key down and select ENS, LT and LTJG); and Designator (make it 3100) and click “search” at the bottom of the page I recommend that you do not set any other filters . This way you will be looking at all billets in the US in case there are “cross assigned” opportunities

  23. Search Results To review billets click “Details”

  24. Billet Details Unit Information Billet Information Supported Command Information

  25. Billet Details Continued Supported Command Comments Commanding Officer Comments

  26. Adding billets to dreamsheet may select up to 3 choices

  27. Confirmation of billet choices on a dreamsheet If the billet has already been added to the dreamsheet, a message will appear on the grid and on the billet details page

  28. Dreamsheet with 3 choices Click here to remove choice Submit remarks here Removing and adding billets and modifying application comments is only allowed during the application phase of the JOAPPLY cycle.

  29. ****Conclusion**** • The Third phase of JOAPPLY is where the OSO’s • review all applicants that have applied for their billets. • They have the ability to: • Rank the applicants • Disapprove an applicant • Comment on the applicants • The Final phase of JOAPPLY is where CNRFC N12 Assignment • Coordinators review all applicants, OSOs ranking & comments, • then slate the Junior Officers to billets . • You are notified via the e-mail of your application result. • All orders are sent directly to the gaining and losing NOSCs, • and the respective Echelon IV. • If you are disapproved, you may reapply for another 3 billets • during the next cycle. • You can view your new orders via the Current Assignments link in • your Profile.

  30. Finish Email your RCC N4 to let them know for which billet(s) you applied, and if you applied for more than one billet, rank them (e.g. “XXXX billet is my first choice, YYYY is my second choice, ZZZZ is my third choice”). If you don’t know who your RCC N4 is, email LCDR Melvey. Copy LCDR Melvey (paul.melvey@navy.mil) and LCDR Carmicheal (antonio.carmichael@navy.mil) on the email to your N4.

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